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Hello my fellow RP comrades!


I have recently just come back to FF after a four month long break and I am looking to slowly edge myself back into RP (I am very rusty...)


My PC is Kudros Crendraven and due to me leaving he has had a bit of a re-haul himself! I dont really mind what RP I do I am very open to all sorts! He is a bit of a lost soul at this time due to him splitting up with his wife (drama stuff not gonna bore you)


However, if you wish to RP with this ex-criminal (sort of) lovely, cynical chap then by all means send me a message!


See you in game :D


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Hello there, welcome back! I love the character art!


I found the artist because of him. She does cheap but WONDERFUL work! http://raposavyk.deviantart.com/




Also! Welcome back, nerd! I wondered where you ran off to. Used to see you pop up all the time in Uld'ah and then you were gone.


Oh nice, those are all gorgeous! :D

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