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Ishgard Housing

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For those (like me) who were disappointed that Ishgard Housing wasn't announced, don't give up hope yet! It looks like it may still be a thing. Not only that, but the article hints that Ishgard may see an end to its eternal winter. I have seen other sources that hit the older areas may get an update to include flying, so perhaps we're in for some awesome changes there in future.



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More housing would be good, if they can find a way to stop it being eaten up in 30sec. With the server moves and more capacity I'd have hoped they could just fix the whole problem.


I was looking forwards to having an old run down place in Ishguard!


So yay! more housing but I remain skeptical it won't be anything more than disappointment for the majority.


They should have made housing established FCs only and left apartments for private buy.

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