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Applying logic to housing/apartments

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So I've recently purchased an apartment that I'm planning to use for RP purposes as an actual apartment. I've taken 2-3 days possibly just tending to the minor details that make everything piece together but there's some things I wonder if I can or cannot apply reasoning to. Minor things like chess pieces over the fireplace, the music boxes, some books stray from the shelves, and whatever is under that Alpine Tea set dish I'll never know... (I guess that's a good thing as we can use imagination to make it whatever we want it to be).


I'm curious for those of you who use apartments/housing for RP, do you apply logic to why your character possesses specific things? Like why they would have etc etc... This seems easier for themes like restaurants considering you can claim books are recipe books, pans and meals everywhere just because, and etc entertainment for guests. What about for more specific living quarters though? I'd love to read some examples if there are any or what you do in place to explain the existence of certain items.


Also wasn't sure if this belonged in char workshop or here as I'm both curious how others handle it and also working to improve my character's living area logic(may post my apartment screenies later just for reference).

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There is a saying among a certain school of roleplayers...


"You can post-rationalize anything."


While you can pre-apply reasons for a bunch of stuff in your apartment there is a certain utility in leaving a lot undefined until you need it.  Those stray books, they're whatever you happened to have needed your character to read last night to enhance the story currently happening.   The chess pieces,  gift from an old friend or something found.  


I've got a mix of things with pre-applied logic behind them and things I've got no idea on until they'll be referenced in Erah'sae's apartment.  There's a map table with chess pieces and a stuffed chocobo on it that represents routes for his courier gig.  There's a carpenter's workbench because he is an IC carpenter.   


The books next to his bed?  The fact that his bed is twin adder standard issue?   No idea, if/when they become relevant I'll come up with something.  There are vague ideas but I haven't needed to define them yet.


This really works for RP because the minutiae of our real houses change with a good bit of frequency, most houses / apartments are fairly static once you find a certain aestetic you like.

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I definitely have ideas in mind when I'm putting things into a character's apartment/free company room. A lot of the pieces I'm picking are for a specific reason, and I'll set things up specifically to fit a lot of those preconceived ideas.


For example, Gogon is a tactician who is very well-read. The main section of his apartment is stuffed with books and a map of Eorzea with chess pieces set on it to serve as "markers" for troop movements. His formulaic nature also lends well to alchemy and, more importantly, cooking - so I made sure to section off a section of his apartment for a kitchen, including a wine rack since he's a bit of a wine snob.


Chachan's smithy design was originally jokingly called "Mullet Ironworks" because I had the idea of "business in the front, party in the back." The front looks very formal and neat with his smithing equipment and a sitting area and all that, but his cheerful and colorful nature is on full display in the back room with a bunch of fanciful and cutesy furniture back there.


That's not to say some of the designs weren't happy accidents. The "Chocoforge" is an example of this. I had it for a while that Chachan likes his horsebirds, and so I got a Chocobo Pillar to try and put in his room... but I couldn't find a good spot for it. That is, until I accidentally placed it over the Armorsmith crafting station - which made it look like it was a goofy-looking vent pipe for the thing. I've had it there ever since. :lol:

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I always put very great care in what goes where and why. The papers near or on my Negui's bed is from working late. The yarn basket he keeps tucked away is hidden in different areas. One spot in the fc house xD and one in his office and one snuck closer to his bed.. because he really likes yarn and hides this from people though hes such a kid. (and I ensure its so subtly placed no one notices right away till I say something)


Usually all the items have meaning to me in some form be it IC or a silent ooc tribute to old toons I use to play that mean something to me like a simple music box (because I'm a sentimental loser). But in the end it's very much atmosphere is everything.


Just like Sophiane's prize piece is actually her vanity and over all else in her room, spends the most time there. So it has the most items on it. Damn vain creature.

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 The fact that his bed is twin adder standard issue?   No idea, if/when they become relevant I'll come up with something.


He got a great deal on it at a fundraiser for the Adders.


Boom. Done.


That's kind of defeating the purpose of leaving it open ended.   Until it's defined it's full of possibilities.  It could have been bought, it could have been salvaged, could be one given to him by a friend.  All sorts of things it could be until it's defined.  Could be the property of someone else's character weaved into backstory later that doesn't exist yet.


There's a power, as a storycrafter, with leaving things undefined.

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 The fact that his bed is twin adder standard issue?   No idea, if/when they become relevant I'll come up with something.


He got a great deal on it at a fundraiser for the Adders.


Boom. Done.


That's kind of defeating the purpose of leaving it open ended.   Until it's defined it's full of possibilities.  It could have been bought, it could have been salvaged, could be one given to him by a friend.  All sorts of things it could be until it's defined.  Could be the property of someone else's character weaved into backstory later that doesn't exist yet.


There's a power, as a storycrafter, with leaving things undefined.


Well, you could also have something you ADD to the room based on RP. Chachan has an adorable little sheep rug in his bedroom because Jancis got it for him. :blush:

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 The fact that his bed is twin adder standard issue?   No idea, if/when they become relevant I'll come up with something.


He got a great deal on it at a fundraiser for the Adders.


Boom. Done.


That's kind of defeating the purpose of leaving it open ended.   Until it's defined it's full of possibilities.  It could have been bought, it could have been salvaged, could be one given to him by a friend.  All sorts of things it could be until it's defined.  Could be the property of someone else's character weaved into backstory later that doesn't exist yet.


There's a power, as a storycrafter, with leaving things undefined.


Mmmm, was more demonstrating how easy it is to just reference the how and where of an acquired item if asked about it in RP.....

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There is a saying among a certain school of roleplayers...


"You can post-rationalize anything."


While you can pre-apply reasons for a bunch of stuff in your apartment there is a certain utility in leaving a lot undefined until you need it. Those stray books, they're whatever you happened to have needed your character to read last night to enhance the story currently happening. The chess pieces, gift from an old friend or something found.


I've got a mix of things with pre-applied logic behind them and things I've got no idea on until they'll be referenced in Erah'sae's apartment. There's a map table with chess pieces and a stuffed chocobo on it that represents routes for his courier gig. There's a carpenter's workbench because he is an IC carpenter.


The books next to his bed? The fact that his bed is twin adder standard issue? No idea, if/when they become relevant I'll come up with something. There are vague ideas but I haven't needed to define them yet.


This really works for RP because the minutiae of our real houses change with a good bit of frequency, most houses / apartments are fairly static once you find a certain aestetic you like.

That's a pretty excellent idea actually... Thanks :D


Yes, I do


Could you elaborate a lil more xD?

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I also debated naming the apartment as if it's just an apartment, I figure it would stay the default of the Goblet owners to leave it registered as a specific apartment #. So I've left it what it is now but in any case...



The work desk... scattered with maps, documents of importance he's found, paper work he's still sorting out with the purchase of his apartment, as well as clues and other concepts. Books pertaining to his studies, research, culture research of Gyr Abania, and some favorites of his regarding magic and it's past. Couple seats for visitors he may need to work with in his study and when needing a break from all the work, a little fun time tending to his "soon to be" roses to put into a vase to bask in the sunlight. Something he finds joy in representing his love of the cycle of aether, water absorbing into the planet and blooming into a beautiful flower that will provide a delightful scent and return it's aether unto the world to restart the cycle of life. Generic paper next to it to write down his thoughts about it I guess, that area is still a work in progress as there's very few generic table items... bringing me back to the desk that has a gem stone viewer he'll likely use for closer inspection of items he may find of interest for clues or the like. There's also a shelf not shown in the picture above the window with books of course.




I may be a tall miqo'te but book shelves are still high.... Gotta reach em somehow. Few interesting books off the top shelves set to the side to pick up on later perhaps. Every bookcase area has 1-2 steps (because we don't have in-door actual step ladders) to help get to those higher reaching places but I would imply you could use this ladder for any of them if need be.




Honestly, I haven't come up with much reasoning for this corner... I wanted a fireplace to help with the warm lighting and coziness that would suit it's an establishment of comfort but work. The music boxes I was considering just saying they're a gift from the goldsmith guild after helping with some adventure to find some jewelry back from some bird or some generic quest, or perhaps gifts from admirers of his, it also representing the concept of "balance" by having the two together in unison play to become one. The chess pieces I'm debating to say the friend that crafted his rapier from Ishgard also sent some gifts to his new apartment or something along those lines, Valic would appreciate a fine game of wits in chess or at least to display them atop his fireplace. I also arranged them to try to tell a mini-story, the Temple Knights and dragoon defend and advance to take the vigil back from the dragon(something along those lines metaphorically speaking anyways as that's what those pieces are in game).





Had to have a clock somewhere to tell what time it is, spending hours in an office studying and falling asleep, bound to let time fly and miss out on things without checking :P. Retainer bell custom optional to have with apartments for those who have retainers(that and I'd want it anyways OOCly use) with the Aesthetician bell also custom optional(again, just wanted lol). Map of Eorzea as I feel everyone should have, coupled with fliers and papers from news that comes around town daily, maybe some notices of crooks roaming around Goblet or of events(perhaps RP events too?) that get mailed to Valic on a weekly basis. Or just interesting reads found in news and the like.




Then of course while it is an area of work, I would welcome guests and have Valic some form of nutritional brain food to work off of. Some hot milk tea and regular available with moist cakes, ripe oranges, a platter of fruits with some tarts underneath. Underneath the tray, maybe a platter of more moist cakes or some bread + butter to not get stale? Mostly a variety of delicious fruits and tea to keep the mind sharp and active but some sweets to relax the stress while you enjoy reading a bit or go warm up by the fireplace. No lounging around though :|(was going to be a lounge area to read at but it's his apartment/headquarters, not a library LOL). Then of course I need somewhere to get the ingredients to make these meals and have dishes and the like... Tea pouches and etc can be found in the counters and shelves on the right with a couple recipe books and packaged food from gathering/buying it himself to stay long nights studying.





Overall I was going for a work place, it doesn't serve as a place to relax or lounge around but suits the needs of researching, studying, organizing plans, and the like while maintaining all of the above with a warm fireplace and delicious treats to keep you going. Anyone he invites will definitely feel welcome but will typically be invited to discuss business or help them study. If anything they can pull a chair from the desk area I figure but typically it's all for 1on1's with him. Across the table questions/answers/planning basically. He tends to believe an environment should be tidy(as why no pile of tomes but there's still a bit of activity going on to show he's using books and marking them as important), no alcohol as he not only dislikes the flavor but it rots the mind :P, and as warm lit and dark as it may seem, he does know you should read with a good light(as why there's candles nearly every corner).


So.... I essentially need feedback, mostly on the fireplace area, but all around would be nice too x.x; Maybe some help on how to make the back table appropriate now that I have a bloomed rose in the vase. I'm currently growing some grapes and etc (perhaps for the platter up front?) but the paper/ink there feels out of place next to a vase and planter... There's just not many good generic pieces around to make things look active/busy. Hell there's not even table cloths for my lil buffet area :S.


The tips about making items useful when they are mentioned or come up relieves a lot of stress off me for the idea of why he'd have so many books, I just wrote it off they're just copies of popular tomes from the thaumaturge guild and some fiction you could find in Limsa. Some of it maybe some extra books here and there, but I guess it can fit any need/desire that comes up in RP, likely won't be using every single book huh? xD.

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