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What's your favorite song in FFXIV:ARR?


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As is often the case with the Final Fantasy series, I'm loving the soundtrack in XIV. It's super atmospheric.


I'm curious to hear what others think of it. Share a track that stands out to you and tell us why?


As for me, I'm not too far into the main story yet, but of all the songs that I just had to stop for a few minutes to enjoy, this one here is the one that stuck with me the most.


W6imm8t4B0o Unfortunately it doesn't seem like the original track is available on Youtube, but user Matt Fuss does a pretty amazing job with this piano arrangement just the same.


It seems to really carry a different tone from a night in Gridania or Limsa Lominsa. For me, it was just too perfect. Lazily wandering around the city for the first time and feeling dwarfed by it's scale. It's both contemplative and calming, but also almost surprisingly melancholy. It made me feel nostalgic and -- probably only in-character -- a little homesick.


If you care for one more (from a different game) it really, really reminded me of the first time I happened to be playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf at 7PM, and the way this song took me off-guard and made me feel.



The feels were strong in this one.


Anyway, I thought this might be nice -- go on and share your own standout tracks. :)

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My absolute personal favorite...forever and always in this game, until I hear some other theme...




The cadence and pacing reminds me quite a bit of FF7's battle theme, which I personally think is the series' best "standard battle" theme.  When I first heard this in the beta, I didn't mind that the opening Levequest was bugged and you had to wait for the thing to time out, because I was able to just have this playing in the background while I slaughtered things.  :D

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For the sake of not wanting to spoil things for people that have not reached this fight yet, I shall warn you. DO NOT WATCH THIS. <3 I'm not sure how the spoiler tag system works with Youtube videos.





So, yes. My favourite piece in the entire game is Garuda's theme. For me, it really makes the fight. It could be argued Garuda is my favourite boss FOR this music (though her fight is also pretty sweet, all three of them. :lol: ) Just... Everything about this music is what I'd want in a character theme.


"Now fall..." ;)

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So far my favorite has to be:




It's just so calming and lovely, and it always pulls at something in my heart, never fails. It's good mood music all together for most of the scenes that I like to do, minus battle themes of course. On a less serious note (kind of!) my other favorite would be:




Because who doesn't love the Chocobo Theme!

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B-but... that's just not fair!


All excellent choices so far -- the FFII remix had me grinning ear-to-ear as well.


One more from me. Another cool fanmade cover, the boss theme for dungeons!





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Aside from the Garuda and Titan fights which are TOTALLY awesome - I also love the song for a certain major boss fight that you fight at the end of the Praetorium [DON'T CLICK IF YOU HAVEN'T GOTTEN THAT FAR. IT'S A SPOILER!]:







Also, the beginning of the Pharos Sirius dungeon is gorgeous and makes me really sad that it doesn't just keep playing throughout the entire instance.



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The theme from Pharos Sirius is definitely my favorite dungeon BGM. Garuda and Titan (in that order) are my favorite boss fight themes. As for my favorite map theme, it would have to be the one for Coerthas (there used to be a vid of it, but it got taken down, grrr).


This is also another favorite (albeit a cover). I remember hearing the melody a LOT back in 1.0 and I never got tired of listening to it. Now, there only a few cutscenes it shows up in... And possibly somewhere in the Black Shroud? Not entirely sure. Regardless, I think it's ridiculously beautiful, despite the simplicity of the arrangement.




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For me, it's pretty obvious: Titan's theme.



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[align=center]Under the weight![/align]

[align=center]Under the weight![/align]

[align=center]Under the weight![/align]

[align=center]IN HELL I WAIT![/align]

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I personally love Garuda's theme! ...even if I spent my first whole session on her wiping and STILL not getting her. It was quite an experience though, especially when the fight starts and you just feel so badass with the music on. "WE CAN DO IT. WE CAN DO IT." then we wipe... and it starts again. xD


The one I'm in love with is Twilight over Thanalan, which I think only plays at the opening scene of a new character. It was in FFXIV v1 but they changed it, if I'm not wrong. 




It's so... enchanting.

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Aside from the Garuda and Titan fights which are TOTALLY awesome - I also love the song for a certain major boss fight that you fight at the end of the Praetorium [DON'T CLICK IF YOU HAVEN'T GOTTEN THAT FAR. IT'S A SPOILER!]:






This is my absolute favorite song in the game.  xD

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This is a hard one, because most of the music in this game is so fantastic!


But, I'll go with my gut and go with Louisoix's theme.




I will never be able to get this song out of my head, and I'm okay with that.


I also adore all three Primals when I'm looking for something a bit more, er, upbeat. I've got those on a playlist for when I run tabletop. My players have quickly learned that when Titan or Garuda's themes pop up, bad things are a-coming :D

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I also adore all three Primals when I'm looking for something a bit more, er, upbeat. I've got those on a playlist for when I run tabletop. My players have quickly learned that when Titan or Garuda's themes pop up, bad things are a-coming


...I wonder, just what sorta things would prompt one to play the last fight at the Praetorium theme....

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