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New news, Glamour, Hardware, and 2.2


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Greetings Fellow Eorzeans!


EDIT: March 13 2014:

Glamour system details expanded based on post at:



Also, some updates on 2.2 Dungeons at Famitsu:





There was a previous Glamour speculation thread at:



But it hasn't been updated in a while and with a few of the new details that have come up I thought I'd provide a link to an interview with a paragraph on it:



There's also this little:


Interview, mostly the same talk about PS4, a general and "we'd like to include so much stuff but we're tired!". [i'd be lying if casually crafting away on the Vita while bustling around the house didn't sound entertaining.]


Got some new official updates to share? maybe want throw a link to be put up here in the top post? Hope to hear what you think! :cactuar:

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So, if I'm reading that right, the Glamour system works as follows:


  • You set up your appearance the way you like.
  • You buy or craft (some number, possibly 1) Glamour Prisms based on the item level of the equipped gear.
  • You then use the Prism, which binds to you and takes on the appearance of that gear.
  • You do something with the Prism (equip it in a new item slot?) to assume that appearance.


That's pretty sweet, especially for crafters. :) It's not what I'd like (a full Appearance tab), but it's a lot nicer than a typical "fusion" system.

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It sounds to me like the Prism would take a slot similar to the Job Soul Crystals.


I'm gonna need my crafting friend. I infinitely love the Crimson Vest over the myth robe for BLM and I'm gonna need a high level crystal for that I'm guessing.


It still doesn't mention whether or not the items are bound to that one crystal or I might have glossed over it while I'm at work..

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So, if I'm reading that right, the Glamour system works as follows:


  • You set up your appearance the way you like.
  • You buy or craft (some number, possibly 1) Glamour Prisms based on the item level of the equipped gear.
  • You then use the Prism, which binds to you and takes on the appearance of that gear.
  • You do something with the Prism (equip it in a new item slot?) to assume that appearance.


That's pretty sweet, especially for crafters. :) It's not what I'd like (a full Appearance tab), but it's a lot nicer than a typical "fusion" system.


I'm curious if it will be the full set or if it will be slot based, more like the appearance tab style. This [i think] would help make the crystals more versatile over the long run since you could swap items across jobs that couldn't normally use them as well as making the crystals bound to the level range of the particular item instead of the full set.


For example, the ever popular Ul'dah Dancer look has DoW only sandals, but the pants are DoM, I would think that you would either drag, or perhaps right click use [like turning in an item for seals at a GC] then select the item you want it to mimic. maybe the shoes in this case, then switch to a DOM and equip the prism to the feet. [Or other uniforms for organizations, I think its the brass blades that have a shield thats similar to a THM one? I could be crossing wires..]


I'm curious how far and if at all they'll allow you to carry over the appearance of things you aren't allowed to use on another class. Another two things I would be curious about is


1. Dual slot items prism into one slot, would it show the unprisimed piece as priority or the prism? [i imagine the prism appearance would have priority, but then that brings up the reverse, what if i'm wearing the darksteel top but equip the prism head of Valor circlet, would I have a bare chest? or would I need to equip another prism for it to be viable?]


2. Weapons, theres of course "will they let me prism my dagger to look like a cane" but also how will they handle 2h, or MH/OH combos? I think it would be interesting [though unlikely] to have Paladins running around carrying an Axe, even if that meant they would have to unequip a shield.


oooh~ I wonder if you could prism "nothing" and make that into a blank slot to cover up off hand items and swap the main hand.. hrm.

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It sounds to me like the Prism would take a slot similar to the Job Soul Crystals.


I'm gonna need my crafting friend. I infinitely love the Crimson Vest over the myth robe for BLM and I'm gonna need a high level crystal for that I'm guessing.


It still doesn't mention whether or not the items are bound to that one crystal or I might have glossed over it while I'm at work..


I got the impression that it takes some sort of "snapshot" of the gear you want then you equip the crystal and it gives you that look. So it doesn't sound like it'll bind that look to that one crystal only. Buuuuut it does sound like you might have to buy a new crystal each time you want to change something about the look.

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  • You set up your appearance the way you like.
  • You buy or craft (some number, possibly 1) Glamour Prisms based on the item level of the equipped gear.
  • You then use the Prism, which binds to you and takes on the appearance of that gear.
  • You do something with the Prism (equip it in a new item slot?) to assume that appearance.


We don't know if it's one prism per gear, or one outfit per prism. We don't know if the prism is something that's consumed on use to apply a saved look to a particular piece of gear, or if it's something equipped. We don't know if you'll be able to apply lower ilvl gear appearances to higher ilvl prisms.


All of these "we don't know"s have the potential to turn an "okay" system (which is essentially what I was hoping it would be - modular wardrobe tabs) into something utterly useless.

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Assuming the wording of the translation is right, Yoshida said "(The glamour Prism) is a crystal that can be used to change your appearance by mirroring the look of your item". Then he keeps speaking about it in the singular form.


We still don't know if it will be consumed or slotted. And if it's consumed we don't know if we'll get to save multiple appareances. I'm more worried about the prisms being restricted to exactly the item-level range they are made for, or if they will be able to capture the appareance of lower leveled items. This will be a big problem if it results that the prisms capture ALL of your gear instead of needing one per item.

Actually, scratch that: if the prisms are consumed and appareances not saved, then it's a useless system for RP. That's what worries me the most.


Otherwise, it will be a pretty okay system.

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The translation is pretty unclear because he mentions a singular item but he also mentions a character's appearance. I don't see why it would be for just 1 item though because it would be a bit of a hassle to have to have several slots for the Prism just for the vanity/glamour system.

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This is PRECISELY the system I was hoping for--copying an item's appearance without ruing said item.  Now I can walk around without that hideously garish Curtana on my hip.


Don't get me wrong, that weapon is absolutely my favorite considering how hard I worked to get the damned thing...but whoever designed it seems to have a fundamental lack of how swords are constructed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

*revives thread*


Many of the Glamour system questions have been answered in the LIVE letter: http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/152555%3E


Judging by the screenshots and the text, it looks like you buy one prism for each item whose appearance you want to replicate. When you replicate an item's appearance onto the prism, the item is unaffected and can be given to your retainer for storage. When you want to apply the glamour, you right-click on the item slot, pick the appropriate menu option, select the item whose appearance you want to change, then select the glamour prism you want to use. You can glamour an item to any appearance so long as the source equipment is equippable by your job and uses the same number of slots, so alas, no sword-wielding Black Mages, it seems. :( There's also an item level restriction on the application of glamours, but I'm not entirely sure what it means given the examples provided.


What we still don't know is if glamour prisms are consumed by use or not, if they take up inventory slots, if the effect is a duration-based one or permanent, how glamours will interact with gear sets, and how much they'll cost to craft. Given the UI for it, I assume it works a lot like dyeing (you basically "dye" an item with a new appearance), but we could always be surprised with what we get. :)

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I took the IL restrictions to mean you can't glamour up. So if you have the Crimson Robe (to use the same examples) you can't glamour it to look like the Allagan Robe. You can only glamour an item that has an equal or lesser item level. 


And I'll agree, the prism system seems more akin to "dyeing" your Individual gear than a gear set approach. Anything to stimulate the economy I guess.

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I took the IL restrictions to mean you can't glamour up


Mhm, I imagine that would be the restriction as well, no making your woollen Bilaud looking like AF+1 gear, but you can run around looking like a farmer in CT if you want. I wonder how many sets of acolyte robes i'm going to see running around once thats implemented.


The same number of items is a logical restriction to stop any shenanigans. The restriction on job appearance is a bit sad, weapons aside. I imagine if could be a bit confusing to see a black mage running around in a Scholars suit, but ah well, this is better than nothing.


I've gone back and editited the OP to link to the letter for answers.

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I have to say that I'm pretty sad that its iLevel and Class restricted. That kind of defeats like... 90% of the purpouse of a vanity system, for me at least. Since I like using vanity for mostly RP purpouses. I use a lot of alts, and most of them are fairly low level since I don't have that kind of time or patience to put that kind of investment in their level. So vanity is nice to get the desired appearance for them, no matter their OOC level. And class restrictions... Why can't my main get to wear say... infantry gear just because she's a paladin? Especially when you can level all the things on one character. Thats just silly. Unfortunately, that is fairly common in MMOs though.


Honestly, I don't tend to care much about what I'm wearing in PvE. I mean, sure, its nice to dress you're character as you want then... but honestly, this is pretty much the only thing this vanity system sounds like it'll bring to the table. That and maybe clear up some inventory slots? I dunno. I'm disappointed. :(

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I have to say that I'm pretty sad that its iLevel and Class restricted.


I totally understand, I was really hoping to be able to use my summoners boots along with a mix of some other gear along with my black mage, but alas..


I'm sure you comparison was just for comparisons sake, but as a note, you can wear infantry gear as a PLD. [since its DoW] And hopefully that means you will be able to Glamour it. [Edit: "it" being PLD gear to match infantry gear.]



Maybe the system will undergo some adjustments in the next expansion if enough people voice dissatisfaction.

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I'm sure you comparison was just for comparisons sake, but as a note, you can wear infantry gear as a PLD. [since its DoW] And hopefully that means you will be able to Glamour it. [Edit: "it" being PLD gear to match infantry gear.]



Haha, yeah, I was just trying to think of something off the top of my head that wasn't bulky armor, or potato sacks (cause Illira would not have any wish to wear one of those...) Anyway! I stand corrected. But point still stands...


iLevel and class restrictions make me sad :(

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Something else I noticed- the letter mentions the gear has to occupy the same number of gear slots.  I take that to mean I can't glamour my awful Darklight chestpieces to something that doesn't A) Look like a Trashcan or B) Make me look EEEVVVVVIIIILLLL.  (I really hate the Darklight cowl and tanking gear. YMMV)


I am a little sad about the class restrictions, there are several outfits I would love to put together that are a mixture of DoW and DoM gear. I would love to use the pirate shirts on my SCH.  But I suppose I am not terribly surprised by it.


All that's left now is to wait and see how expensive the glamour prisms will be, though I expect the prices to be a bit nuts the first week or so.

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I take that to mean I can't glamour my awful Darklight chestpieces to something that doesn't A) Look like a Trashcan or B) Make me look EEEVVVVVIIIILLLL.  (I really hate the Darklight cowl and tanking gear. YMMV)



Never being able to walk around as a Lancer in my Odin gear. Woe is me~ :cry:

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Something else I noticed- the letter mentions the gear has to occupy the same number of gear slots.  I take that to mean I can't glamour my awful Darklight chestpieces to something that doesn't A) Look like a Trashcan or B) Make me look EEEVVVVVIIIILLLL.  (I really hate the Darklight cowl and tanking gear. YMMV)


I am a little sad about the class restrictions, there are several outfits I would love to put together that are a mixture of DoW and DoM gear. I would love to use the pirate shirts on my SCH.  But I suppose I am not terribly surprised by it.


All that's left now is to wait and see how expensive the glamour prisms will be, though I expect the prices to be a bit nuts the first week or so.

Indeed. As a lalafell, and lala only, I find the DL tank gear utterly adorable. But the DL cowl is hideous. I skipped it for my BLM main and just used a NQ Materia melded Vanya robe until I got the CT chest piece.


It'd be really nice if we could have used the vanity as real vanity for RP... this one slot per appearance is weird.

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What's wrong with the ilvl restriction? If you want to use the appearance of a higher level item then just wear that item lol?


Also from the screenshots, weapons will be changeable too! I was really paranoid about this, but it's all good. My only complaint is that I was hoping it would be full gear sets, not individual items, that you change. That way, I could have made a Mirage set that doesn't have any earrings, because the earrings look awful :| 


No matter, I'll just swap them out for those unassuming ring earrings, even if my character doesn't wear jewelry or chokers T_T


Either way, no more "LOL IMMA PRINCESS" armour for my PLD! Straight-up ordinary swordsman pls.

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I have to say that I'm pretty sad that its iLevel and Class restricted. That kind of defeats like... 90% of the purpouse of a vanity system, for me at least. 


Pretty much, yeah. With the restrictions as they are (which means cloth-wearers have next to zero customization options), I don't see myself making use of this system at all.

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