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In duty/Dungeon RP

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As I've been told many times before, it's often rejected to roleplay in duties and such, typically with pug parties(though I've had some coined sessions develop with consensus before without any prior planning, but that's entirely besides the topic here). What I would like to know is rather how you operate roleplay in premade groups that acknowledge there will be roleplay.


So I'm asking for a bit of advice in how you go about RP'ing in a combat setting. Open world is pretty slow and free to go at any pace, duties seem to be less-so depending on the time limit. Do you include actions in your RP while in a duty? Or just quick lines between battles, pulls, or amid trial sequences? Do you just take your time or do you mix it up?


If you post just to recommend never doing it or that you don't, I'd rather no post at all. However, I would greatly appreciate some advice as someone who would like to participate in roleplay based duties for long term stories. So far when I have roleplayed in instances like pre-made PoTD runs or a couple ARR EX trials, I've only been IC through what I say as an action or a command/request. Occasionally some dialogue regarding the opponent's worth if the trial/duty gives that freedom of time(like the time spent between Bismark being hit by dragonkillers to the point where he's actually able to be walked upon to damage). Maybe some emotes here and there depending on the situation, like /beckon or /smile etc. How do you personally do it or go about it? How in depth do you go or do you refrain, why or why not?


Personally I've felt comfortable in most situations that don't require my full attention solely because of my typing speed being rather high. Enough to be able to type in between casting or just while auto-running to a new destination. How about you?

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Certainly not the only way to do it, but my company generally uses dungeons as settings, rather than their named places. For instance, if we run Sastasha ICly, we either consider it just another path in Sastasha that the WoL didn't take, or just generic pirate cave #67346.


And that's generally what we focus on: the setting. As wonderful and beautiful as the open world is, sometimes for that particular scene/event, a dungeon has a better layout and look about it.


As for the mobs and such, we might sometimes comment on them ICly, "Gods that us a big goobbue!" or some such, then do a generic "All fingers and toes accounted for?" after the battle. Bosses, especially named ones, if we acknowledge them at all, we do that same thing with them as with the dungeon as a whole... that's not Nidhogg's baby mama... that's just generic angry dragon #72663.


Sometimes, if needed or desired, we'll actually "add in" our own mobs using party markers. Place down a, b and c (and soon to be d) and describe what the enemies are... sometimes using rolls for combat, sometimes free form.


The biggest thing to remember, I feel, is that there isn't a single "right way" to do it. Do what works for you and yours for the scene/event you're trying to set and roll with it. Also keep in mind... you don't have to beat the dungeon. My company and I did some stuff in "Sohm Al" a week or so back and we barely got past the first boss with all the rp we were doing before the dungeon kicked us out.

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I generally start by having a reason to do something and find a dungeon that equates to the place the group have to go. In this way you follow the RP and not the dungeon. It may be you don't complete the dungeon because the target is not at the end.


So there are things to fight, go in unsynced and there is no problem, just use low power and the fights last a few goes. Deal with injuries etc.. run away, and stuff ans you want.


Use the setting, and pre-knowing it allows you to choose what you are after and where to go. I tend to provide the descriptions myself over the top of what people see. 


So to summarize, treat the dungeons as a place to go do your RP and not as a dungeon.

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I love love love LOVE doing RP in dungeons!!  There are so many that have such a cool atmosphere and story to play around with for your own RP. However, it is a bit tricky! That timer be damned, mostly! ><


For the most part, I feel like dungeon rps really give what's meant to be for RPing in an MMO. It's realtime, you have your visuals in front of you, so it would just be a matter of throwing in dialogue and a quick emote flourish for whatever your character may be going through realtime without really writing it out as a story! All you'd have to worry about is keeping a record of the rp via writing a summary or character journal, if at all! I like doing those things to keep my characters' consistencies!


However, removing ilevel requirements have made that timer a little less of a pain for older dungeons at least-- if you're wanting to write out more in exploring!  A quick fiveminute sweep of a dungeon and you have 85 minutes to play with the setting how -you- want to! (I'm so excited for this to happen to Heavensward dungeons soooon ;___; ) If you want to keep mobs however, I kinda just .. play off that the mobs were a lot harder to deal with than they actually were, what, with the one-shot kills for likely 260+ ilevel gear. xD


I typically write out a skeleton for what I want to see happen in the dungeon, having characters roll at the beginning of each boss to see who's going to get hit first before hopping into battle-- or whatever! People love characters getting attacked a little before overcoming the hardships! It makes the victory that much more rewarding in conflicts!


It's so fun!

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I've done this once, and it was really fun! But we cleared out the instance before we started RPing. (We actually did this twice in the end due to time.) And RP'd out our own scenario and monsters in the given environment, instead - giving us more freedom and flexibility VS the in-game scenario.


I did IC clears back in WoW, and I always found it kind of stressful switching so quickly between "modes" of gameplay... and while it wasn't an issue for me (I type ridiculously fast), I know some of my friends said they felt like they couldn't really join in because by the time they were done typing, we were fighting the next thing. We fixed that by taking it slower between groups in future and doing stuff like everyone switching to level 1 weapons and everyone but the tank switching to level 1 gear, but... with 90 minute limiters on FFXIV instances, maybe another solution would be better?

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Certainly not the only way to do it, but my company generally uses dungeons as settings, rather than their named places. For instance, if we run Sastasha ICly, we either consider it just another path in Sastasha that the WoL didn't take, or just generic pirate cave #67346.


And that's generally what we focus on: the setting. As wonderful and beautiful as the open world is, sometimes for that particular scene/event, a dungeon has a better layout and look about it.


As for the mobs and such, we might sometimes comment on them ICly, "Gods that us a big goobbue!" or some such, then do a generic "All fingers and toes accounted for?" after the battle. Bosses, especially named ones, if we acknowledge them at all, we do that same thing with them as with the dungeon as a whole... that's not Nidhogg's baby mama... that's just generic angry dragon #72663.


Sometimes, if needed or desired, we'll actually "add in" our own mobs using party markers. Place down a, b and c (and soon to be d) and describe what the enemies are... sometimes using rolls for combat,  sometimes free form.


The biggest thing to remember,  I feel, is that there isn't a single "right way" to do it. Do what works for you and yours for the scene/event you're trying to set and roll with it. Also keep in mind... you don't have to beat the dungeon. My company and I did some stuff in "Sohm Al" a week or so back and we barely got past the first boss with all the rp we were doing before the dungeon kicked us out.

Interesting, I always considered it that much myself just because stretching as far away from the WoL seems to be a good route overall. I would like to know more examples how you mean about adding in your own mobs. Like pretending there's a creature in a specific location and executing battle RP through description?

I love love love LOVE doing RP in dungeons!!  There are so many that have such a cool atmosphere and story to play around with for your own RP. However, it is a bit tricky! That timer be damned, mostly! ><


For the most part, I feel like dungeon rps really give what's meant to be for RPing in an MMO. It's realtime, you have your visuals in front of you, so it would just be a matter of throwing in dialogue and a quick emote flourish for whatever your character may be going through realtime without really writing it out as a story! All you'd have to worry about is keeping a record of the rp via writing a summary or character journal, if at all! I like doing those things to keep my characters' consistencies!


However, removing ilevel requirements have made that timer a little less of a pain for older dungeons at least-- if you're wanting to write out more in exploring!  A quick fiveminute sweep of a dungeon and you have 85 minutes to play with the setting how -you- want to! (I'm so excited for this to happen to Heavensward dungeons soooon ;___; ) If you want to keep mobs however, I kinda just .. play off that the mobs were a lot harder to deal with than they actually were, what, with the one-shot kills for likely 260+ ilevel gear. xD


I typically write out a skeleton for what I want to see happen in the dungeon, having characters roll at the beginning of each boss to see who's going to get hit first before hopping into battle-- or whatever! People love characters getting attacked a little before overcoming the hardships! It makes the victory that much more rewarding in conflicts!


It's so fun!

Heh, I'm a bit excited for that as well. Though in all honesty, one of the times I enjoyed the most in RP was being at the level requirement for a dungeon and as we cleared, making remarks about the weather or the enemies around. Making everything simpler seems fine to me but I guess to a degree, I'd like to keep in the idea that all of the combat I'm doing is straight forward and not planned ahead. Like cleaning out satasha before actually RP'ing like you mentioned.


I actually do use a journal myself keeping entries for everything my char does, as well as just something fun to bring out randomly when he's fascinated by something. It's a pretty fun way to go about trials with primals too :P.


Overall through the posts so far, it seems like my biggest adjustment needs to be in actually just enjoying the dungeon than completing it. I suppose I do still want more emphasis on beating the dungeon, especially with new content coming up and some long term RP partners willing to join me for it. I guess then it's just a dependent factor of the roleplay/emotes vs your actual willingness to win then?

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I've done this once, and it was really fun! But we cleared out the instance before we started RPing. (We actually did this twice in the end due to time.) And RP'd out our own scenario and monsters in the given environment, instead - giving us more freedom and flexibility VS the in-game scenario.


I did IC clears back in WoW, and I always found it kind of stressful switching so quickly between "modes" of gameplay... and while it wasn't an issue for me (I type ridiculously fast), I know some of my friends said they felt like they couldn't really join in because by the time they were done typing, we were fighting the next thing. We fixed that by taking it slower between groups in future and doing stuff like everyone switching to level 1 weapons and everyone but the tank switching to level 1 gear, but... with 90 minute limiters on FFXIV instances, maybe another solution would be better?

While I understand their reasoning for having a timer, I really do wish they could remove it somehow... I can recall some dungeons in other mmo's that didn't have ana ctual timer, but rather just a timer for rewards you could gain, like having an hour to defeat X amount of bosses to claim X amount of treasures. Leaving the dungeon itself solely your party's and whatever will you had with it was your own. Then again, they also had limits to how many times you could run certain dungeons too.... *shrug*


I generally start by having a reason to do something and find a dungeon that equates to the place the group have to go. In this way you follow the RP and not the dungeon. It may be you don't complete the dungeon because the target is not at the end.


So there are things to fight, go in unsynced and there is no problem, just use low power and the fights last a few goes. Deal with injuries etc.. run away, and stuff ans you want.


Use the setting, and pre-knowing it allows you to choose what you are after and where to go. I tend to provide the descriptions myself over the top of what people see. 


So to summarize, treat the dungeons as a place to go do your RP and not as a dungeon.

Curse this multi quote system... Like the other 2 first comments, you really got me here. I should start expanding my eyes a bit more for dungeons and not just seeing them as what they are, but instead what their purpose to character's would be. I should experiment more with that... I guess I'm too blunt when I see some things, it's also why I use emotes more often in RP to simulate the actual movement. Starting to think I should drop some of these habits because they induce anxiety over producing interesting plot/fun.


EDIT: sorry for the double post.... So it really sounds like the true issue is just fun vs victory of the dungeon(or in most cases, not having enough damn time >.>). I guess I'm doing good so far then in trying to work the ratio out to not negatively impact my group but also to have fun. In an instance like PoTD, it sounds like it'd be a bigger factor than normally unsync'ing dungeons or etc. I'm glad I got some insight though, gives me a reason to use dungeons like brayflox and etc more to just explore with a jungle setting and so on.

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I love dungeon RP. I just wish we could enter in bigger groups. 


I've done both ARR dungeons, where you can unsynch it and just clear everything in 3-5 mins, then RP at leisure, and HW dungeons where you have to actually worry about pulls. I've done a raid RP (Void Ark) where we used linkshell chat to banter while playing as normal.


People are really down on dungeon RPs, huh? We did a 60 Dungeon raid and posted screenshots in our discord channel and this one guy came out of NOWHERE to go: "Just so you know I would NEVER do a dungeon RP. :x 90 mins isn't enough time. That isn't good enough for me. :x"


When we do ARR dungeons, we unsynch them and clear the area we're going to RP in. Depending on the plot, the clears might be IC or we might just massacre everything then start our scene. I've done a few where the whole purpose was to RP a fight scene with a particular boss fight, so we'll just clear until that point then start RPing. It's really atmospheric. And when we run out of time, we just pause, re-enter and clear again.


Back to the moody guy in my second paragraph. I pointed out that if we run out of time, we can just re-enter. And that seemed to piss them off more. Because I guess it takes too much time? I don't see how it's any different than taking a break because someone needs to afk for dinner or to answer the phone or something.


In HW dungeons, you can't unsynch them yet and you have to make sure your party can handle the mobs - so like no all bard party. That's kind of shitty, but if you can work around it, it's pretty fun. Again, you can always re-enter.


Most RP events I see on the calendar are slotted for 2-3 hours. A dungeon is 90 mins? The way I see it, two dungeon runs = the time of a normal RP event.


For trials,you can set up dialogue macros that your character will probably use in their banter.


I was surprised when I started that we use this game as more of a backdrop for text-based RPs with long paragraphs and little movement. I like to have my character gesture, move around. I like the visual medium. Dungeon RPs really let you focus on that rather than what's basically a forum RP inside a game box. But after playing on Balmung, I've come to like long paragraph RPs too <3

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I love dungeon RP. I just wish we could enter in bigger groups. 


I've done both ARR dungeons, where you can unsynch it and just clear everything in 3-5 mins, then RP at leisure, and HW dungeons where you have to actually worry about pulls. I've done a raid RP (Void Ark) where we used linkshell chat to banter while playing as normal.


People are really down on dungeon RPs, huh? We did a 60 Dungeon raid and posted screenshots in our discord channel and this one guy came out of NOWHERE to go: "Just so you know I would NEVER do a dungeon RP. :x 90 mins isn't enough time. That isn't good enough for me. :x"


When we do ARR dungeons, we unsynch them and clear the area we're going to RP in. Depending on the plot, the clears might be IC or we might just massacre everything then start our scene. I've done a few where the whole purpose was to RP a fight scene with a particular boss fight, so we'll just clear until that point then start RPing. It's really atmospheric. And when we run out of time, we just pause, re-enter and clear again.


Back to the moody guy in my second paragraph. I pointed out that if we run out of time, we can just re-enter. And that seemed to piss them off more. Because I guess it takes too much time? I don't see how it's any different than taking a break because someone needs to afk for dinner or to answer the phone or something.


In HW dungeons, you can't unsynch them yet and you have to make sure your party can handle the mobs - so like no all bard party. That's kind of shitty, but if you can work around it, it's pretty fun. Again, you can always re-enter.


Most RP events I see on the calendar are slotted for 2-3 hours. A dungeon is 90 mins? The way I see it, two dungeon runs = the time of a normal RP event.


For trials,you can set up dialogue macros that your character will probably use in their banter.


I was surprised when I started that we use this game as more of a backdrop for text-based RPs with long paragraphs and little movement. I like to have my character gesture, move around. I like the visual medium. Dungeon RPs really let you focus on that rather than what's basically a forum RP inside a game box. But after playing on Balmung, I've come to like long paragraph RPs too <3

The only issue I can see having with it is dependent on if he actually wanted to clear or perhaps the time running out breaks that immersion for him. Sometimes people need a bit to get enveloped into character and I could definitely see that as an issue if you had to clear out a whole dungeon twice, it's a bit tedious and breaks the casual feeling from being IC. Otherwise I agree entirely, though I can't imagine a whole raid RP like void ark or something.... As fun as that'd be anyways.


That's why I actually enjoy trials for a bit of RP myself. I had a time where Valic was engaged with Ramuh(didn't come up with a reason or how/why he was summoned at all) and after it I had taken the time to just examine the soil with electricity still flowing in the air. Talking about the elements composed of the aether surrounding and how Ramuh's attacks leave an electrical essence that doesn't need to be grounded etc even a lil mid fight. Otherwise I really do wish dungeons had more players in them... at least 5-8 but 4 feels rather... low to me in comparison to other games.


I setup a couple macros for some skills depending on their cd(if they get off too soon, it can get annoying). Back on my dragoon I had a macro for battle litany that basically was a line encouraging everyone to charge because they had my character's strength etc edgy-ness lol. That helped both immersion to be IC and also served as a good "YOU'RE GOOD TO DPS HARD, GO FOR IT!" maneuver. Otherwise, all I macro dialogue into now is limit breaks, which are extremely fun to add in a certain couple of sound effects. se.10 and se.3 specifically, one for the alarm notification that it's being casted, then one that makes the classic sound when you select a target and use a skill(I grew up with FF8, so spamming the O button for the limit break to pop up with that cursor beep was a classic sound to me I guess LOL). Really makes it feel like your character has a unique limit break, even knowing the 1st and 2nd gauge ones are shared among most similar class types. Some of it is even kinda handy for the tank to be notified to stop moving mobs around so your ranged/caster Lb can hit.


Off the top of my head, my previous persona as being a machinist LB macro was something like...


/macroicon "Limit Break"

/ac "Limit Break"

/party Hold it steady... I'm taking the shot! (Limit break translation)

/wait 3

/party Aim... FIRE!



I'm probably mixing up the sound effects there...(haven't subbed back yet and unable to check atm) but they really sound amazing with your skills animation/sound going off. Hearing that classic cursor confirm sound when your character is unleashing a giant laser blast just feels so good...

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Interesting, I always considered it that much myself just because stretching as far away from the WoL seems to be a good route overall. I would like to know more examples how you mean about adding in your own mobs. Like pretending there's a creature in a specific location and executing battle RP through description?

Precisely this, actually.


Going back to the "Sohm Al" example I mentioned, the DM running our event wanted to have a fight against a dragon that was a little more "epic". So, we cleared the area of actual in game pve mobs, then the DM set up the glowing waypoints and explained the situation. We then rolled initiative, and RP'ed out the combat as opposed to just pressing buttons on our keyboard to go through our rotations.


Which, to clarify, is what we USUALLY do when engaging the mobs placed in the dungeon. We generally don't emote out "Bob swings his sword diagonally at the crawler" for every single encounter in the dungeon. As said above, we might comment on what the pull looks like, do a bit of PvE and just kill the pull, then have a little follow up RP.


Of course, this can be expanded as well to add fights against creatures that are generally not in the dungeon per SE's decisions. For example, going back to Sohm Al once more, there aren't really any giant demon voidsent... so perhaps your group has gone there to investigate a disturbance in the aether, stumble into one of the chambers to find naughty mages playing with void magic, and out pops the demon from a portal or some such. None of that is actually in the actual Sohm Al dungeon, so you could use the waypoints to mark where the mages are, the portal, the demon, etc. then RP out the combat however your group normally does (rolls, free form, whatever).

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Damn quote system...

Interesting.... I really should get into some of this. Like looking through rubble for an item or etc. Though I'm not sure about designating a DM, I do love it being free form and just RP as it goes than anything that's set up. I guess it could also be good for events or something that would be dungeon relative too though. Not bad, do you describe the creature's actions or what implies it's death and etc? Or is that why there's a DM, to determine what the monster's rolls/etc will determine?

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I don't get to RP dungeons etc. as much as I'd like to, but one of the things I hate about regular dungeon runs is the rushing through. RPing would at least give you the chance to explore and investigate. That's what I miss.

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I don't get to RP dungeons etc. as much as I'd like to, but one of the things I hate about regular dungeon runs is the rushing through. RPing would at least give you the chance to explore and investigate. That's what I miss.

Now that you mention it, that's something I've missed form past mmo's as well. The fact that all the dungeons in this game are pretty much a linear exploration of following path A to path B to get to path C. I would love if they gave us a dungeon that randomized which boss ended up where to drop which key or you had to explore individual areas solo and split up or etc. I agree though, I didn't even finish my map of satasha until I hit level 60 and went through myself aolo, there were a few extra rooms I didn't even see there because everyone just rushes content.

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One day I will go into that room where a fight breaks out and just watch and see who wins the fight. xD

There's this one fate just outside the quarrymill I do exactly that with lol. It's between some gobbies and miqo'te, I'm not sure if the kills count though when they've lost over half their hp. However I still try anyways to aoe both when they have less than 10% hp left lol

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