Stormblade Posted November 10, 2017 Share #1 Posted November 10, 2017 In-game on a regular basis, what variety of RP do you usually see around you, or do you actively participate in? For example; an adventuring event with combat and exploration, a social event at a bar or other venue, a celebration of a holiday/birthday/wedding, a romantic or relationship-based event, or something else? Or maybe do you wish you'd see something more often, or maybe less often? Just wondering what the more common varieties of roleplay are out there and that people usually see/experience in FFXIV. 1 Link to comment
Kieron Lohengrin Posted November 10, 2017 Share #2 Posted November 10, 2017 Adventure RP, though living in an Asian timezone and working full time IRL means the plots usually tend to progress just as much through Skype/Discord as they do ingame. I DM story arcs and character development scenes for friends, but they tend to gamehop just as much as I do, and we might move to Monster Hunter World as our main MMO once it comes out. One thing I've found in DMing for both online and tabletop is that 3-4 is an ideal maximum size for a group to really get some emotional interaction and memorable moments in. Any larger than that tends to turn into a clusterfuck. Playing a tank also means I can escort someone stress-free through most overworld and unsynced content, which led to some great IC primal fights and IC dungeon exploration recently. I have found that, at least on Balmung, a lot of guilds and IC groups don't even advertise here anymore on these forums. They're ingame and you can meet them through walkups or on their own Enjin/Shivtr forums and Discords, but the days of active recruitment for big membership numbers seem to be long gone. People are also more cautious now against the dramamongering Tumblr-tier gossipy types of players, so insularity has likewise gone up. Probably still the best way to find the kind of RP you want is to read through a character's profile, read through their past IC writing / forum RP, and introduce yourself to them. Some of the best character development I've had recently was from people approaching or messaging me ingame for walkup RP and asking for assistance IC. Do things with others and see if your toons hit it off. XIV has a zillion different activities to have scenes in together, from the Gold Saucer to world exploration to PotD. Link to comment
Arashin Kujqai Posted November 10, 2017 Share #3 Posted November 10, 2017 What I usually see? Bar RP. Lots of people in quicksand or at some tavern having a drink and telling tales of things they've done at previous bar RP's. What I wish to see? If it has to be bar RP.. at least extend it to beyond just Ul'dah. The drowning wench and Gridania tavern are nice areas, Kugane has one and hot springs too... other areas as well. Though I know Balmung is keen on this already for the most part, I just wish some other servers would pick up on it too. Overall I love adventure based RP, anything that has a group travel out in the lands, finding various locations and monsters to interact with. Some of my best sessions happen when we travel, even if in town areas... Just tired of bar settings. Events help with this but it still often leads to very variations of bar RP. Some better than others, and all of this of course is just my experience... There's likely more that goes on outside all of this, just when I look for it, I have trouble. Favorite RP's so far are anything that relates to action, adventure, and travel. If we're gonna sit around and stuff our faces, I love it to be at a campfire made out in the land or at some worn building we found getting away from a pack of wolves. I usually participate whenever I'm in the mood but I've been tending to avoid crowded areas because I'm not very good with a fast scrolling chat. At the same time, I try not to intrude on someone's session without asking first or at least giving some IC sign that I may be interested. In the times I've tried bar RP, it tends to either get me confused in some fashion ICly(my own comprehension's fault) or I simply can't keep up or think as fast on my feet as others in a group area. At the same time, I don't dislike bar RP entirely, just seems to be the most difficult for me to do at times. It also has a few dependent variables to it too, like how busy or what type of RP'ers are in the midst of the session. Link to comment
SapphireSkylines Posted November 10, 2017 Share #4 Posted November 10, 2017 In comparison to WoW RP, I do notice that Final Fantasy RP, at least on Balmung has a lot of slice of life stuff: festivals, concerts, tavern nights. Nothing wrong with that, and I'm sure if I really wanted adventure I'm sure I could find that sort of RP. But I do kind of find it funny that I played a gnomish battle medic on World of Warcraft and now I play an entertainer and a doctor with semi normal lives. But like I said, I'm sure I could change this if I really wanted to. Link to comment
Valence Posted November 10, 2017 Share #5 Posted November 10, 2017 IRL roleplay projected into Eorzea mostly. ( RP that I see around me, that is ) Link to comment
Zhavi Posted November 10, 2017 Share #6 Posted November 10, 2017 I cannot stand events. It isn't the events themselves -- I see other people having fun doing them and I think that is absolutelyfreakingawesome, and I think they serve a purpose and fill a need. But they aren't for me. So generally I only ever see two types of rp -- Quicksand rp, where I hang out and watch other people rping (usually for an hour or so before I go to sleep, where I have a show on or am doing other things and tab back and forth). I have to say, there are these two/three rpers who I kinda...loosely follow some of their storyline. Their characters are very well characterized, they get up to hijinks outside of the tavern, and every time I see them I'm like OOH WHAT'S HAPPENING NOW. I'm not a stalker I swear. The other is open world rp. I...maybe it's that I go farming a lot (and everywhere), but I've been seeing a ton of open world rp in the last few months, mainly at hubs. Like, I think it was Wednesday I caught sight of some rp around ....Bentbranch? It was in the Shroud somewhere, I hung around for a couple minutes before dashing off. Looked like an introductory rp though, and I enjoyed it. The other half of that is scheduled rp, which has been super dicey on my end lately (I'm trying ;_; ) -- I blame work. But I have a plotline where one of my characters is gonna take some thumbs out in Thanalan as part of fulfillment of a long running arc with her kith, and the other is an introductory bit that'll prolly be out in La Noscea somewhere. Adventure, action, intrigue, and crime. Also identity crises, because they're just too fun to pass up! Link to comment
Zen Posted November 10, 2017 Share #7 Posted November 10, 2017 I adore any RP that caters to character development and it's what I seek, honing in on characters of depth like a heat-seeking missile! It doesn't matter to me if I find it through an adventure, an event, tavern, random OOC tell, or out-in-the-world. I'm open to it all on an OOC level, and if it fits my character's story to be somewhere, I utilize that to full effect to meet new characters that I can learn about, and have my character grow with. Since starting FFXIV about two months ago, my character's best friend was met in the Quicksands, she gained employment by attending an event, and has gone on adventures with random characters that have approached in walk-up RP. I also created a family connection with my character through someone that placed an add, which is something I rarely do, but just really enjoyed the thought of this character having a family. Link to comment
Caspar Posted November 11, 2017 Share #8 Posted November 11, 2017 The most common RP I run into is open world, random couples or trios of people RPing in one of the cities, usually in a bar or in the street. However, since I'm usually extremely busy, I end up playing more with people in LS and rarely have time to walk around and get approached like I used to. Most of the RP I actively participate in is storyline based from in my LS or FC. Link to comment
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