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It is really hard to get going.

Van Zao

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I joined Balmung not too long ago and I must say it is really hard to get rolling. I tried it via the RP Directory but never got any message back. I did have some sucessful and somewhat nice RP by somehow forcing myself into a happenstance, but it did feel awkward to me. 


I would really like to be more active and maybe get a thing or two going, any advice for that? 

I did check linkshell and FC directory as well, but hardly found anything fitting. 


Sidenote: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Van_zao - This is my wiki, please excuse the empty banner pngs as it'sa still under construction.

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Throwing yourself out there for events and the like (which you can find on the Calendar) is usually a good way to go. Or just throwing yourself into popular RP hotspots and seeing if you get any bites.


Other than that, you mentioned you posted in the RP Directory, but did you make a thread in Making Connections too? I'd recommend it if you haven't. Mention what sort of people and RP you're looking for, and what your character brings to the table. Hopefully that will get you some results too.

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Welcome to the RPC!


I would recommend what Gegenji said and make a Making Connections thread. It's a good way to search for individual contacts, linkshells and free companies. Simply tell us what you are looking for in that post, for example, casual or heavy RP, adventure or slice of life, your adherence to lore etc. Same for the FC: do you require PvE elements? Regular RP events, and perhaps something morally good or bad? Being a little more detailed can go a long way. 


Make sure to include what you have to offer too, describe your character and how others may interact with him. Little prompts like that can spark ideas and inspiration for others and reach out to you.


And don't feel awkward with walk-ups. If you ever feel like you're intruding on something, send the person a /tell and simply ask. I've always gotten pleasant RP out of just asking. Standing around and sitting on my bum didn't - so go out and have fun! Good luck in your search for roleplay!

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Events for one thing are a great way to socialize with people. Keep an eye on calendars and such. 


The 50/50 shot is the Quicksand. I've met plenty of my Roleplaying pals through this as well.


You could always do FC Roleplaying to get started and hopefully get connected with friends of FC mates as well. If you do join an RP-FC that does events, I highly recommend doing them.


Lastly, you could always try and make your own event. Don't worry if it seems small numbers come to it. Any and all will be a gateway to more RP opportunities.




That said, you kind of have to be social and actively look for RP. It doesn't always fall in your lap. The best course of action if your character is not the forward type is to sometimes act or seem interesting or give some kind of emote that your character is doing something that may catch their eye...but every character is different and not many will be as open to the approach.


It's a combination of being forward, socialization and just being active.

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Hi! Breaking into rp can be confusing and frustrating, and require patience. A lot of it does involve forcing your character  (especially if they are quiet) into situations they might not normally find themselves in, to try and gain traction. Or, to put it another way; cast a wide net to try and snag a few fishes.


Once you are able to get a foothold though, things do tend to happen more naturally and organically as you discover your friends and what have you. But initially, certain characters do require a heavy hand from you the creator to get involved.


Sounds like Van would get along pretty well with my character Claire Hargrave. I'll be on her the next couple nights if you want to send a friend request and we can try to set something up

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I would really like to be more active and maybe get a thing or two going, any advice for that? 

I did check linkshell and FC directory as well, but hardly found anything fitting. 


I know you said that you couldn't really find an FC or LS that would be fitting, but in my experience, it's still your best bet at finding longer term RP partners. I mean, they are literally groups designed to foster RP.


I would recommend looking at Free Companies and Link Shells that you might be even the tiniest bit interested in, even if it doesn't seem like a perfect fit, and reaching out to them (either by making a post on the FC page or by directly messaging one of the officers, who you can usually pick out pretty easily. I'd message them both on the RPC site and their FC or LS website if you're able). Maybe see if you can show up at one of their events or RP with one or more of their members as a sort of test run to see how it goes. If it doesn't work out, you haven't really lost anything, and if it does, well then problem solved!


The even better news is that joining an FC or LS doesn't mean you're restricted to RP with just them. You can -also- try other options that people are suggesting like doing a making connections post, showing up to events like the ones you can find on this calendar, or just trying random RP at places like the Quicksand. All of those things foster even more RP outside your chosen group, while the group itself gives you a sort of home base or core group to fall back on.


Just being curious, what sort of FC or LS were you looking for? Maybe someone here can help you pick out some potential candidates?

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I'm going to second the advice of attending events! There are plenty to go to each week, and each event has a different theme/group involved, so if one doesn't suit your tastes you can always try the next.


As far as linkshells and FCs, maybe you could look for a group that aligns with what you're looking for OoCly? Even if you think "My character would -never- get involved with mercenaries/a tavern/monster hunters!", it might be worth considering flexibility in that regard if you find a group that will offer enjoyable times in terms of OoC logistics.


Some things to check on their guild site for this:


- Do they have any events on their calendar? If so, are the events during time slots you could make?

- Do their posted Guidelines and/or policies jive with your feelings on how RP should ideally be?

- Do the posts on the site sound as friendly and/or professional and/or relaxed as you prefer?

- Can you find all of the basic information on their site via cursory inspection (e.g., is the most important information in Stickied threads, or in prominent buttons on their main page?)


If you find a group that seems OoCly appealing, and you still aren't sure whether you want to RP with them, you can check to see if they host any monthly events. That way, you can get a "try before you buy" experience.


Hope some of this might help!

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I joined Balmung not too long ago and I must say it is really hard to get rolling. I tried it via the RP Directory but never got any message back. I did have some sucessful and somewhat nice RP by somehow forcing myself into a happenstance, but it did feel awkward to me. 


I would really like to be more active and maybe get a thing or two going, any advice for that? 

I did check linkshell and FC directory as well, but hardly found anything fitting. 


Sidenote: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Van_zao - This is my wiki, please excuse the empty banner pngs as it'sa still under construction.

Hey there! I'm always up for more RP contacts! Please reach out to me if you think my character interests you!

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I know you probably heard this a thousand times by now, but throwing yourself into things and seeing if you actually stick around instead of immediately bouncing back is a good way to do it.  It's not events to rp in, but people too.  It's what I do anyway.  Sometimes you make a friend, sometimes you make no friends.


It happens, and will happen a lot.  I actually do not recommend events at first.  Why?  Mostly you're going to be another stranger in the crowd, and being the odd one out isn't exactly a good experience.  Find people that are interesting, and if they stick by you, you should stick by them for a good while as your foundation.


Welcome to Balmung.  It's a jungle around here.

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