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I am a new player returning to Final Fantasy 14 after I realized I had been paying my sub for nearly 2 years. After a few hours of playing, and an invite to a very helpful free company, I decided I wanted to give this game a real chance. I know Square Enix really likes to develop their game worlds so I figured I would stop being so shy and give RPing a chance as well.


MMORPG background: I don't have a large background in MMOs. I have tried a few Korean mmos but nothing that I played more than a month or two due to the pay to win system.


RP experience: I have none. I have always been curious, so I really want to give it a shot. I don't even know where to begin!


Character ideas/info: I currently have an ivory skinned Auri archer, with tan skin and ivory hair, named Mana Obinata on Mateus. I haven't developed a back story yet because I am clueless about this game's lore still. I am always open to changing my race if I can develop a better character for it, so that may change in the future.


How did I learn of this coalition: I used Google in attempt to find a central hub for FFXIV role players and this was the first result.


What kind of role-player do you aim to be: I am not even sure. I think it would be best if I started out light until I am comfortable playing in character and decide later.


I hope to meet some of you in game!

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Welcome! I know how you feel. I felt (and still do, actually, though not as much) really timid and anxious when it came to RP. I wanted to do it "right" and was thinking I'd be totally awful. I did a little on WoW but that was it. The lore and story here just felt like so much to take in it was overwhelming..


But stick with it! I'm not sure how the community over on your server is, but repetition and good partners totally help. You'll do well :)

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Character ideas/info: I currently have an ivory skinned Auri archer, with tan skin and ivory hair, named Mana Obinata on Mateus. I haven't developed a back story yet because I am clueless about this game's lore still. I am always open to changing my race if I can develop a better character for it, so that may change in the future.


Welcome back to Eorzea and welcome to the RPC! The lore bit we can help you on, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask here or in lore discussion, character workshop, etc. I've got a good link to help get you started, but like Kirakira said - this game has a lot of lore. It can be a bit overwhelming. Most people don't know everything and don't expect you to. Don't feel like you have to digest it all in one sitting before starting your character.


-Index of Lore Questions and Topics


Hope that helps! ^^

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