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7th Annual Full Cold Moon Gala

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Mask-wise, though it isn't the best possible fit, there are dungeon gear that are mask-esque



Both my goggles and the taru's mask were courtesy of the dungeon we had ran together.


I also have another mask that covers the top half of the face and has a turban-like top that I didn't get a chance to screen cap.  There are options, however minor they are atm.

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Heyo! You're still up for having Rhostel as a guard, right? I'll be making a temporary version of her, levelling up to ~15 to get a solid suit of armour and unlock airship travel/dyes for RP during open beta, until I can update her 1.0 incarnation.


Yup~ I had a list of people I already interacted with IC back in a previous phase, but I lost it >.>. But I do remember you volunteering!


I have a question, where would we get masks and formal wear from?


I did find a merchant who sells ash masks (full face) for about 400 gil or so if I remember correctly. I forget which town it was in though. I'll find the npc again before the event.


I'm assuming this is supposed to be some form of ball? I believe I saw someone had even drawn up a dress for the event. Are dresses and other formal clothing in the game (and, if so, are we expected to wear such for the event)?


Yes, a ball. It'll start with a dinner though first. Formal wear is encouraged, but not required. So long as someone doesn't show up in underwear/subligar, they're fine lol. "Formal" can really mean anything if you pull if off correctly. Or, as suggested above, one can use their imagination and just emote it properly for others to know (and/or include pictures!).

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  • The event will then segway into a dancing contest. Those who wish to participate will be randomly teamed up with a partner of the opposite gender. 

Does this contest absolutely have to be pairings with the opposite gender? Even if our characters aren't inclined to their opposite gender, or don't share the gender expression of their models (or are non-binary about gender)?



Aside from this one point, this event sounds awesome. So few large events utilize group chat, which helps cut down on the massive scrolling that intimidates a lot of people who don't often RP in large groups. Even I get headaches trying to keep track of chat scrolling after about 30 people, and I suspect there will be far more than that at this event.



Also, the event linkshell idea is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. It eliminates so many problems I've seen at mass events for the coordinators and MCs. I really hope most large scale events utilize something like this.

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What linkshell idea? I think I missed something and Fae brings up a really good point. I didn't think about that, what if some people don't wanna dance with the opposite gender and wanna be paired with the same? Shouldn't you ask them first or let them pick?

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  • The event will then segway into a dancing contest. Those who wish to participate will be randomly teamed up with a partner of the opposite gender. 

Does this contest absolutely have to be pairings with the opposite gender? Even if our characters aren't inclined to their opposite gender, or don't share the gender expression of their models (or are non-binary about gender)?


The following is not in any way speaking for Kylin, it's just my thoughts:


I think the point of the dance has nothing to do with encouraging romantic pairings, so sexuality isn't really relevant. It's randomised, after all. It does seem to be about traditional gender roles in dance, so on that front any character who doesn't identify their gender strictly with their biological sex should be able to choose which side they want to be on. If they can't choose a side they'd prefer to be on for just one dance, then there's not much that can be done for them. There's no exclusion, the activity simply is what it is, and picking one or the other for the duration of the dance in no way implies an opinion about the greater whole of any participant's lifestyle.

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It's exactly as Rhostel said. I already did give a lot of thought into same gender partners, but decided it was best to focus on the dance aspect rather than that. The reason being that the contest is randomized partners and it could get very uncomfortable (IC and/or OOC) for people/characters who are heterosexual. It basically gets way too complicated. That said, the second half of the event has nearly unlimited freedom and one can dance with anyone they wish, regardless of gender/orientation.

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The new flier looks snazzy. Sadly, the only reasons I can think of for Kerr to be there ICly would be if he were a guard or wait staff of some kind. If you've got openings for that, then go ahead and put him down for either. He's always looking to make some good coin.

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I'd love to come lurk and watch if that's an option. Since it happens before the time jumpers are back Rhynka can't be there. She isn't leaving the area Razamir vanished in outside of hunting and scavenging trips. Rhynka at that time is dead set on clinging to hope of him returning. She's a dedicated lady! :thumbsup:


If silently observing isn't possible, I hope to see many pictures of all the fun!

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I'd love to come lurk and watch if that's an option. Since it happens before the time jumpers are back Rhynka can't be there.


If I'm not mistaken (and I'm sure Kylin will correct me if I am), this has since been amended so that time-jumpers are entirely allowed. Which means that whether I bring Rhio or an alt is down to another possible attendee. But I have every intention of being there, quite possibly with bells on.

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Ok Kylin, now you really confused me :blush:


I said in my post that I got the table/party concept. I think you misunderstood me.


All of my questions were geared toward the mingling time or one on one which I thought you said were going to be handled with /tell


So the mingling part is all in /say?


EDIT: after re-reading the flier I see where my mistake was. I get it now, one on one is just for the dance contest not the entire rest of the event. My bad lol. Just ignore me. Thanks bye! *hides under the table, completely embarrassed**

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I will so mark this on my calendar! And try to attend since it's starting from 2am here... The first part especially sounds nice since I might be a bit shy in such a big event. Just need to get some fancier gear as the starting outfit is so.. popular.

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I'd love to come lurk and watch if that's an option. Since it happens before the time jumpers are back Rhynka can't be there.


If I'm not mistaken (and I'm sure Kylin will correct me if I am), this has since been amended so that time-jumpers are entirely allowed.  Which means that whether I bring Rhio or an alt is down to another possible attendee.  But I have every intention of being there, quite possibly with bells on.

Awesome! Due to the time, Razamir has to work, but I will be able to show up ICly, he'll have returned meaning Rhynka would not be waiting for him still. So I can be there unless some unexpected RL stuff comes up. Rhynka can keep her sticky fingers to herself for this special occasion as well! She has more personal reasons for wanting to attend!


This has been posted on a flyer I am assuming so I'll use that as the reason for having knowledge of it taken place. If I am mistaken please let me know, if not see you all there! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks cool and all but sadly i cannot be there with my main char. Gona have a hard time to find passage from ul'dah to there when you have no money to pay for travel. Or the experience to go by foot. However i guess i can always help with being a waiter or something. (But then again, what business would a poor fisher's son have at one of them fancy dinner parties? :3) I guess if transport was arranged inrp O.o


And 7pm et is like- 3am gmt? If i got this correct, its gona be very hard for european gamers to be on unless they wanna be up til 7am something or how long the event will take. So yea, will see if that works out for me on the day :/


Either way looks fun and if i cannot make it, if someone wrote what happened it would be fun to read.



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The new flier looks snazzy. Sadly, the only reasons I can think of for Kerr to be there ICly would be if he were a guard or wait staff of some kind. If you've got openings for that, then go ahead and put him down for either. He's always looking to make some good coin.

I'm in much the same boat with Khaze'to, unless dragged along or going to work I can't see him attending.  I do have another character who would probably interested. However I don't know if he would be ready in time as he is still very much just a spark of an idea.

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You better have the glasses, plates and silverware provided by the Veanysus Dinnerware Company. ;)


Being serious though, we really need volunteers in open beta to perhaps craft formal wear for those unfortunate (like myself) to be a lower level or whatnot and need something at least decent to wear.

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You better have the glasses, plates and silverware provided by the Veanysus Dinnerware Company. ;)


Being serious though, we really need volunteers in open beta to perhaps craft formal wear for those unfortunate (like myself) to be a lower level or whatnot and need something at least decent to wear.


Agreed, although I sadly can't volunteer my own services for that. (I'm just not good enough!)

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I'm in the final planning stages of this huge event but still need the following!


*Live streamer person to help stream the event music in the second half of the event. This should be easy to find someone for this (heck, I could technically do it but will be super busy as is during the event). Anyone with a live stream account can handle this, but I do need a volunteer first~


*Guards (any "mercenary" linkshells wanna get hired outright? Already have a couple freelancers). This is mostly for IC reasons only, in case a brawl starts out or something. Guards will NOT have to stand around and look like statues :P

--Signups so far: Rhostel, Shippuu's alt?


*Event mods. This is the big one. I've also decided to make it slightly IC instead of purely OOC, to help with the event flow. The event mods will really only have to "work" at the start of the event and then should have no problem doing their own thing after that. I need probably 10 or so of these!

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