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So I've been meaning to sign upto these forums for over a month now and I finally got around to it!


Hi! I have no idea what to write here but I'm As'miya or Miya as people like to shorten it down. I've been on Balmung for just over a month now and I've been RPing for since a week after I joined the server. I decided to take the plunge after my original server didn't appeal to me anymore and I had always wanted to join Balmung after seeing the community on Tumblr.


Anyway fast forward to a crazy month but I was introduce to the world of RP, prior to joining Balmung I've never really had the chance to get into RP but I'm so glad I allowed myself to get talked into it because I'm addicted to it now! I learnt from the best and I've been very lucky to be surrounded by people who have wanted to help me. My original canon just didn't work out in the end and I was very honoured to be invited to join the Wyvern tribe as As'miya Hyun.


Since I joined the other As'cattes and wrote a new canon, I've had an amazing time and I've met some amazing people! I was recommended to join these forums and make a character wiki which I will do, anyway so I'm not sure what else to write here but hello!!!


OOC info about me is that I'm from the UK, I work a lot and I enjoy cosplaying too. So hey!

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Hello, and welcome to the RPC!

Glad to hear you're enjoying RP on this server, though. The number one key is to have fun, right?


If you'd like another kitty to hang with whenever you're bored, feel free to give me a poke in-game!


Again, welcome to the RPC and I hope you enjoy yourself! (/)o w o)/)

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Welcome! :) Any day when we get a notice of somebody new to Balmung is a good day! 


I'm about to head out the door so I can't write much, but if you're looking for some public RP events to participate in and "get your feet wet", check out my FC's page (linked in my signature), we have several coming up this month and the more attendees the merrier!

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A fellow cosplayer! Welcome to Balmung! *confetti*


I'd be happy to RP with you on any of my girls! Their wikis are in my signature, throw me a PM if you're interested!


*glares at Rhix but says nothing*


Welcome to the RPC As'miya!


Be sure to fill out a post in the "Player Directory" and the "MakinG Connections" so we can get to know you and your charcaters!

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A fellow cosplayer! Welcome to Balmung! *confetti*


I'd be happy to RP with you on any of my girls! Their wikis are in my signature, throw me a PM if you're interested!

*glares at Rhix but says nothing*


Welcome to the RPC As'miya!


Be sure to fill out a post in the "Player Directory" and teh "Makign Connectiosn" so we can get to know you and your charcaters!

*pops a confetti popper over T'khoa's head*


Definitely post in making connections, it gets you a ton of people to RP with! \o/

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HOLY CRAP. I'm surprised I didn't look at this sooner... thank you all for the MASSIVE welcome. I'm really overwhelmed you all greeted me and replied to my silly lil thread... I actually only thought one or two people would reply.


THANKS SO MUCH! :moogle::moogle::moogle:


Wow... these emoticons are so so so so so so so cute! >:3



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