Izzy66 Posted October 23, 2013 Share #1 Posted October 23, 2013 there is a test called Jung Typology Test that tests what type of person you are. you can take a test here http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp after that go here to what it means and see what career suits you best choose your letter combo i'm intp that is whynit is there instead of yours. http://similarminds.com/jung/intp.html tell your results in your posts Link to comment
Lady Whiteraven Posted October 24, 2013 Share #2 Posted October 24, 2013 Here is mine and it is pretty spot on. And after reading this anyone who knows Skaenmoen will see the similarity as well. ENFJs are the benevolent 'pedagogues' of humanity. They have tremendous charisma by which many are drawn into their nurturant tutelage and/or grand schemes. Many ENFJs have tremendous power to manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship. But it's usually not meant as manipulation -- ENFJs generally believe in their dreams, and see themselves as helpers and enablers, which they usually are. ENFJs are global learners. They see the big picture. The ENFJs focus is expansive. Some can juggle an amazing number of responsibilities or projects simultaneously. Many ENFJs have tremendous entrepreneurial ability. ENFJs are, by definition, Js, with whom we associate organization and decisiveness. But they don't resemble the SJs or even the NTJs in organization of the environment nor occasional recalcitrance. ENFJs are organized in the arena of interpersonal affairs. Their offices may or may not be cluttered, but their conclusions (reached through feelings) about people and motives are drawn much more quickly and are more resilient than those of their NFP counterparts. ENFJs know and appreciate people. Like most NFs, (and Feelers in general), they are apt to neglect themselves and their own needs for the needs of others. They have thinner psychological boundaries than most, and are at risk for being hurt or even abused by less sensitive people. ENFJs often take on more of the burdens of others than they can bear. Link to comment
N'taeyl Posted October 24, 2013 Share #3 Posted October 24, 2013 Finally I'm not the first person to post this! >.> I'm totally INFJ, and the first time I took this a couple years ago I scoffed at it, even though I enjoy the results for fun. This turned out to be 100% accurate for me and made me feel better about being a rare type, because my brain works way weird than everyone elses. http://www.personalitypage.com/INFJ.html I can't even really quote parts that apply to me, because it all does, and I've even had one incident of the psychic nature (And no, this wasn't crazy). Of course, some people find their results only somewhat accurate, though the 30 ish people I've had take it say it's 95%+ accurate for them. Regardless of its reliability, it's interesting! There is also this test you can take for something different, but you must be as honest with your answers as you can be: http://personality-testing.info/tests/JUNG.php Link to comment
Tyriont Posted October 24, 2013 Share #4 Posted October 24, 2013 I had to take the full, professionally administered version of the Myers-Briggs for my previous job - and in that, as in this test, I came out very clearly ENFP. Which has proven true time and time again. Example - I currently work as a software engineer in an office which abhors solo work - everything we do is paired, which suits me well in a line of work I'm not naturally inclined for. I could remain and be somewhat comfortable in a well-paying job...instead, I'm gathering money to abandon it and go run off to live in NYC in order to pursue an acting career. Because I evidently loathe money. But in all seriousness, I won't be truly happy unless I take that chance. Definitely an ENFP thing to do. I'm a huge believer in the MBTI and it's really helped me learn how to communicate with people better. I strongly suggest that beyond just looking at your own results, examine the one polar opposite of you and figure out ways to better communicate with those types of people. Your personal and professional lives will greatly benefit from it. Link to comment
Dravus Posted October 24, 2013 Share #5 Posted October 24, 2013 I'm an ENTJ, apparently: decisive, fearless, planner, thrill seeker, engaged, social, self centered, comfortable around others, image conscious, likes to be center of attention, adventurous, outgoing, manipulative, emotionally stable, leader, ambitious, hard working, dominant, prepared, hates to be bored, confident, opinionated, analytical, prepares for worst case scenarios, organized, orderly, clean, driven, resourceful, finishes most things they start, achieving, risk taker, desires fame/acclaim, image focused, narcissistic, arrogant, perfectionist, driven, academic, scientific, critical, avoids giving in to others, does not like to compromise, skeptical Some of those traits are a tad negative, but I'm definitely stubborn and tend to prefer to lead rather than follow. I'm also a thrill seeker and hate having nothing to do in my spare time. I'm not lacking in empathy or emotion, though I care more for my friends and family than I do anyone else. There's very few things I wouldn't do to protect those I care about. As for my suggested jobs: marketing specialist, government employee, lawyer, developer, political scientist, bounty hunter, international relations specialist, software designer, systems analyst, business manager, entertainment lawyer, foreign service officer, strategist, project manager, advertising executive, cia agent, marketing manager, geneticist, private investigator, administrator, business analyst, politician, management consultant, producer, financial advisor, entrepreneur, genetics researcher, cardiologist, professor, fbi agent Watch out, you lot! ; ) Link to comment
Raccoon Posted October 24, 2013 Share #6 Posted October 24, 2013 INTP, of course. loner, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, wrestles with the meaninglessness of existence, likes esoteric things, disorganized, messy, likes science fiction, can be lonely, observer, private, can't describe feelings easily, detached, likes solitude, not revealing, unemotional, rule breaker, avoidant, familiar with the darkside, skeptical, acts without consulting others, does not think they are weird but others do, socially uncomfortable, abrupt, fantasy prone, does not like happy people, appreciates strangeness, frequently loses things, acts without planning, guarded, not punctual, more likely to support marijuana legalization, not prone to compromise, hard to persuade, relies on mind more than on others, calm Eh, can't argue with most of those. philosopher, game designer, scientist, software engineer, freelance artist, research scientist, assassin, freelance writer, physicist, software developer, mathematician, geologist, computer scientist, philosophy professor, webmaster, slacker, medical researcher, painter, mortician, systems analyst, comic book artist, computer technician, website designer, scholar, archeologist, computer repair, forensic anthropologist, astronaut, researcher, historian, systems engineer, genetics researcher, astronomer, environmental scientist, egyptologist Assassin? Mortician? >.> These do not go well with the others. But I clearly missed my calling. Link to comment
Random Encounter Posted October 24, 2013 Share #7 Posted October 24, 2013 INTJ loner, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, not very altruistic, not very complimentary, would rather be friendless than jobless, observer, values solitude, perfectionist, detached, private, not much fun, hidden, skeptical, does not tend to like most people, socially uncomfortable, not physically affectionate, unhappy, does not talk about feelings, hard to impress, analytical, likes esoteric things, tends to be pessimistic, not spontaneous, prone to discontentment, guarded, does not think they are weird but others do, responsible, can be insensitive or ambivalent to the misfortunes of others, orderly, clean, organized, familiar with darkside, tends not to value organized religion, suspicious of others, can be lonely, rarely shows anger, punctual, finisher, prepared Sounds about right for the most part, some are off but overall pretty close. favored careers: scientist, dictator, forensic anthropologist, systems analyst, philosopher, nuclear engineer, political analyst, researcher, statistician, scholar, research scientist, computer scientist, software designer, curator, computer programmer, aerospace engineer, electrical engineer, paleontologist, english professor, philosophy professor, chemical engineer, epidemiologist, forensic scientist, museum curator, research assistant, mechanic, astronomer, figher pilot, librarian, systems administrator, neurosurgeon, book editor, biotechnology, archeologist, lab tech, bookstore owner Seems they agree with the wife always saying I should have went into politics or in a lab lol Link to comment
Lament Posted October 24, 2013 Share #8 Posted October 24, 2013 I like that dictator is a career. I fluctuate between INTP and INTJ usually. Let's see. ...Yup. INTJ'd. Link to comment
Dravus Posted October 24, 2013 Share #9 Posted October 24, 2013 I like that dictator is a career. "What do you want to be when you grow up, darling?" "I wanna be a dictator!" "Very well. I'll see what we can do about that..." Link to comment
K'dath Posted October 24, 2013 Share #10 Posted October 24, 2013 I don't like tests like these. There's no context for a lot of the answers, and I work myself up over thinking them. I could write an essay for each and every question without ever reaching a conclusive yes or no answer to most of them... that being said. [align=center]ENFP[/align] "Hm, dunno if I'm really an all smiles and sunshine kinda person, but yeah, I guess I can see this. I'm a pretty mellow gu-" Notable ENFPs: Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Muammar Gaddafi, Hugo Chavez [align=left]"O-oh..." [/align] Link to comment
Dromwald Posted October 24, 2013 Share #11 Posted October 24, 2013 INTP, of course. loner, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, wrestles with the meaninglessness of existence, likes esoteric things, disorganized, messy, likes science fiction, can be lonely, observer, private, can't describe feelings easily, detached, likes solitude, not revealing, unemotional, rule breaker, avoidant, familiar with the darkside, skeptical, acts without consulting others, does not think they are weird but others do, socially uncomfortable, abrupt, fantasy prone, does not like happy people, appreciates strangeness, frequently loses things, acts without planning, guarded, not punctual, more likely to support marijuana legalization, not prone to compromise, hard to persuade, relies on mind more than on others, calm Eh, can't argue with most of those. philosopher, game designer, scientist, software engineer, freelance artist, research scientist, assassin, freelance writer, physicist, software developer, mathematician, geologist, computer scientist, philosophy professor, webmaster, slacker, medical researcher, painter, mortician, systems analyst, comic book artist, computer technician, website designer, scholar, archeologist, computer repair, forensic anthropologist, astronaut, researcher, historian, systems engineer, genetics researcher, astronomer, environmental scientist, egyptologist Assassin? Mortician? >.> These do not go well with the others. But I clearly missed my calling. 'Slacker' is a valid career option? Damn, time for a career change! Link to comment
LeCard Posted October 24, 2013 Share #12 Posted October 24, 2013 INTJ I like that dictator is a career. I fluctuate between INTP and INTJ usually. Let's see. ...Yup. INTJ'd. Add another INTJ to the roll INTJ Introvert(44%) iNtuitive(88%) Thinking(88%) Judging(33%) You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (44%) You have strong preference of Intuition over Sensing (88%) You have strong preference of Thinking over Feeling (88%) You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (33%) Link to comment
Random Encounter Posted October 24, 2013 Share #14 Posted October 24, 2013 I like that dictator is a career. I fluctuate between INTP and INTJ usually. Let's see. ...Yup. INTJ'd. I call dibs on Dictator >.> Link to comment
Val Posted October 24, 2013 Share #15 Posted October 24, 2013 I've taken this test several times before, both for psychology courses I've taken and a few others where professors feel it's a good "ice breaker." Every single time, I get INTJ. In fact, a lot of my RL friends are also INTJs. I feel that we tend to mesh really well together simply because we get one another =) And here's another good site for figuring out what an INTJ is: http://www.truity.com/intj Link to comment
Michikyou Posted October 24, 2013 Share #16 Posted October 24, 2013 INFP Yep. Introvert(39%) iNtuitive(25%) Feeling(38%) Perceiving(11)% Link to comment
Brave Posted October 24, 2013 Share #17 Posted October 24, 2013 [align=center]Introvert(67%) iNtuitive(50%) Feeling(12%) Judging(56%)[/align] [align=center]You have distinctive preference of Introversion over Extraversion (67%)[/align] [align=center]You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%)[/align] [align=center]You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%)[/align] [align=center]You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (56%)[/align] Woo Hoo Introverts =P Link to comment
Adolar Posted October 24, 2013 Share #18 Posted October 24, 2013 Used to have a weird fascination with MBTI a few years back. Consistently got INFP but sometimes it veered into INTP once in a while. Link to comment
Rinh Hallani Posted October 24, 2013 Share #19 Posted October 24, 2013 ENFP! This was rather amusing: ENFPs are friendly folks. Most are really enjoyable people. Some of the most soft-hearted people are ENFPs. ENFPs have what some call a "silly switch." They can be intellectual, serious, all business for a while, but whenever they get the chance, they flip that switch and become CAPTAIN WILDCHILD, the scourge of the swimming pool, ticklers par excellence. Sometimes they may even appear intoxicated when the "switch" is flipped. *whistles innocently* One study has shown that ENFPs are significantly overrepresented in psychodrama. Most have a natural propensity for role-playing and acting. ENFPs like to tell funny stories, especially about their friends. This penchant may be why many are attracted to journalism. I kid one of my ENFP friends that if I want the sixth fleet to know something, I'll just tell him. ENFPs are global learners. Close enough is satisfactory to the ENFP, which may unnerve more precise thinking types, especially with such things as piano practice ("three quarter notes or four ... what's the difference?") Amazingly, some ENFPs are adept at exacting disciplines such as mathematics. Friends are what life is about to ENFPs, moreso even than the other NFs. They hold up their end of the relationship, sometimes being victimized by less caring individuals. ENFPs are energized by being around people. Some have real difficulty being alone, especially on a regular basis. ENFPs sometimes can be blindsided by their secondary Feeling function. Hasty decisions based on deeply felt values may boil over with unpredictable results. More than one ENFP has abruptly quit a job in such a moment. Can't really argue with any of that either haha. >.> Link to comment
Otte Posted October 24, 2013 Share #20 Posted October 24, 2013 I got ISTP, though it's mostly because some of the questions I can't answer yes or no to, since I fluctuate between both ends depending on mood. hidden, private, has trouble describing feelings, not very affectionate, loner tendencies, lower energy, can be insensitive to the misfortunes of others, disorganized, messy, fears drawing attention to self, anti-tattoos, anti counter culture, not comfortable in unfamiliar situations, avoidant, rather unemotional, does not like attention, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, hermetic, not complimentary, dislikes leadership, more submissive then domineering Some are quite spot on, while other are way off. Favoured careers: aerospace engineer, technician, computer scientist, software engineer, software developer, scientist, bar owner, automotive technician, electrician, engineer, mathematician, industrial engineer, nuclear engineer, biotechnology, mechanic, systems analyst, computer animator, data analyst, video game designer Funny considering most of those jobs I really -don't- want to do! Disfavored careers: artist, fashion designer, theater director, poet, dancer, actor, singer, english teacher or professor, art teacher, healer, stage manager, florist, art therapist, school teacher, music journalist Well...it seems change in career is in order. Link to comment
TheLastCandle Posted October 24, 2013 Share #21 Posted October 24, 2013 I usually hover between INTJ and ISTJ on these. For this particular test: ISTJ responsible, planner, private, loner tendencies, perfectionist, organized, detail oriented, organized, would rather be friendless than jobless, realistic, observer, clean, focused, does not talk about feelings, finisher, punctual, private, does not appreciate strangeness, not adventurous, not spontaneous, follows the rules, dutiful, avoids mistakes, conventional, likes solitude, insensitive to the hardships of others, prepared, anti-tattoos, things rules are important, cautious, security seeking, prepares for worst case scenarios, logical, analytical, does not accept apologies easily, hard working As you can see, there are only a few of those I honestly disagree with. [align=center]favored careers:[/align] data analyst, scientist, researcher, engineer, financial planner, statistician, office worker, government employee, lab technician, nuclear engineer, office manager, biomedical engineer, account manager, ceo, investment banker, analyst, academic, systems analyst, pharmacy technician, network admin, genetics researcher, research assistant, strategist One of those is my current position, and another is my focus of study, so.. seems legit. Link to comment
CaenMacleod Posted October 24, 2013 Share #22 Posted October 24, 2013 INFP creative, smart, idealist, loner, attracted to sad things, disorganized, avoidant, can be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings, prone to quitting, prone to feelings of loneliness, ambivalent of the rules, solitary, daydreams about people to maintain a sense of closeness, focus on fantasies, acts without planning, low self confidence, emotionally moody, can feel defective, prone to lateness, likes esoteric things, wounded at the core, feels shame, frequently losing things, prone to sadness, prone to dreaming about a rescuer, disorderly, observer, easily distracted, does not like crowds, can act without thinking, private, can feel uncomfortable around others, familiar with the darkside, hermit, more likely to support marijuana legalization, can sabotage self, likes the rain, sometimes can't control fearful thoughts, prone to crying, prone to regret, attracted to the counter culture, can be submissive, prone to feeling discouraged, frequently second guesses self, not punctual, not always prepared, can feel victimized, prone to confusion, prone to irresponsibility, can be pessimistic favored careers: poet, painter, freelance artist, musician, writer, art therapist, teacher (art, music, drama), songwriter, art historian, library assistant, composer, work in the performing arts, art curator, playwrite, bookseller, cartoonist, video editor, photographer, philosopher, record store owner, digital artist, cinematographer, costume designer, film producer, philosophy professor, librarian, music therapist, environmentalist, movie director, activist, bookstore owner, filmmaker. this is me to the T Link to comment
Kismet Posted October 27, 2013 Share #23 Posted October 27, 2013 I've taken this test so many times in so many different forms, and I typically always get either INTJ or ESTJ. I took the one the OP linked and got INTJ. Funny, because it says that INTJs are typically engineers or scientists and dislike art/entertainment-based careers... ...Meanwhile, I'm a 5th year art university student. :lol: Link to comment
L'kalya Vanih Posted October 30, 2013 Share #24 Posted October 30, 2013 Here is mine and it is pretty spot on. And after reading this anyone who knows Skaenmoen will see the similarity as well. ENFJs are the benevolent 'pedagogues' of humanity. They have tremendous charisma by which many are drawn into their nurturant tutelage and/or grand schemes. Many ENFJs have tremendous power to manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship. But it's usually not meant as manipulation -- ENFJs generally believe in their dreams, and see themselves as helpers and enablers, which they usually are. Fellow ENFJ here! I was surprised how scary-accurate the description was, especially with the article stating how I emphasize interpersonal relationships when dealing with a situation or working on a project. I was kind of considering going into management, and this test just reinforces that direction. I'm interested to see what types of personalities my family, friends, and coworkers fall into. It's definitely a topic for conversation. Link to comment
Karaan Posted October 30, 2013 Share #25 Posted October 30, 2013 INTJ Introvert(89%) iNtuitive(25%) Thinking(75%) Judging(33%) You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (89%) You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (25%) You have distinctive preference of Thinking over Feeling (75%) You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (33%) Well, I'm not surprise... Link to comment
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