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New Player looking for connections

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Hey there everyone. I'm transferring to Balmung tomorrow, and I'd love to come right out of the gate rping. I'm looking for a FC, Linkshell, or just anyone willing to rp with a newer player who doesn't have as much a handle on the lore and can fill me in. I'm generally on anywhere between 4-12 pm EST, but as I'm in college that can occasionally be a bit unpredictable.


My main character is going to be a Miqo'te (who will be a) Monk named T'rahven Tia. T'rahven's tribe was destroyed while he was a child, and he doesn't know much about Miqo'te tribal life. Now he is exploring the world, looking for a purpose. He is generally a very cheerful person who just wants to live a full life.


I'm still pretty low level, so I'm spending a lot of time leveling and doing the story. Once I have the game well under my belt, I'd love to spend a lot of time rping with all of you.

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Hey there!


For starters I'd probably recommend ShroudLife as a good linkshell to get a start in- especially since its made for wanderers outside of the general city RP.


Beyond that, there's Shroudwolf Clan and Morbolvine Clan, which are both Miqo'te-based FC's. You might be able to find a lot of kindred spirits there. 


There are also a good few non-racial FC's with active communities too, such as Azeyma's Oath.


And if nothing else, you're certainly welcome to run into Kasi sometime too! 


Most of these are linked in my signature for further information. Regardless, best of luck on the hunt!

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I would also check out Outriders (Their leader is a really Nice person, One that I've had the pleasure of working with) or if you want a Linkshell (Hydaelyn's Protectors) is a great one too. Of course you can always check out the Free Company I run, its a community that is built around the idea of Serving and Protecting the people stuck in between all the chaos of war and other social issue's like Hunger and Illness. 


Our site is here if you want to find a score of Information: [ Here ]

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Hello! First off, thank you Ryslo for the recommendation! Second off, I'm the leader of the Outriders. We're a mercnary group that deals with investigation rp, monster hunting and treasure hunting! You can check us more out here http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=18762


Also if you wanna talk more in person you can contact me here, in game as N'aomi Kett or on Discord as Amanda#7359.


Welcome to Balmung!

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Hello and welcome to Balmung and the RPC! I think the others got you pretty well covered with some good jumping off points for linkshells and free companies. Anyways let me know if you have any questions or need any help at all.


I look forward to seeing you around! Feel free to send me a tell or message if you would like to RP sometime.

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Beyond that, there's Shroudwolf Clan and Morbolvine Clan, which are both Miqo'te-based FC's.

Are there any Seeker tribal guilds? Since OP is one.


Not any pure Seeker guilds that I know of. That being said, Shroudwolf does have a sizeable Seeker population- they're a bit more on the progressive side as far as tribal FC's go. They even accept non-Miqo'te to some degree, but their theme is general Miqo'te tribes.

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Greeting! I am Ritsu Knoltros of The Wandering Tonberry. Hunt themed FC. We are in the process of rebuilding, so we are very small. I consider us light/med RP heavy with a healthy dose of PVE. We are in the process of remaking our enjin as a former member still has our old one. But feel free to ask anything! Even if this isn't your interest in a FC, consider us for any hunt related needs!





Also RP as Chidori Farcloud. Open for friendships on her, she is my more social character as Ritsu is more serious/business focused. Chi is a light hearted, kind and clumsy mage. So if you ever need a healer for RP. She also has a small shop with in the lodge selling flowers, so if you ever want to get a present for a special someone! PVE wise, I am trying to get Ritsu finished maxed out (still have NIN on her) and Chi AT least to all 50s. So if you want someone to run place of the dead with, I do that a good bit. Most active between noon-ish til 9-10pm est times.

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