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Hi! I am Jacob.


I am new to FFXIV, and have really only played FF 1&3, Tactics, and FF3DS. I hope to pick up pertenant lore quickly though.


[align=left]Mmm, I started RPing about 12 years ago with TTRPGs such as D&D, WoD, etc. Currently my favorite TTRPGs are Warrior Poet and Nobilis. I prefer low level campaigns with homebrew lore with minimal mechanics/dice rolling (A la FATEcore/Nobilis), but I would say I am a penitent Min/Maxer.



[align=left]I also have several years of Gmod Half Life 2 RP and Halo RP experience focusing on making medical guides. Haha~


Uhm... My profession is an EMT and ER tech; I start nursing school in Fall so that is really giving me anxiety, but it is exciting in a way! My hobbies are poety, watching anime, and hypnosis.


[align=left]My favorite meal is breakfast and I really like spicy foods.




I would say I am naturally timid and believe that a fulfilling life is one full of love and self-actualization.



[align=left]A pleasure to meet all of you!




edit: christ, trying to format this thing on a phone is a living hell!

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Welcome to FFXIV and the RPC! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time and be sure to ask questions if you ever have any!


Well, thank you, Cynnie. I appreciate the warm welcome! I need your help, if you would assist. 


Are there any "need-to-know" threads or articles I should read before entiring into FFRP? How about informative, yet not necessary information I could look over?



Again, I appreciate the welcome and any assistance. Haha~

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Welcome to FFXIV and the RPC! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time and be sure to ask questions if you ever have any!


Well, thank you, Cynnie. I appreciate the warm welcome! I need your help, if you would assist. 


Are there any "need-to-know" threads or articles I should read before entiring into FFRP? How about informative, yet not necessary information I could look over?



Again, I appreciate the welcome and any assistance. Haha~


I think that one of the best threads that you can check out would be Sounsyy's lore compilation which can be found here as well as the general lore questions there here. These can give you more ideas about RP and anything from Sounsyy is a fantastic resource. I say just poke around using the search tool for any topic that you fancy and there is likely a myriad of things that will come up. Was there anything in particular that you had questions on?


Another important thing is that if you are really into wanting to try RP, there is no other place like Balmung. There is a server transfer cost of $18, but you can bring 8 characters over at once to make the most of that money. The server is essentially 'permanently closed' but the server transfer bypasses that. There are just so many people that you can find any RP that you like!

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Welcome to FFXIV and the RPC! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time and be sure to ask questions if you ever have any!


Well, thank you, Cynnie. I appreciate the warm welcome! I need your help, if you would assist. 


Are there any "need-to-know" threads or articles I should read before entiring into FFRP? How about informative, yet not necessary information I could look over?



Again, I appreciate the welcome and any assistance. Haha~


I think that one of the best threads that you can check out would be Sounsyy's lore compilation which can be found here as well as the general lore questions there here. These can give you more ideas about RP and anything from Sounsyy is a fantastic resource. I say just poke around using the search tool for any topic that you fancy and there is likely a myriad of things that will come up. Was there anything in particular that you had questions on?


Another important thing is that if you are really into wanting to try RP, there is no other place like Balmung. There is a server transfer cost of $18, but you can bring 8 characters over at once to make the most of that money. The server is essentially 'permanently closed' but the server transfer bypasses that. There are just so many people that you can find any RP that you like!


Great! Thanks, my friend! I currently reside in Jenova, but I will consider switching.

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Well good thing about phone formatting is that no one will need glasses to read that text lol, but jokes aside welcome to the site! :love: I definitely recommend transferring to Balmung if you really want that hardcore RP experience. Not sure what Gilgamesh is like but I know that is also RP heavy! If you ever find yourself in Balmung and are looking for a friend, I'd be more than happy to RP with you sometime~! (I'm also Sileas Bishop in game).


Either way, best of luck on your journey! :moogle:

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Well good thing about phone formatting is that no one will need glasses to read that text lol, but jokes aside welcome to the site! :love: I definitely recommend transferring to Balmung if you really want that hardcore RP experience. Not sure what Gilgamesh is like but I know that is also RP heavy! If you ever find yourself in Balmung and are looking for a friend, I'd be more than happy to RP with you sometime~! (I'm also Sileas Bishop in game).


Either way, best of luck on your journey! :moogle:


Yeah, haha~ calculated. I wear both glasses AND contacts, have double vision, and colorblind. I more than lost the genetic lottery in terms of vision. feelsbadman.


Balmung, eh? I am getting a resounding amount of suggesting that.

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