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Ala Mhigan war vet looking for connections.

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Since he only recently started wandering Thanalan and La Noscea again, Koen really doesn't know a lot of people. He's semi-actively looking for connections in random RP out in the world, but I figured posting here might speed things up a bit!


I managed to put together an RPC page for the old guy, so you can look at that here. To put it simply though, he's just an old soldier who's recently come back to the city states for the first time in years.


To give a few examples of the types of people he would be interested in: an alchemist or merchant who deals in poultices that could ease some of his aches and pains; it always pays off to be friendly with a healer or two, so he'd be interested in keeping in one's good books; he would like to get involved with members of the Ala Mhigo resistance to get a feel for their progress, and finally, he's currently looking for some honest work to earn a few gil, whether it's manual labour or something a bit less physical, like waiting tables.


One rare connection is that of a student. While he's open to the idea, he's not the best teacher and is as harsh to any prospecting students as his parents and superiors were to him. If someone can withstand the training, though, they stand to gain access to a wealth of warfare and combat knowledge.


One note is that, fortunately, he managed to find a reliable smith in the pint-sized form of Jojo's smithy, so he's not currently in need of any smiths for work, at least. However, he thinks it's always a good thing to have more people on your side, especially with the uphill battle the Ala Mhigan resistance is facing, and so the more people he's on good terms with, the better!


Feel free to post a reply here, or PM me if you'd be interested in RPing some time. I'm in a EU timezone, but I'm often on at active EST times as well.

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Love the wiki format! I couldn't quite get the tabs of mine to match the colour scheme of the rest of it (seemed to be some generic template), so maybe I'll crowbar some code from yours...if you don't mind!


I saw some lines about Koen's military "foot soldier" mindset, and given the interlinked fates of Ul'dah and Highlanders, perhaps this might take your interest!

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Love the wiki format! I couldn't quite get the tabs of mine to match the colour scheme of the rest of it (seemed to be some generic template), so maybe I'll crowbar some code from yours...if you don't mind!


I saw some lines about Koen's military "foot soldier" mindset, and given the interlinked fates of Ul'dah and Highlanders, perhaps this might take your interest!


Go ahead! All I did was change some of the colours on one of the templates. I somehow managed to delete half of the tabs by mistake at one point while making it, so I'm not the best person to look at for how to code the thing though, haha.


I've seen the Sasagan's Scimitars before when I was poking around the site (and ran in to Hannah in the Coffer & Coffin), and while I think he'd be comfortable in that lifestyle, the only military he's willing to be a part of is the Ala Mhigan one, unfortunately. I think Kale is a similar rank to what Koen was when the Garleans took over though, so he might be able to relate to him, maybe offer some advice if they ever bumped in to each other and got talking about it.

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Maril is both a healer and an alchemist, so I have a feeling they might just get along. Feel free to HMU anytime :)


Maril is trying to get Abby killed if she brings him to the fc. *Leers*


On topic, Avelyn/Virella is always looking for more old Ala Mhigan contacts!

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  • 1 month later...

Got an RPC wiki page up and I've thrown together a quick signature for the forums. I've managed to find Koen a great smith and a person or two to teach, but I still need to bother more people for healer and general goods store connections. He's also been doing more sewing lately, if that's something someone would be able to help the poor guy with.

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That's a really well laid out wiki, wow...


My FC, Of the Desert, is a hunt office that also has job offers (mostly guard work, treasure hunting, or moving heavy equipment around) posted to the walls. Hunts & employment RP is open to anyone, to clarify. If you are interested in either, Brinn Rosa, Alberic Grimmeau, Ralin Thalin (office manager), or Tin Man can help with that.


Brinn spent some years in Southern Thanalan and made some friends in Little Ala Mhigo while a fugitive, so it is possible you encountered each other there. He is no longer on the run and is trying to re-acclimate to normal life in Ul'dah.


Daire Hawke is a boastful, eager 14 year old kid who was born in Little Ala Mhigo. He's learning to swing a sword around.


Their wikis are linked in my sig if you want to check em out.


(Valia Rosa is an alchemist, but more the kind that puts people in the ground rather than keeping em from it. >..>; )

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who the fuck is this guy xD


Shush you, go back to your cooking and your kitchen knives. :^p




Brinn and Daire both sound like people he'd be interested in meeting.


It took Koen a while to get used to not constantly being outside of Gyr Abania, so he could help Brinn out if he sees him having trouble adjusting to things. He last hung around Little Ala Mhigo a few years after the Garleans took the proper one, so they might not have ran into each other before, but a couple of his men were there for years after he left and Brinn could well have heard one of them talking about their old commander who helped them escape.


He has a soft spot for kids too, so if he saw Daire practicing he'd definitely give him a few tips or words of advice. He hangs around Little Ala Mhigo often enough that they could run in to each other, so that's one way both characters could meet Koen. Other than that, he goes for jogs all around Thanalan, relaxes in Forgotten Springs/the Sagoli and frequents the Coffer and Coffin. I'll have to poke one of those listed people about the work you mentioned.

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who the fuck is this guy xD


Shush you, go back to your cooking and your kitchen knives. :^p


We should have our guys fight-er...meet each other. i literally havent rpd with you in ages. cept for that one time at the GS...damn internet. good thing winter break is coming up. 


Oh by the way I decided to use the template you used. still midifying it a tad though, mine is pretty darn overdue for an update

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