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Shy Raen seeking friends

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As a player I'm fairly new to Balmung and the RP scene, so I'm still trying to settle in and start making connections. There are a few people who have helped with this (thank you so much you guys <3) but it doesn't hurt to open Roka's options up through here.



[align=center]What Do I Need To Know?[/align]



Roka is an affable little Raen who loves people, even though she often comes across a little on the shy side. She warms up very quickly to strangers and she thrives when she can make people happy.


She is a cook by trade, in the process of getting her small Goblet cafe ready to open officially. She is primarily found in Ul'Dah and the surrounding desert areas, though she has strayed into the Black Shroud to follow a friend.


Roka does not carry a weapon unless it is specifically equipped and left visible. ome lovely glamour items have daggers and such on them, if you see her wearing it and I don't specifically mention a weapon for IC purposes it is not there. She will on rare occasion carry a small utility knife for gathering purposes, if she sees an herb, vegetable, or fruit she wants to grab a small knife comes in handy.




[align=center]What Are You As A Player Willing To Do?[/align]



Romance: Yes, if it happens naturally. No forced relationships please

ERP: Nahuh. Kissing/cuddling/maybe a little further fine, but once it's clear where things are going I will request a fade and skip

Violence: Yes, I live by the roll system. I only ask that you not main or severely injure Roka without my permission

Adventure:Yes, Roka isn't much help in combat but if she takes a liking ot someone she'll happily follow them anywhere, providing hot meals along the way



[align=center]How Do I Set Up A Meeting With Roka?[/align]



PM me here, I check daily

Tell in game, Roka Chan

Walk-up and say hi if you see Roka out and about

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She is a cook by trade' date=' in the process of getting her small Goblet cafe ready to open officially. She is primarily found in Ul'Dah and the surrounding desert areas, though she has strayed into the Black Shroud to follow a friend.[/quote']


Ooo! Let us know when you finish setting up the cafe, I'll certainly stop by to meet Roka; she sounds lovely! :D

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Ooo! Let us know when you finish setting up the cafe, I'll certainly stop by to meet Roka; she sounds lovely! :D


Roka should be ready to open up officially within a week or so, mostly just trying to settle on a name and fussing with minor details now.


Oh, I remember you. We were roleplaying that one time.


I'm down to do more though.


I ran into you twice in the same day, I remember that. Are you mostly based in Ul'Dah/Thanalan or do you wander outside that area? Would love to meet up again.

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Always good to see more cheerful, friendly sorts! I have a friendly little Doman of my own - albeit of a smaller race - that might make for a good friend! And he frequents Ul'dah himself! :thumbsup:

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I have a little Raen who could also use some friends. Is Roka a Doman refugee, or has she been living in Eorzea for a longer period of time?


I'm not often on Ranshe Mei these days, but you can poke me on my main, Yune Tabrisviel, if you'd ever like to chat about possibilities! >^.^<

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The character travels a lot so he can end up anywhere, really.


What are your play times? I'm pretty much whenever, aside from 10-12am est on Tue/Wed/Thur for raid right now



Always good to see more cheerful, friendly sorts! I have a friendly little Doman of my own - albeit of a smaller race - that might make for a good friend! And he frequents Ul'dah himself! thumbsup.gif


Roka would love to meet up. Does your little smith make more than just weapons and armour? Roka could use a new pot, and would be an easy enough way to meet up.


I have a little Raen who could also use some friends. Is Roka a Doman refugee, or has she been living in Eorzea for a longer period of time?


Roka is pretty new to Eorzea


If you ever want to feed a VERY tall Roegal, Steel is willing to nom. So much nom. And possibly hug after the nom. She gets cuddly post-food. :3


Roka loves to cook, and even more so when there's a bit of a challenge like a picky eater or someone with a big appetite c:

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Always good to see more cheerful, friendly sorts! I have a friendly little Doman of my own - albeit of a smaller race - that might make for a good friend! And he frequents Ul'dah himself! thumbsup.gif


Roka would love to meet up. Does your little smith make more than just weapons and armour? Roka could use a new pot, and would be an easy enough way to meet up.


He's mostly armor. He can make a pot, or at least something that looks like one, but he doesn't have nearly as much experience with it. Last one he made was better served as a helmet. :blush:

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