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Your friendly neighborhood Keeper-cat needs...well, friends!

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Hiya! I'm back from an XIV hiatus of over a year, and an RP hiatus of over two. Understandably so, most of my friends/Sav's connections have either jumped servers, fantasia'd, or just plain stopped playing. I miss my Sav terribly, and I'd like to throw her back out into the wide world of Balmung.


Short backstory summary


Born in the Shroud to a dying lineage, Sav's upbringing was very sheltered. Her father died when she was only a few cycles old, and was raised solely by her mother. She received a basic education that was supplemented by her own reading, finding her passion in arcanima. In her late teens, she decided to leave the forest to receive formal training as an arcanist. She even served a stint as a knight-in-training (though that's a long story for another time).

Fast forward to more recent events that led up to her current predicament: Sav was kidnapped and held for months for information she didn't possess. When she finally made her way out of that mess, her mate was gone (presumed dead), she had a falling out with her sister, and is trying to readjust to living a normal life again. Coping with her mate being gone and the fact that she's more or less a failed matriarch has taken its toll. She's a girl with not much left (and I would like to change that!).




Sav is normally a very happy-go-lucky girl, and absolutely loves learning new things. As a result of her sheltered childhood, she is rather naive and blunt...often not knowing she's prying or being rude until after the fact. Sav is very much a 'stream of consciousness' character...saying anything that pops into her head (she's working on controlling this, and failing pretty miserably). She is protective of anyone she considers her tribe, and makes fast friends.

Since the abduction, Sav has become a bit withdrawn. She has a need to be considered useful so she's not abandoned or forgotten about. She knows that something isn't right, but doesn't quite know how to fix it.


What I'm looking for:


- Friends! Sav thrives in an smaller group of people she considers 'tribe'. In the absence of her own family, she uses others instead! She will listen without too much judgment, and will even give advice (not always good advice, but interesting advice all the same!).

- A mentor/teacher of some sort. This does not mean I'm necessarily looking for a pushes-glasses-up-nose professor...really, almost anyone could fill this role. Someone who could teach her more about arcanima or someone who could just take her on adventures to see new places and do new things. (As an example, once a friend took Sav to Coerthas...she'd never seen snow before. It could be /that/ simple.)


What I'm not looking for:


- Let's-get-right-down-to-it ERP. Sav's not that kinda girl, and I'm not that kinda writer. I don't want anyone trying to take advantage of her simply because she's eager to please, bright-eyed, and bushy-tailed (ha). Any potential romantic development of any kind would be organic, slow and steady...poor thing is still coming down from her last relationship.

-Those who want me/Sav to spend every waking moment with them. I work full time, I raid, and sometimes I coach kids. I'm around most EST nights and weekends, but there's plenty of things to do in game since expansion hit, and I like to do some of them! You should, too.


Edit: Potential hooks/locations you might find Sav:

-Limsa, either down by the docks or in/around Maelvaan's Gate- Sav studies a /ton/ at the arcanist's guild, and when she's not there, she's often down by the docks. She sleeps there quite a bit, in order to save gil to feed her chocobo. Once or twice a week she'll rent an inn room to be well rested and presentable.

-The Shroud- Sav was born here, and still considers it home. When she breaks away from her studies, she returns to the Twelveswood to wander about; maybe even catch a nap in a tree.

*Note- If you have some sort of character plot going on that you might be looking for people to join in, I'd be more than happy to throw Sav into it. Her everyday life is rather routine, and I don't have any particular character plot planned for her right now. She will gladly support your leading man/lady in whatever they're up to!


Let me know if you're interested in meeting Sav, or if there's something glaring that I left out and you'd like to know! Shooting a /tell in game is probably the best way to go, but of course I'll pop in and out of here at work~

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Hey there, and welcome back! 


Going off your wiki and what you've written here, I think Sav and Kasi would share a great deal of common ground. Kasi is a bit of a wandering explorer, mercenary, trader, cook, mother, and a few other things on top of that. She's a pretty big proponent of Miqo'te nationalism (master race, cough), so there's not much she won't do for kin down on their luck or in trouble. To her, kin (Keeper and Seeker alike) and family are the two most important things in the world, and she's on a bit of a quest to try and preserve cultural traditions and heritage in the face of a changing, increasingly civilized world. It's kind of led to her establishing a bit of her own following over time (though I hesitate to call it a tribe or a clan). 


Kasi could totally and happily mentor across a good number of subjects, including wilderness survival, hunting, skinning, swordplay, polearms, and her favorite topic of all, grilling and smoking meat. I imagine a few of those things would probably be of interest to Sav!


Regardless, here's hoping you find a good number of folks for Sav to meet!

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@Faye Thanks, good to be back! Sav is a pretty plug-and-play type, and can fit with a variety of different personalities, so I'm sure anyone could run into Sav successfully without too much trouble. She's like the endearing little sister you never knew you wanted (or you really don't want, but too bad!) 8-)


@Kasi I almost forgot I had a wiki for Sav, lord that's a tad old. But everything in it should be correct as far as events are concerned. Sav hasn't had any other tribal Keepers around in the better part of forever, and she would love to find a kindred spirit. Sav falls back on her Miqo'te master race-ness occasionally, and I'm sure the two would have a ton to talk about.



I totally forgot to add in potential hooks and junk in my original post, I should throw that in there. Will edit!

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Negui is a neutral guy that makes many friends usually and already has two adopted 'siblings'. A Kugane miqo'te male and a very young sister 'Moon' cat that he relates to. He seems to be a scaley lizard that had cat family.


He loves having more friends even though sometimes his selfish thinking can be troublesome. Pretty laid back and likes to joke, picking on people, and might have a gambling problem for a man of medicine.


I'd love to join your little group! I am personally always looking for connections. Scheduling is best for me since i'm a busy person IRL too. :D

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The more the merrier! Sav would be happy to meet all who would tolerate her. :moogle:


If you're lucky, she'll be in such a mood that she can hold an introspective and intelligent conversation. If not, all that gets thrown out the window and you'll have an overly excited mooncat that can't shut up.

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...you'll have an overly excited mooncat that can't shut up.


That sounds DREADFULLY adorable. I'd love to interact with you. Hopefully I'll return to the game soon and can do so. :)


Welcome back!

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