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Gilgamesh unofficial RP server?

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Well I don't mean the initials RP, but it might mean something different to him. I saw an interview with one of the members of Paragon (A HUGE endgame guild in WoW, like the number one guild) and he said he "Roleplays as " He was Finnish and Roleplaying meant something completely different to him.


The concept of Roleplaying is very very niche. I'm just unsure how popular the act of RPing is in Japan. Especially in an MMO.

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Well they've known what Dungeons and Dragnos is for a long time, at any rate.. Lodoss War was based on it. And .hack is all about RPing in a mmo, in a way. :P


Yea I think RP is pretty big in Japan. It may go by a different name, but it's in their games, their anime, their pop-star obsessions (i.e. Perfect Blue) ((just kidding)).

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So wait. Why can't all of the servers with RP on them be advertised as unofficial RP servers? Looks like there are at least four servers that people would like to RP on. Forcing people to make a choice to follow RP isn't fair if people have already made some friends and such on their own server.


I still really don't get this. In all my years of role-playing in MMOs I've never really witnessed such a desire to spread the already small role-play community about. To me this is just new role-players that want to do their own thing because for some reason they think the old players will try to rule over them and tell them what to do. Even though, as others have pointed out, it's likely the new players will outnumber the old role-players anyway. They are certainly free to do what they want, but this community already voted on a server long ago. To come here now and ask for a change is fairly rude. And for what purpose? While I can maybe see reasons for a second, non-legacy server, we do NOT need four. That's absolutely ridiculous and unneeded. A server is a server. While they may be nice and clean when new, in a few months they will all basically be the same, except that the population will have diluted even more and those that went to strike out on a new server with an even smaller group of role-players will likely find that they are very much alone.


As for already having friends on these servers, if they met during the beta, which is going to be wiped anyway, and they want to role-play, why can't they agree to all start on an unofficial RP server when the real game starts? Why should the majority conform to the minority? If they want to strike it out on their own, more power to them, but this community has already established itself and everyone is more than welcome to join. If not... well, we hope you have fun wherever you are.


Every time I decide to play an MMO and I want to role-play in it, I look for where the role-players are and I go there. I don't ask them to change their server choice on my account or suggest that they support one that I just happened to randomly start in and am too lazy to move from. I'm not special and I want to be where the best opportunities for role-play will be now and, hopefully, years to come.


To me it's like this: You want to go to a Star Trek convention because you like Star Trek. There's an annual convention coming up that's been going on for years and is really popular. However, new fans now are asking for a second, third and forth convention to be opened next door so they can be first in line yet they want to have all the same merchandise tables and guest speakers that are at the regular convention hall.


Anyway, people can go where they want, of course, and no one here wants to stop them. But to ask for support for all these offshoots is just ridiculous to me. We already have a server and we'll soon maybe have a second. That's all we need.


I'm 90% sure if they did designate an RP server, they'd probably just make it Balmung and get it out of the way, which wouldn't solve the "Nonlegacy" problem


I highly doubt this. I've never seen an already established server change tags later on in an MMO. The RP community is a minority on Balmung as is. Why would they change the tag and piss off and confuse all the normal players there? Imagine the vitriol and toxicity to the RP community then when the normal players get their server tag changed? For our sake I hope they don't change the tag so we can RP in some amount of peace. Given that the server transfers are coming to an end soon, I'm starting to think we won't see an RP server at this point. It would just add more confusion at this point. It's basically too late.

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I must have missed the strong request for four separate servers, but I am glad that you can see at least some of the point for a non-legacy RP server. However, I do not see that people are trying to change the majority for their convenience with this non-legacy RP server. It's just requesting support for everyone else of like mind who also wants to RP and enjoy the game with a fresh community, not one carried over from 1.0.


I highly doubt this. I've never seen an already established server change tags later on in an MMO. The RP community is a minority on Balmung as is. Why would they change the tag and piss off and confuse all the normal players there? Imagine the vitriol and toxicity to the RP community then when the normal players get their server tag changed? For our sake I hope they don't change the tag so we can RP in some amount of peace. Given that the server transfers are coming to an end soon, I'm starting to think we won't see an RP server at this point. It would just add more confusion at this point. It's basically too late.


I don't think it's too late for a tag to come through and transfers to re-open. While it may be inconvenient and extra work for the dev team, this first transfer is strictly for moving legacy characters among legacy servers. It's not outside the realm of possibility for another transfer to take place once an RP server is tagged.


It could be as simple as: "We have an RP server now. If you want to transfer to it, submit an application!" For some it'd mean moving twice, but Balmung isn't the only server with RPers.


I do hope they tag a server as RP. That way the ambiguity, confusion, and butt hurting can stop. The RPers will be in spot and can all commune there. No need to votes, no need for polls. No questions and no uncertainty. That's what I want.

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I probably come off sounding more angsty about this than I mean to. At the end of the day I would rather everyone be happy than not. So I'm all for people to do what they want. I'm actually very much a "live and let live" kinda person (believe it or not). I'm just giving my view on it, is all. My motives are simply that I'd wish we could all just be a happy "family", as I see role-players as a very small group amongst a very large gaming community. And thus I think we should stick together.


As for the server thing, sure, I really don't know what is going to happen. I'd like an official RP server too, but I don't think it will necessarily simplify things. If it's a new non-legacy server then all the legacy characters will be stuck for a while until they let them move. The community here would be split just the same, I think. It's not really a simple matter to resolve.

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There are two problems with that though.


1. Multiple Rp servers vying for prominence in the RP community (and trying to bolster linkshell numbers) for an extended period of time will create a very competitive and toxic environment in this community. The RPC doesn't want anything to do with that, and wants to wash its hands of it here and now. The RPC was originally formed to unite RPers, and allowing something like that to happen is completely contradictory to our purpose.


2. Even if issue #1 is completely avoided by some miracle, there's still the problem of community bonds. By creating a "trial run" for multiple servers, we allow time to pass in which individuals will develop friendships with other people on their servers. By the time one server is clearly out on top, it would be too late. A number of people would be unwilling to change servers at that point and the RP population would suffer potential stagnation even faster as a result.

1. Okay, but that community already exists. The post announcing the poll is full of "we guess you guys want a server. and we guess, if we really have to, we'll support you.", "if you win a poll we'll advertise you(after ourselves), but with added emphasis on ourselves(so they might not even hear about you), and if your forum area is ever too quiet we'll get rid of it(but seriously, join us)


Even your post right here. You make sure to point out that the RPC is the first on google list. As if to imply that, because you're the top authority, appearing at the top of google, that everyone is going to listen to you.


It's a breeding elitism, and it's the general tone which leads me to suggest allowing all three servers. Because I would really, really like to avoid Balmung - and anyone who carries and expresses your sentiments on how (super totally) important you all must be.


2. But these aren't the days of group chats. MSN chats closed down ten years ago, since then there's no instance of a player needing hundreds to thousands of people to role play. You're talking about a generation of RPers that would RP with the same 20 people just as contentedly as they would RP with 100.


People have already formed bonds, that has literally already happened. If you wanted to stop it you're pretty late to the party. I'd say adapt to that, give everyone their chance, instead of decreeing that your unofficial word be appeased.


So wait. Why can't all of the servers with RP on them be advertised as unofficial RP servers?  Looks like there are at least four servers that people would like to RP on. Forcing people to make a choice to follow RP isn't fair if people have already made some friends and such on their own server.


I still really don't get this. In all my years of role-playing in MMOs I've never really witnessed such a desire to spread the already small role-play community about. To me this is just new role-players that want to do their own thing because for some reason they think the old players will try to rule over them and tell them what to do. Even though, as others have pointed out, it's likely the new players will outnumber the old role-players anyway. They are certainly free to do what they want, but this community already voted on a server long ago. To come here now and ask for a change is fairly rude. And for what purpose? While I can maybe see reasons for a second, non-legacy server, we do NOT need four. That's absolutely ridiculous and unneeded. A server is a server. While they may be nice and clean when new, in a few months they will all basically be the same, except that the population will have diluted even more and those that went to strike out on a new server with an even smaller group of role-players will likely find that they are very much alone.


Not at all, nor is the condescension appreciated, thank you. I came here and made a suggestion, to call that rude? When opinions are publicly being accepted over what to do with a second server? You need to calm down.


Role play is not your playground. Nobody is scared that you'll tell them what to do. They're scared that you'll be rude to them because they aren't your super bestest friend.


And the issue right now is that you, as an individual, validated that fear people might have about you.


As for already having friends on these servers, if they met during the beta, which is going to be wiped anyway, and they want to role-play, why can't they agree to all start on an unofficial RP server when the real game starts? Why should the majority conform to the minority? If they want to strike it out on their own, more power to them, but this community has already established itself and everyone is more than welcome to join. If not... well, we hope you have fun wherever you are. 

Because role players make and have friends that don't role play on top of ones that do. You're telling them to prefer one type over the other since people that are going to want to go far in the game? Wont' want to do it in a community of RPers. Even if you could prove that RPers aren't notoriously bad with PVE/PVP content, you'd still get people citing WoW over how they are.


Every time I decide to play an MMO and I want to role-play in it, I look for where the role-players are and I go there. I don't ask them to change their server choice on my account or suggest that they support one that I just happened to randomly start in and am too lazy to move from. I'm not special and I want to be where the best opportunities for role-play will be now and, hopefully, years to come. 

Okay, but neither is a site like this. It's not special, and if the RP moved from where it wanted, it'd be out of luck, hum? Don't ever mistake a third party forum body for an official word. It's not special either, it's only relevance is in convenience. Take advantage of that, and your only user base will be people that google you every once in a while.


To me it's like this: You want to go to a Star Trek convention because you like Star Trek. There's an annual convention coming up that's been going on for years and is really popular. However, new fans now are asking for a second, third and forth convention to be opened next door so they can be first in line yet they want to have all the same merchandise tables and guest speakers that are at the regular convention hall.

Nobody wants the same celebrities. They want to settle where they're comfortable, without dying in obscurity. As this is a site to advertise RP, it's only function is to conveniently do that. It's not special, it's not official, it doesn't decree the laws of the lands(or else there would be official RP server( s )). So it's not in the context you're implying at all.


What we're doing is asking for a Star Trek convention closer to home, getting told by all the older trekkies with a lot more money that it's too bad that we're poor, that we just want all the same stars they do, and then we have to remind them that they aren't stars - they're cosplayers.


We get the same story, we get the same NPCs, all we want is a community to have a chance. Not to be told by people that aren't special that we aren't either.


We never thought we were. Doesn't mean we're not allowed to speak.


Anyway, people can go where they want, of course, and no one here wants to stop them. But to ask for support for all these offshoots is just ridiculous to me. We already have a server and we'll soon maybe have a second. That's all we need. 


Sure they do. See first part of the post.

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Well, I don't want to get into an argument over this (again). I do want to clarify that I personally never even said that this community was the ONLY RP community that should and could ever exist in FFXIV. There was actually a second FFXIV RP forum for a while. But as it stand right now, this is probably the largest forum for it. That doesn't mean there can't be others.


You are more than welcome to do what you want. I in no way shape or form think that I'm better than you or anyone. It's not my goal at all to stop anyone from playing elsewhere. I am only giving my view in regards to THIS community, which is also free to make its own decisions.


If you want to start something new, go for it! :thumbsup:


They're scared that you'll be rude to them because they aren't your super bestest friend.


And the issue right now is that you, as an individual, validated that fear people might have about you.


It's funny you say that, since I'm actually just about as new as you here. I don't have any friends already established in this community. I barely played 1.0. I'd be just as open to RP with you as anyone else here. If I met your character in game, I'd likely assume that you've been around longer than me. I really would have no idea.


Like I said in a previous post, my only motivation is to simply keep the small role-play community (in this forum or not) as least spread out as possible so that we can all have fun together. It's really just that simple. I have no other motives than that. I'd like to have a lot of new players to play with too, since I'm pretty much one as well.

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Even your post right here. You make sure to point out that the RPC is the first on google list. As if to imply that, because you're the top authority, appearing at the top of google, that everyone is going to listen to you.


Just to clarify, the only reason that was mentioned was to emphasize that people will find this site easily and look to see what servers it's largely supporting. Hence why fragmenting people is something we don't want to display.


Also, the whole "elitist" accusations have to stop now. Or calling people "condescending." People are growing tired of being called that when all they want to do is RP with as many people as possible. And it speaks volumes that the name calling always seems to start from the same side of the aisle.

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The one in the same!... (That good thing?)Also, thank you for filling me in. I haven't been in this community long enough to really comment. My only hope is that it doesn't hurt the community. I've been a part of split communities before and..yea... :(

I just remember you were a popular name that got tossed around a lot, but I personally never got the chance to RP with you. I see Seohyun here as well and I think Amaare sounds familiar. Lots of GW2 refugee's :D! I really enjoyed the community there and there was always lots of RP, glad to have the opportunity to poke you all once more.

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Well, I don't want to get into an argument over this (again). I do want to clarify that I personally never even said that this community was the ONLY RP community that should and could ever exist in FFXIV. There was actually a second FFXIV RP forum for a while. But as it stand right now, it's probably the largest forum for it. That doesn't mean there can't be others.


You are more than welcome to do what you want. I in no way shape or form think that I'm better than you or anyone. It's not my goal at all to stop anyone from playing elsewhere. I am only giving my view in regards to THIS community, which is also free to make its own decisions.


If you want to start something new, go for it! :thumbsup:

Sure. I want to clarify that, as a forum that isn't solely committed to Balmung but to role playing, the site needs to focus on the role playing community. If that means accommodating a fracture, so be it. If the moderators cannot manage supporting multiple event subforums, that's an issue of management and they should get more moderators or be less strict(assuming they are, it's the only reason I can imagine they'd be unable to just let players run player content, which doesn't require managing over responding to reported posts/threads)


Even your post right here. You make sure to point out that the RPC is the first on google list. As if to imply that, because you're the top authority, appearing at the top of google, that everyone is going to listen to you.


Just to clarify, the only reason that was mentioned was to emphasize that people will find this site easily and look to see what servers it's largely supporting. Hence why fragmenting people is something we don't want to display.


Also, the whole "elitist" accusations have to stop now. Or calling people "condescending." People are growing tired of being called that when all they want to do is RP with as many people as possible. And it speaks volumes that the name calling always seems to start from the same side of the aisle.


You can't stop a fracture. You can adapt and survive, or specialize. Condemning, though, is going to breed elitism. Trust me, from experience, that's the last road you should be going down.


Okay, but that goes both ways. Calling me rude when I'm not, or telling me I'm not special when I never implied I was are condescending, and there isn't just one side of the argument being picked on here.


We're not the only people throwing punches, nor are we throwing them first in every single instance. Don't forget that.

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I edited my last reply, if you'd like to read it. :P



Okay, but that goes both ways. Calling me rude when I'm not, or telling me I'm not special when I never implied I was are condescending, and there isn't just one side of the argument being picked on here.



I didn't know saying something seemed rude was a "punch". If you took it as such then I apologize. But as Kylin said, this has been going on for a while so it has become a bit frustrating. Each time I hear it, it just adds to the frustration. So it was probably more of a reply to all the previous similar requests than just your one.


As for the "special" part, that was really in general, not to you. I mean that in general when I look for a server I don't think that "I'M" special. I didn't mean to imply that you do.

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They're scared that you'll be rude to them because they aren't your super bestest friend.


And the issue right now is that you, as an individual, validated that fear people might have about you.


It's funny you say that, since I'm actually just about as new as you here. I don't have any friends already established in this community. I barely played 1.0. I'd be just as open to RP with you as anyone else here. If I met your character in game, I'd likely assume that you've been around longer than me. I really would have no idea.


Like I said in a previous post, my only motivation is to simple keep the small role-play community (in this forum or not) as least spread out as possible so that we can all have fun together. It's really just that simple. I have no other motives than that. I'd like to have a lot of new players to play with too, since I'm pretty much one as well.


Oh sure, I'd RP with anyone my character came across(since real life and in character stuff is best kept separate).


But a fracture is going to happen regardless. It's inevitable. Adapt to it. Condemning it is going to split the community between various forums and for a website that is for the RP community and not for one specific server, it's in the purpose of the websites best interest to adapt for the inevitable.


I would absolutely love if all of the RP could be in a simple place. But that's idealistic, that's wishing for a scenario like with Runescape where your character isn't bound to a single server. It's simply not going to happen.


As someone whose seen more RP communities die, grow old, grow corrupt or grow into something terrible, than I'd like to admit? I'm saying, it's best to adapt. Any other road is going to lead to a bad end. At best the community becomes elitist, at worst the community dies.

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In the end I understand the importance of consolidation of our RPers. I think it's okay to say that RPers wants the opportunity to meet other RPers and not deny themselves of any opportunities.


The RPC is a great thing at its core. A centralized hub to bring RPers together so that we don't feel alone and can communicate freely outside of the game.


Momodi made a great point. This is the purpose of the RPC and in order to survive adapting and embracing whatever fractures (population wise) may occur should not be shunned, for lack of a better word (I know it's a strong word, but it seems to fit when lack of support for whatever second server we vote for is almost guaranteed).


Giving room and a place to speak for all of the fractures that may form is a tough job; impossible for one person. But it's not impossible. The fractures can be made whole on the forums. Maybe other measures need to be taken to support the entire community, not just the community that decides to stay on Balmung because it's convenient and the way it's been.


Or maybe Yoshi-P, the one who gets to say his word is gospel, needs to decide for us and take the power from 'unofficial' hands.

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I really wish that everyone could just get along and be happy. We're doing our best here trying to accommodate both sides of the fence. We would love to see everyone come to Balmung, but we know now that that is not going to happen. Kylin runs this website with a little help from us as far as funding is concerned, but he mostly does it out of his own pocket. While maintaining a separate forum for every server that has RPers on it may not seem like a daunting task, it takes a little work to be able to run a website that has this many people on it as there are already.

I think that we're being pretty fair in trying to help the RP community that doesn't want to come to a Legacy server try to come to a consensus on where to go so that we can try to avoid all of these little fissures. We understand that it is going to happen, but we want to try to keep them as small as possible.

We advertised about the poll for a week or so before we posted. We cross posted to the official forums to let people know that it is happening. We are diligently looking at the votes as they come in and are trying to encourage those people who plan on RPing on another server to vote.


I'm not sure what else we can do here. I want new players to play with. The game will die without them. RP might very well die without them. But RP might also die if the RPers get spread too thin. This poll is an attempt at trying to help keep everyone in a place where they will be able to find RP.


I wish everyone good luck on coming to a consensus. I hope that even if we end up with a split community, that everyone has great RP on the horizon. It's all we can hope for at this point. ^^

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Sorry, I (again) edited my last post. >.< You guys reply fast and I'm an edit-holic.


Anyway, as for your last post, I have no say in what the admin/mods do here. So that's up to them. But personally I support trying to keep things organized. This is why having polls is usually the best way to go. It gives everyone a chance to have their say. If only 10 people play on a server, it does seem a bit silly (to me) to have a section for them. It's not elitism, it's just a numbers game. Majority rule and all that. I also ran an RP community for Aion and this was a major topic there as well.

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^ I KNEW I recognized your name, your from the Aion RP site!


Haha, yes, that's me. ^_^


I have a lot of sympathy for anyone that runs these kind of communities. I swear that I lost a couple years of my life running ARP during its peak. So many groups and people pulling you in every direction. You try your best, but you can never win.


We (usually) start these communities because we want to create a welcoming gathering place for our fellows, but it so quickly seems to turn into a war no matter what you do and you become enemy #1. :frustrated:


Remember, they don't get paid for this and rarely to they ever get a "thank you". You may not agree with their decisions, but they are people too.

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I really wish that everyone could just get along and be happy. We're doing our best here trying to accommodate both sides of the fence. We would love to see everyone come to Balmung, but we know now that that is not going to happen. Kylin runs this website with a little help from us as far as funding is concerned, but he mostly does it out of his own pocket. While maintaining a separate forum for every server that has RPers on it may not seem like a daunting task, it takes a little work to be able to run a website that has this many people on it as there are already.

I think that we're being pretty fair in trying to help the RP community that doesn't want to come to a Legacy server try to come to a consensus on where to go so that we can try to avoid all of these little fissures. We understand that it is going to happen, but we want to try to keep them as small as possible.

We advertised about the poll for a week or so before we posted. We cross posted to the official forums to let people know that it is happening. We are diligently looking at the votes as they come in and are trying to encourage those people who plan on RPing on another server to vote.


I'm not sure what else we can do here. I want new players to play with. The game will die without them. RP might very well die without them. But RP might also die if the RPers get spread too thin. This poll is an attempt at trying to help keep everyone in a place where they will be able to find RP.


I wish everyone good luck on coming to a consensus. I hope that even if we end up with a split community, that everyone has great RP on the horizon. It's all we can hope for at this point. ^^

But the issue is that it's going to happen. It's best to look at the votes coming in, seeing what is happening, and accommodating all of them regardless. Then pick and choose from what goes inactive for what you no longer support. We still have the rest of phase 3 and we have the entirety of phase 4 for trial and error - to make something deciding now is silly.


Let the RP community see how it flourishes before release. Accommodate that. I don't agree that it's being fair, I see it as a way of saying "this is the best we're willing to do" instead of "this is the best we can do" and as a universal RP hub for FF14, you need to aim for the best able, not the best willing.


If running is an issue, get more committed moderators. The RP community is going to continue to grow so it's inevitable that you're going to need them. Basically, don't try to build RP around your(admin/moderator) convenience, as a hub, it's for the convenience of the players.


Sorry, I (again) edited my last post. >.< You guys reply fast and I'm an edit-holic.


Anyway, as for your last post, I have no say in what the admin/mods do here. So that's up to them. But personally I support trying to keep things organized. This is why having polls is usually the best way to go. It gives everyone a chance to have their say. If only 10 people play on a server, it does seem a bit silly (to me) to have a section for them. It's not elitism, it's just a numbers game. Majority rule and all that. I also ran an RP community for Aion and this was a major topic there as well.

Sure but advertising that new members cannot vote isn't going to give you an accurate statistic. I, for one, got to vote, so I'm not sure if that's even a thing but it's being advertised as one. You can't say "the poll speaks for itself" if people don't think to vote.


Furthermore, with the beta happening just last weekend you have an influx of people that might just now be stumbling across this. There needs to be more accommodation for that.


I edited my last reply, if you'd like to read it. :P



Okay, but that goes both ways. Calling me rude when I'm not, or telling me I'm not special when I never implied I was are condescending, and there isn't just one side of the argument being picked on here.



I didn't know saying something seemed rude was a "punch". If you took it as such then I apologize. But as Kylin said, this has been going on for a while so it has become a bit frustrating. Each time I hear it, it just adds to the frustration. So it was probably more of a reply to all the previous similar requests than just your one.


As for the "special" part, that was really in general, not to you. I mean that in general when I look for a server I don't think that "I'M" special. I didn't mean to imply that you do.


It's at a stage where various opinions will be fluctuating in. Nobody is really rude, and everyone is. Because of how things are going to be perceived, and within the context is doubly important to understand that wordplay is vastly more important than the content of a post.


Impact vs. Intent, what you intend to say isn't always the impact your words will have.

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I don't agree that it's being fair, I see it as a way of saying "this is the best we're willing to do" instead of "this is the best we can do" and as a universal RP hub for FF14, you need to aim for the best able, not the best willing.


Mind if we ask, in your opinion, what would be "fair" from your point of view? Please keep in mind that many of the players here have been here for over three years supporting the game and community this entire time.

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It's at a stage where various opinions will be fluctuating in. Nobody is really rude, and everyone is. Because of how things are going to be perceived, and within the context is doubly important to understand that wordplay is vastly more important than the content of a post.


Impact vs. Intent, what you intend to say isn't always the impact your words will have.


I do my best to not cause strife in my posts, but I'll likely make many faux pas because I'm an imperfect human. xD It's hard to always predict how people will take what your write.

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Mind if we ask, in your opinion, what would be "fair" from your point of view? Please keep in mind that many of the players here have been here for over three years supporting the game and community this entire time.


Bringing up the support we've given for the past three years isn't going to help the image that new players are already getting of the existing community. To echo what Momoni said about Impact vs. Intent, the impact left behind by bringing that up in this context is not a palatable one; even to someone like me who was around (not so much on the RPC though) to support this game.


Fair would be adhering to the RPCs purpose. Giving all the RPers, new and old, a place to commune, discuss and be whole - even when that's not possible in game. Note that the banner on this page is "Hydaelyn" Roleplayers. While Balmung is where it started, things are changing now with 2.0 ARR - perhaps the RPC should as well.

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