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Med/Heavy RPer looking for a new home aka FC.

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Hi there RPC,


As the title states, Rhen is in need of a new home/FC.   



If your FC enjoys;

Somewhat small but active membership.

RP that can last for days either in-game or via Discord.

Long forays into the depth's of dungeons in Eorzea and beyond.((aka PvE ))

Slice of Life RP

Slice of Adventure RP

Slices of pie or cake... mmm cake.

Long walks on sandy beaches of Costa del Sol and then kicking that crab's ass because he spawned in the middle of your picnic.


I may be the FC member for you! 


A little about Rhen;

She is an everyday Joe kinda of gal.  She has no special powers or lazer beam eyes.

She works hard for her keep.  She's got alot of skills; she cooks like a dream and can manage a tavern too. 

She's neutral aligned.

She's low maintenance. No fleas.

Her WIP Wiki can be found in the signature.


Thanks for reading and please, send me a message if you feel your FC would work.



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I'm surprised no one has posted yet so I will go ahead and throw out the Wayfarers' name. We are always looking for new, active members who can contribute to our company and enjoy the social activities. We have several members asking for more PvE content as well like dungeons and the like. Above all, we are look for members with a positive influence and a goodnatured attitude. So if you are looking for a close knit FC look us up! We have almost nightly RP at the tavern and would love to meet you!


You can see more here on our page.


Take care and good luck!

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The Knights of Eorzea is a Protectorate themed Community that has a Working Website, three to four events a week, pve content and a voice program. We also utilize character sheets, creating a wiki site for our systems and we make youtube video's to archive our experiences together. To be honest we do alot it may be best to check us out at our site: (We have 20 Active Members on daily, with 4 currently inactive)




We also work with the following Communities at the moment:


Protector's of Hydaelyn



Liliro Liro and I are in talks to get our communities working together too!

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