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Looking for Active FC and Linkshells

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Been a while since I've posted on here. I'm looking for some activity around Balmung. I used to play Doctor Ozerov but now I play:


Aster Ozerov: Red Mage and owner of the "Ozerov Do Anything Agency"

Blake Forester: Former criminal trying to live out a good life and help others live.


I'm hunting for an FC that has a more "Neutral to Good" feel to it. I'm not sure what is active around here anymore so I thought I'd poke in and ask. I'm usually on in the evenings. I have some other folks who might like a home too. Please contact me if you have anything.

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Depending on your activity times (we're heavily PST!), you could look into the Midnight Pearl, and see if it's what you're looking for. ♥

Thank you! I'll read more about it soon. I'm looking for two other people as well!


Ramen is good people.  You want Ramen.  


Everybody likes Ramen.

Syranelle ;-; thank you. I appreciate your support.


Blake misses his older sister.

What things are you looking for in an FC besides alignment?


Share with us! =D

I probably should have been more specific about that. I've been looking around on any lists I can find and reading up on lots of folks rules and themes.


I'm looking for a little bit of everything honestly. I need a little bit of everything in my rp. Too much action going on becomes tiresome and very "Well what disaster is going to befall us this week?" too much slice of life and it starts to feel like I'm playing the sims. I'm trying to avoid companies that are more criminal prone. Vigilantism is fine but I'd like to avoid blatant criminal empires and voidsent. Companies who are out to do good are what these two characters are for. I've said it before but I'm browsing for two more people so that also has been part of my decision making process. Anything that offers adventuring, exploring, slice of life, and mystery solving works!


Aster is a highlander red mage and was raised by a military dad. She has a strong sense of optimism and while is hopeful she is also practical. She can be perky until it comes to the mission in which her tone tends to become a bit less flighty. She joined her father's magic mercenary free company "The Laughing Ravens" For a time, but then moved on to actually trying to make gil for herself and find adventure. She enjoys solving mysteries and studying ancient relics and gushes over post flood findings. She also helps run her cousin's antique shop and runs her own personal mystery solving business.


Blake Forester is a half raen (Hyur/Au Ra)Malaguld and former criminal turned good guy. He can be silly at times I know what with his current goings on with "Cloud Rider" But the character underneath is actually kind of a grumpy goat. He is very stern but passionate and can sometimes fall into periods of deep reflection and seriously doubt what he is doing. Overall his desire is to make up for his crimes in Othard by any means necessary and someday find a home in the Steppes again. Blake used to carry an axe, but has since abandoned it in favor of the fist as a part of his desire not to kill anymore.

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(The Glass Sylph) is along the lines of Neutral-Good with a splash of darker grey elements from time to time. We have a google doc here with the bulk of information about us.


The short version: Glass is a group working behind the scenes of an artisan company to oppose the Garlean forces. They also work on liberation of other fronts such as Ala Mhigo, Doma, and even oppressive dregs that still exist in Eorzea itself.


We're PST based, weekly events, and are RP/PvE so people tend to enjoy both roleplay and content :) If you have any further questions, just poke me on Discord (Parvacake#8103).


Good luck with your search!

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Hot dang, this post is Syranelle-approved!?


Silliness aside, the Rendezvous of Stars LS may have what you're looking for: http://hostingstars.shivtr.com


Now that our ball has started to roll for October, I think you can judge our activity level by looking at our site. We offer at least one RP opportunity on our calendar per week, and, of equal importance, we have quite a few "sign up if you're interested in this RP hook!" posts available.


The general plot/premise of the LS is a twist on the trope of unknown heroes who are unwittingly charged with saving the world (emphasis on unwitting.)


We try to attract characters who are a bit more "mundane" than "fantastical" to lend to this theme. This guild is more about a scrappy band of reluctant heroes, rather than a collection of Epics who have already achieved hero status and are just dabbling in the plot on the side of their other world-saving exploits. In other words, we're more along the lines of Guardians of the Galaxy as opposed to The Avengers. (:


Because of this goal, we also try to keep things relatively close to the lore of the game. It's just what matches our theme and such. (More can be read about that in our Guidelines & Policies forum.)


I'd say we have a good variety between exploration, slice-of-life, and action. Also, if anything is ever lacking and players are craving a certain type of RP, we strongly encourage and support everyone putting events on our calendar (or offering events via "job board" postings) - not just staff!


We can't guarantee RP every day at whatever time of day, though. We have a variety of time zones in our LS, from Britain to Australia, so we heavily utilize our forums to arrange RP due to these disparate schedules.


Anyway, that's what we are! Feel free to poke about our site for yourself to see if it'd really be what you're looking for. :cactuar:

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