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Greetings, fellow roleplayers!

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Hello there! 


I have been actively roleplaying for approximately 8-9 years, now. Of course, FFXIV wasn’t around during most of it but when I had discovered it, it is my main hub of roleplaying. I have been playing for about maybe... 3 full years, now? Give or take. I am almost on everyday, so not a problem with activity. 


The only problem is now, is that I realise Ragnarok is not a fabulous server for roleplay, I moved here from Balmung since my ‘partner at the time’ moved to Ragnarok. Now ex, I am attempting to get back into the roleplaying scene but no idea where to start from. The roleplaying hub is small on this server and boy oh boy is it hard to find them. 


And so I ask! What is currently the best server to move to for roleplaying? Where is it all at? Not 100% sure if I want to return to Balmung, or if it’s even possible if it is still player locked. 


My ingame name is Aiko Tailwind! Do feel free to stop me if you are on Ragnarok to say hello! I do have a RP instagram also if anyone is into that too! 

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Balmung is locked, and there is no telling when, or even if, there will be a window open again.


Otherwise, Mateus has become the main RP server for NA, and Omega for Europe. They can become congested during peak times,  just try again later when there's less people logging in and you should be able to transfer no problem.

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Yeah, I probably wouldn’t return back to Balmung! 


Hmm, still deciding on which to go to. Mateus sounds accurate as well and Omega. Someone told me earlier that there’s a big community of roleplayers on Shiva as well! 

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