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Character Heights: Some Observations


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That is very helpful so thank you Eva!


It makes me smile that I have to look down at the little people so much as a Reog :P


I was basically staring at a Roeg woman's stomach yesterday when she stood before me.. and she wasn't even on "tallest" setting.

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Thank you CJ!! But all credit for the chart itself belongs to Selene/Aatrix who took the time and energy to put several screenshots together in order to make that. I believe a more refined version of it may be forthcoming in the near future. And I still mean to post some specific numbers when I'm not tethered to my work computer and can find some time to do so.


Thanks! :love:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just giving a small bump to add some pertinent information related to this that I came upon. Looks like they'll potentially be adding some way to go about comparing heights during character creation as well during Phase 4, or they'll at least be addressing it in some manner.



It's hard to tell the standard of character height, so please make it possible to compare between each race.

Planning to Address in Beta Phase 4

We are currently looking into making it so you can compare heights somehow. We're discussing effective methods to do this that meet system memory demands.



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I found the bar graph to be most helpful for me. I like that it has feet/inches because I can easily compare to the heights of people I know. It's fun to think how they would appear irl not just in relation to the other races.

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I found this on Akihiko Yoshida's tumblr page!  Idk if this is useful or not, but I guess it shows the height differentiation.

I wish female elezen bodies actually looked like that. >_>;;


I second that. They're so...disproportionate in game. Makes me a sad panda.

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Thanks, this is an amazing resource. Although even the smallest Roegadyn is a foot taller than I would've liked them to be, but they are based on frost and fire giants so it does make sense. It does make me wonder whether I should play Hyur Highlander though...

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Thanks, this is an amazing resource. Although even the smallest Roegadyn is a foot taller than I would've liked them to be, but they are based on frost and fire giants so it does make sense. It does make me wonder whether I should play Hyur Highlander though...


Nooooooo, be a roeglady!


*clings onto Xaaniko's thigh*

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Within the new benchmark character creator, heights are now shown in a numerical inches value as well as the 0-100 scale. Should probably edit the first post to update these :P


I've gone and converted the values to feet.



Elezen- 6'2"- 6'9"

Highlander- 6' - 6'6"

Midlander- 5'5" - 5'10"

Roegadyn- 7' - 7'6"

Miqote- 5'2" - 5'7"

Lalafell- 2'8" - 3'2"



Elezen- 6' - 6'5"

Highlander- 5'7" - 6'1"

Midlander- 5'2" - 5'6"

Roegadyn- 6'3" - 7'3"

Miqote- 4'9" - 5'4"

Lalafell- 2'8" - 3'2"

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Within the new benchmark character creator, heights are now shown in a numerical inches value as well as the 0-100 scale. Should probably edit the first post to update these :P


I've gone and converted the values to feet.



Elezen-  6'2"- 6'9"

Highlander- 6' - 6'6"

Midlander- 5'5" - 5'10"

Roegadyn- 7' - 7'6"

Miqote- 5'2" - 5'7"

Lalafell- 2'8" - 3'2"



Elezen- 6' - 6'5"

Highlander- 5'7" - 6'1"

Midlander- 5'2" - 5'6"

Roegadyn- 6'3" - 7'3"

Miqote- 4'9" - 5'4"

Lalafell- 2'8" - 3'2"

That's strange, I got some completely different figures on the same benchmark client (I hope?)...


Male Roegadyn         7'0.1"    7'3.4"    7'6.7"

Female Roegadyn     6'3.6"    6'9.6"    7'3.7"

Male Elezen              6'4.4"    6'7.5"    6'10.2"

Female Elezen          6'0.2"    6'3.2"    6'6.1"   

Male Highlander        6'0.2"    6'3.8"    6'6.8"

Female Highlander    5'6.2"     5'11"     6'1.8"

Male Midlander         5'6.1"     5'8.9"    5'11.6"

Female Midlander     5'2"        5'4.5"    5'7.1"

Male Miqo'te            5'2.7"     5'5.4"    5'8.2"

Female Miqo'te        4'10.9"    5'1.4"    5'3.8"

Male Lalafell             2'10.2"    3'0.2"    3'2.2"

Female Lalafell          2'10.2"    3'0.2"    3'2.2"


(Blah had them seperated by tabs, and they won't line up, but w/e OCD)


I didn't round the inches, but even so I noticed some oddities.


Edit: I think it might be that you divided the inches by 12, which would only be appropriate if inches to feet were 10:1. lol (in which case you would divide them by 10.... and it'd be... bah logic. You can't use a calculator, you've just got to know every 12 inches are a new foot, and add/subtract depending on how many inches you are from that foot...


tl;dr: 36 in = 3ft, 60 in = 5 ft, 72 in = 6 ft, 84 ini = 7ft. These numbers +/- the inch totals will get you accurate numbers)

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Edit: In retrospect I see the errors yeah. It's late and I'm tired lol.


Your list is the correct one.

I agree with the late and tired.


I thought I'd kinda figured out why there was the differences, but I was being lazy and not checking them again. lol

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