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RPC Census, Part III (Allegiance-CLOSED)


What city-state is your main character loyal to?  

66 members have voted

  1. 1. What city-state is your main character loyal to?

    • Gridania
    • Limsa Lominsa
    • Ul'dah
    • Garlemald (Garlean Empire)
    • Ishgard
    • Other
    • None

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Part III of the census is all about city-state allegiance. Originally, this poll was going to be about character sexuality since numerous people are curious about that. However, I'm pushing that poll back due to the controversial nature of it in hopes of having a drama-free week xD. I hope to still have the poll later in the census though.


Allegiance can mean one of two things that is largely up to you. It could mean where your character resides/lives or it could mean what grand company they're allied with. In general, it's probably better to go with grand company but some may view this in a different way. So feel free to share your thoughts below regarding your character's allegiance! Again, this focuses on your main character. So what country/city-state is he/she loyal to, if any????


EDIT: There are now parts III-B and III-C in the RP Discussion section. They focus on origins and citizenship as opposed to loyalty.

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I almost think that Citizenship would be better than Allegiance. This poll will vastly under-represent Garleans in the community as most of them are no longer supportive of the Empire, and Ala Mhigans of course have nothing left to be loyal to, though they might still be fiercely proud of where they're from.

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Rhio has to go under "other." Her loyalties tend to be intensely personal rather than national, but even beyond that they're frequently ambiguous. She's from Ul'dah, she's a member of Gridania's Grand Company, she was trained around Ishgard, she has worked with (although not precisely for) the Empire, and she avoids making any statements that could be construed as actually nailing down a specific affiliation.


However, "none" implies that she's not loyal, which isn't the case. She just tends to keep her loyalties on a complicated and sliding system. She is decidedly loyal to Eorzea, but she isn't necessarily loyal to any individual part of the region.

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I almost think that Citizenship would be better than Allegiance. This poll will vastly under-represent Garleans in the community as most of them are no longer supportive of the Empire, and Ala Mhigans of course have nothing left to be loyal to, though they might still be fiercely proud of where they're from.


Could always have a part III-b for citizenship in order to compare those results :D

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Manari is fiercely and stubbornly loyal to her home, the Twelveswood. As such, I did choose Gridania. She doesn't quite have that level of loyalty to Gridania, but she does agree with most of their beliefs and this has become a member of the Twin Adder. She's never become an official Gridanian citizen though, she just spends more time there than any other city state.


Her loyalty to Gridania is certainly not a fraction of the loyalty she has to the Twelveswood itself.

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I almost think that Citizenship would be better than Allegiance. This poll will vastly under-represent Garleans in the community as most of them are no longer supportive of the Empire, and Ala Mhigans of course have nothing left to be loyal to, though they might still be fiercely proud of where they're from.


Could always have a part III-b for citizenship in order to compare those results :D


Yes plz!


Anyway. Limsa Lominsa. Cuz.. she's still proud she's Limsa Lominsan, and joined the Maelstrom. She is in love with Thanalan, but not Ul'dah.

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Another part III-c for 'birthplace' would be an interesting one as well.  Since allegiance/nationality may be different from a character's birthplace (like mine).  Just sayin'.  :P




Presently Eva's allegiance is with Gridania, and fairly strongly so at that - though this is highly malleable based on RP events and such and may change in time depending on the course of events.  But yeah, Twelveswood go~


(In 1.0 the character was technically a citizen of Ul'dah too, since we started there and could never change, but joined the Twin Adder).  And she was born in Ishgard.  But she spent most of her life in Gridania and feels a good amount of loyalty to the Twelveswood because of that.

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My starting city was Ul'dah in 1.0! But I kept that IC. It seemed like your starting city didn't make your nationality per say in game, since you were arriving there and such. But I don't know! I treated it like she was just arriving there for RP purposes, anyway. xD

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GRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIDDDDDAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAA!(Haha I love Gridania, so IC I am making Bhav love it too. It's just an awesome place!)


Bhav will help anyone that needs it no matter where from. However, if Gridania is in danger he'll focus there. He just loves the place! Therefore, his allegiance is definitely to Gridania and the Twin Adders.

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Hrm. This is a jumbled mess for Rhostel. I'm going to have to say Ala Mhigo overall. Sure, there's not much to be loyal to at the moment, but there is the Resistance and fellow refugees. Still, that's enough for her. Then again, she's been rather inconstant in her loyalty.


She was in the Flames, but she resigned from them just a year into the Umbral Era. And again, she joined not for Ul'dah but for her fellow refugees, all the way up to Raubahn. The place she calls home is near Ul'dah, but that just makes her feelings for the city more complex, not fonder.


In fact, of the currently open and unoccupied city-states, the one she most respects is Gridania. It was where she started her adventuring career, even. But respect is not loyalty, and as much as she appreciates the Wood Wailers for teaching her the way of the spear, she didn't consider joining them nor the Adders for a moment.


If you measure loyalty in strict terms of how frequently she's put her own needs ahead of the city's Ishgard would win, since she has done so only once. But considering she's never entered the city and has in fact only demonstrated such loyalty as a condition of the Dragoons training her, that's not much to go on.


Finally, there's Limsa Lominsa. Until a couple of years ago, she'd have called the city a near enemy, but now she's living there and all but joined the Arcanists' Guild. She still doesn't trust most anyone, though, and expects to move on soon.


So when it comes down to it, in her heart, her allegiance is to Ala Mhigo, at least to what it represents. Maybe she isn't always doing whats in its best interests right now, but she's always trying to get stronger so that she can do what's needed later.




Nahctgeim would be much easier. She's loyal to Limsa Lominsa. Unfailingly. She'll kill her father herself, if she gets a chance.

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Myllor has ties to guilds in all three cities, as well as to Ishgardians around a few specific hamlets, some dragoons, some knights, etc etc. (Intentionally vague~)


So I picked none, as he's living in Limsa for some of the time skip, he was enlisted in the Immortal Flames, and I would have picked Ul'dah pre-calamity, but now he just sort of works around all three. The least represented likely being Gridania.


He spends alot of time in Limsa with his smithing, and Soliloquy.

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As far as allegiance goes, best answer would simply be Ul'dah since Endemerrin was (is?) a member of the Immortal Flames. Doesn't have an actual home of his own, so he can't really call any of the city-states "home".


Plus he wasn't even born in Eorzea, so there's nothing to go off as far as nationality is concerned, either.

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TL;DR -- JJ = no allegiance!


Again, assuming that JJ is my main, as JJ is JJ. I went with "none".


Though I am still working on John's history, I got some pretty solid things down.


  1. He was born in Ala Mihgo some 57-60 years before the start of ARR

  2. JJ was "banish"/fled/left/accepted journeying outside of Ala Mihgo ~13-14

  3. When he finally got hitched, I'm probably going to have written that he "settled down" in whatever nation his wife was living at (also a Highlander)
  4. When he disappeared ~35 years ago, he returned to Ala Mihgo with his wife and kids and "settled down" there until Ala Mihgo fell
  5. JJ then "settled down" near some small village up until a short time before Dalmund

  6. That place ended up obliterated, so, you know, JJ's rocking the beaten path again, and free. 

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Ul'Dah For Molt. He has a permit to live there (which wasn't cheap!) but after spending...ohhhhh, about nigh on 10+ years there, he's called it home.


Gridania seems to be his most favorite, but it's more like a secret home. He does not like going there anymore, as every time he has moved there something bad has happened and he is forced back to Ul'Dah.


Limsa is Molt's least favorite. He would rather be in Garlean-infested Ala Mhigo or bitter-cold Ishguard than Limsa. He hates fish, is not a fan of the political structure and in general doesn't like hights. Since it's located by water, it sort of reminds him of his old home, and that doesn't let him sit right, either. Also, the pirates all smell funny.

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Myal is a member of the Order of the Twin Adder. However, any loyalty she had towards the Grand Company or Gridania was secondhand from her mother, who she idolized. This is something she herself only realized after the apparent death of her mother, after which she quickly and easily left Twelvewoods behind.

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