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NA Adventurers! Looking for RP? New to RP? Welcome to Mateus!

So, you down to give Mateus a shot?  

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  1. 1. So, you down to give Mateus a shot?

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    • I think i'll pass.

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Hey everyone, I may (nothing for certain) jumping ship to Mateus. I am curious as to how active and potentially stable the RPing is.


Does it seem like it could remain steady for years and be like Balmung? Or does it seem like it could go the way of Gilgamesh and just end up merging back into Balmung before long? (Or maybe my hypothesis about Gilgamesh is right and there isn't an issue about that...)


Is it active? Can I walk into frequented Balmung RP places on Mateus and find RP? Or is it more hidden from public?


Not trying to crush dreams or anything. Just want to know the validity of switching RP servers.


Is it active? Can't compare it to Balmung, but it's slow been picking up. Quicksand used to be empty, but now a handful of RPers hang out in the area. I've connected with most of the people I RP with via sending them /tells or digging around the forum or the RPM (Mateus RPing Discord). It's okay to check the Quicksands once in a while, but I wouldn't recommend that to be your only source in trying to look for new people to connect with.



Mateus only has started gaining a lot of population due to Balmung being locked down so it's hard to say whether it's going to be the another unofficial RPing server like Balmung or if it'll be in the same situation as Gilgamesh (assuming what you mentioned is true. I've never been on Gilgamesh so I cant verify if it is true or not), but as long as Balmung continues to be locked, I think Mateus has the potential to be the next unofficial RPing server. I am one of the many people who transferred to Mateus due to various reasons and I'm enjoying my stays here. Yes, there are some things that are better on Balmung (cheap market price to be one of them), but for me, the pros is far more greater than the cons. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me more questions :)


The Gilgamesh stuff stems from just a hypothesis that, with Gilgamesh housing some of the more successful, noteworthy, accomplished and celebrated raiders, you get a lot of trash there. Idiots, who for whatever reason, thought that harassing RPers would endear them in the eyes of big-name raiders like Death and Taxes, or otherwise serve to stoke their epeens, thus ultimately driving the RPers to Balmung, leaving no RP on Gilgamesh whatsoever.


Mateus is not Gilgamesh when it comes to raiding.

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It looks like I'll be joining up here after a bit of confusion with which game version I bought and all. Is there a link to the discord I'm missing? Seems like a good tool for networking!


Mateus RP Hub has a link over in the Player Directory section. Also here: https://discord.gg/HPbYNFU


For other Mateus-based Linkshells, Free Companies or Discords, you'll want to check with the specific groups themselves, like Roleplay Mateus (RPM) for instance.

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Hey everyone, I may (nothing for certain) jumping ship to Mateus. I am curious as to how active and potentially stable the RPing is.


Does it seem like it could remain steady for years and be like Balmung? Or does it seem like it could go the way of Gilgamesh and just end up merging back into Balmung before long? (Or maybe my hypothesis about Gilgamesh is right and there isn't an issue about that...)


Is it active? Can I walk into frequented Balmung RP places on Mateus and find RP? Or is it more hidden from public?


Not trying to crush dreams or anything. Just want to know the validity of switching RP servers.


Active: While smaller than Balmung on the community scale, there are several FCs and the majority of the community committed to making Mateus work, There's is plenty of RP happening all around, and I suspect as the excitement of the new expansions content simmers down there will be plenty more.


I honestly don't see the Mateus group remerging with Balmung on a whole, sure you may have a few stragglers go back should that option become available, but I think over all many of us are in it for the long haul. That's the impression the Mateus RP Hub Discord gives at least. (you can find a link to it in the Player Directory.)


I see a lot of RP in public at the moment, there's also a few player run taverns in the housing districts.


The only con at the moment are prices for things are higher, but again as people get done leveling jobs, I'm sure more crafting will happen and those prices will slowly decline.

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So it may be a tiring thing, but those who don't have that same opinion often need to speak up and be heard as well. 


I can make a pretty educated guess that people on Mateus stay in our discord / don't post here because people on Mateus are like those on Balmung and have jobs, kids, school, life, and they don't want to spend their leisure time coming here and repeating themselves again and again, much less when some people seem determined to be offended. 


I can't even post in the PuG rant thread about an overzealous healer without it becoming, "But hey, what's up with Mateus being such a mess amirite?" 


No thanks. 


I'm speaking more generally than to any one person and I'm sure it will read more snappy than intended, though make no mistake this is tiring and I am tired of it. 


I've tried to be active in these forums because although it's unfair to expect the discord to not have any road bumps (there are hundreds of us now, after all), I don't like the idea of it seeming like the Mateus community "belongs" to any group of people or that any group of people are in charge of it, no matter how long they've been here or how level-headed they are. Because the server belongs to SE, period, and Balmung people have every right to play it on.


And Mateus natives or transfers should have every right to disagree with the consensus of aforementioned discord and not be ostracized from the community for it. Which isn't something I've seen happen, but is always a risk of becoming the norm when a community melds into one primary group and people get the impression that group is law. 


However, ironically, I often feel unwelcome here as someone from Mateus, and somewhat hypocritically, my opinion of Balmung has become sour to the point I question my ability to continue speaking objectively. So this is my last post in this thread on this topic. 


My final note is to say I still welcome all the transfers and they're free to get in contact with me for any reason at any time. I'm not in charge because no one is in charge, but I'll be happy to help you get settled in Mateus if needed.

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So it may be a tiring thing, but those who don't have that same opinion often need to speak up and be heard as well. 


I can make a pretty educated guess that people on Mateus stay in our discord / don't post here because people on Mateus are like those on Balmung and have jobs, kids, school, life, and they don't want to spend their leisure time coming here and repeating themselves again and again, much less when some people seem determined to be offended. 


I can't even post in the PuG rant thread about an overzealous healer without it becoming, "But hey, what's up with Mateus being such a mess amirite?" 


No thanks. 


I think there was a bit of a misunderstanding here. I'm not saying that Mateus folk have to come here and continue to parade "hey, we're not all terrible." I'm talking about on the server itself, that it'd probably help the whole situation of "I went there and everyone's bashing Balmung" or what have you by helping provide the positive spin. Which - from the sound of things - give your bit about helping people get settled, you are.


Also, it definitely sounds like you're getting a bit burned out about rallying the cause over here because I MADE the PuG thread and thus get notified every time there's a post in it. And the only "wow Mateus" posts were when I made an offhanded comment about the shout chat and then we moved on. :dazed:

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