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New news, Glamour, Hardware, and 2.2


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I'm relatively new to these forums, and appreciate all opinions and ideas, but I am surprised at the level of vitriol toward some folks' posts and toward the company in general. It's a game. And it's clothing. I have seen folks combine and make outstanding outfits with the existing stuff, without the glamour system. Soooo......why is everyone so angry?


I am confused. :dazed:


Short version is that I can't wear the things I want while doing the things I want. For roleplaying this isn't too bad, because it doesn't matter what job or class I'm on, I can hide my weapon and pretend otherwise (I've done it before in roleplay with Eos out so that there would be a visual cue for the orphaned fairy Rinah).


For not-roleplaying this poses a problem: I can't wear ALC or GSM AF without being an ALC or a GSM, respectively. I can't wear Sexy Labcoat and Skirt while fighting Twintania.


The other problem is that I can't mix and match sets. I'd really like to mix different parts of different sets to make really neat outfits. I can't do that. By restricting the system this way, the Clone Disease isn't cured at all; it's just a band-aid fix. Instead of every level 50 BLM dressed in Sorcerer's or Allagan, you'll see every level 50 BLM dressed in Sorcerer's, Allagan, GC gear, Battlemage, Coliseum or Acolyte. 


So instead of everyone being a clone of one look, everyone will be a clone of five looks. It doesn't solve the problem, just lessens it very slightly. We've already got a problem of minimal character customization because we have so few hairstyles and not enough sliders for body types and shapes. This doesn't alleviate that issue.


Another problem is that tanks have an unfair advantage. They can wear virtually anything except specifically job/class restricted gear, but they can wear anything with looser restrictions, which means cloth, leather, chain and plate. Casters, on the other hand, can only wear cloth. That's completely unfair and unbalanced. Compare to RIFT, where you can totally put a mage in heavy plate armor, or mix a bunch of sets up.


And a minor issue is that there's no way to disable a slot to make it appear as if no armor is actually there with the exception of the head slot. One of the things I do in RIFT is disable my shoulder slot because I don't like the huge 80s shoulderpads. I can't do something like that here and I might want to, I dunno, disable gloves, so I can see my rings, or disable dangly earrings because they look goofy on races who aren't miqo'te.


The costuming system Squee chose to use is very, very primitive. This is 2014. There's no need for this. They can do much better, but they actively chose not to, and like many of the primitive/outdated systems Squee chooses to use, it is completely arbitrary.

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I would say that Square's chosen armor restriction and glamour system are reflection of them wanting to preserve their prefered aesthetic identity for characters in the game. Essentially, they'd be subscribing to the "We are the Author Gods and our Creative Intent is Holier than yours".


I would say that, but I won't. The armor system and glamour isn't consistent enough with each other to say that. As Aeriyn has said, tanks get the wider spectrum of clothes to wear. If Squee wanted to preserve their character design, they wouldn't have this armor system. They'd have something like Guild Wars 2, where your class can only wear one very specific type of armor and no other.


The system seems dissapointing right now. But if they add class-less versions of currently class restricted gear for crafters to make, they might manage to make it a lot more useful. I hope that's their plan, anyway.

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The system seems dissapointing right now. But if they add class-less versions of currently class restricted gear for crafters to make, they might manage to make it a lot more useful. I hope that's their plan, anyway.


That's my hope as well. Now, as a tanker, I obviously don't have too terribly many gripes about the Glamour system as it stands now...and I can kinda see Squee's point if I tilt my monitor about 40 degrees and squint my eyes--a class identity is important, and the Jobs of the series have an iconic appearance that is tantamount to sacrilege to be rid of.


That said...considering that they've already got some crafter-made "classless" gear already in the pipe for 2.2, hopefully there will be pieces that can be made to allow a BLM to wear any combination of leather and plate they want to.

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*nod* As someone who plays PLD and BLM almost 50/50 now, I find the amount of stuff I can equip as a PLD much more appealing than I do as BLM.


As BLM I get... robes.. and robes.. and er... more robes? Cloth ones at that. Never anything with a little plating involved. Wearing the Foestriker's tabard as a mage would just add a little awesome to it. Then again I think the tabard is amazing all day every day >_>;


Or that new tank gear they showed in the preview. The one that both a PLD and a WAR are wearing. It would be amazing to be casting things in that.


It's not horrible, the system. It's just... so far pretty lackluster. I just wish it was utterly amazing, but for now it's just ehh.


Just like the 50 free teleports people who will have subscribed for a year will get.  Eh. Ok.

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I thought it couldn't get any worse... >_>


Quest Requirements

To unlock Glamours, players must first complete the following quest. Upon completion, the action Cast Glamour will appear under General Actions in the Actions and Traits interface.


Quest Name A Self-improving Man

Required Level Level 50

Quest Location Mor Dhona (X:22, Y:6) - Wiscard

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I certainly know how I feel about it. Doesn't matter that my main is 50. Anyone should be able to make use of something as universal as a vanity system, regardless of level.


... Really wish I could just transplant XIV's lore and art design/graphics style onto Rift right about now.

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While I certainly wasn't expecting the quest to require Lv50, I guess it makes sense considering the system only really benefits 50s anyway. Pretty sure SE is trying to encourage all players to get to cap at least one job since that's really where the game begins.

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While I certainly wasn't expecting the quest to require Lv50, I guess it makes sense considering the system only really benefits 50s anyway. Pretty sure SE is trying to encourage all players to get to cap at least one job since that's really where the game begins.


This "the game begins at the level cap" mentality is one of the major problems with the MMO genre today.


Content should be meaningful and enjoyable for the entire range of experience. Not just a specific part of it.

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I certainly found myself blitzing to 50 asap. It was a sort of "let's get them up so we can do these things together!"


I sort of did and didn't wish they did the 8 man party stuff so late.


I'm in that same place now. I think it helps that I did it before slowly on the other server, so I know what's going on now, but yeah...it's sort of a rush to be able to play with everyone, really.

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I have a number of alts who I am in no rush to level but would love to be able to take advantage of the glamour system on. I can't bring myself to level my MRD any further because I cannot stand the massive thigh boot-pants that she's wearing currently. Being able to glamour those away would not only give me a reason to make use of the system, but it would encourage me to actually play the damn game.


Apparently Yoshi doesn't want that, though...

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This "the game begins at the level cap" mentality is one of the major problems with the MMO genre today.


Content should be meaningful and enjoyable for the entire range of experience. Not just a specific part of it.


I don't disagree, but that's how it is. People level so quick they don't do the lower level content. All they want is the next best and most difficult content to get the new best in slot. I know people who still haven't done Cutters Cry. And cant count how many people griped when a scant few guildhests and Qarn became required for the main storyline. Too many people just don't do content they don't have to. Or they don't repeat lower level content after they've reached cap. That kinda forces developers to focus on the "endgame." But then again, Yoshi-P has said from the beginning he wanted players to experience the endgame. And that reaching the level cap wasn't supposed to be a big deal.

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While I certainly wasn't expecting the quest to require Lv50, I guess it makes sense considering the system only really benefits 50s anyway. Pretty sure SE is trying to encourage all players to get to cap at least one job since that's really where the game begins.


This "the game begins at the level cap" mentality is one of the major problems with the MMO genre today.


Content should be meaningful and enjoyable for the entire range of experience. Not just a specific part of it.


The game does not start at 50. The bulk of the main story is getting to 50. There is also a huge amount of content that is below 50. Sure, endgame is a 50. There are really only 3 things at that point. Coil, Crystal Tower, and Primals (both HM and EX). There is a lot of content out there to enjoy besides endgame, you just have to open your eyes from the tunnel vision of "must get to endgame" a bit.


I'll grant that the on going new main story stuff is 50, but that could change in an expansion. Probably similar to how XI did with Chains of Promethia, effectively creating a second "main scenario" to enjoy on the way up or syncing back down to the content.


We really cannot fault the genre, or any individual game in it, for assuming that people will keep lvling up. Particularly not in the early stage we are still at with this game.

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To me, the implication of having to get to 50 is a bit more problematic, but I really don't see the fuss over the Glamour system in the first place. I mean it'll be nice, but my have my RP set in my armory chest and that works out fine for me. Takes 5 seconds to switch between one and the other and I'm not really looking at how good my gear looks in Coil (Much more worried about my stats - what up ACC). Disclaimer: THAT'S JUST ME. Glamour is a nice system but not one I feel is game breaking if implemented poorly.


I think it's because the first time I ever saw a Glamour system was Aion - where if you wanted to use the piece for Glamour the piece was destroyed in the process. I did like DCUO's system in theory (Equipped thing, keep look of thing in menu forever) but the menu was kind of clunky and one I got a ton of pieces I stopped using it. I played GW2 but can't for the life of me remember how that worked, guess it wasn't too memorable.


My favorite system, by far, is The Secret World. All actual leveling pieces aren't even SEEN on your character. Their totem or other artifacts. All the clothes you see are buyable in clothing shops and are purely there for looks. Really cool idea, but I understand most games can't do this.


This is SE though. There is something you need to know about SE if you've never played FFXI -- and this is important. SE will implement something and it will be awful to start, pretty much all the time. They have good ideas but their follow through when they are added is terrible. It's been this way since FFXI.


HOWEVER, they are generally quick to fix their mistakes if there is a lot of sound offs. They DO listen to their playerbase, but not till AFTER "thing" is already implemented. They'll put in their vision first and see how it goes, then fix it when they realized they fucked up. It happens a lot with them, but I suppose it's better than never listening at all and actively fighting back against criticism (Sup TOR Devs?)

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Here's my thoughts:


I actually approve of the level 50 requirement. As you are leveling you shouldn't really be too concerned with glamours since you will be flying through gear regardless.


And also, it's a nice reward for getting to 50. It says "Congratulations! You've reached the end goal! Here's a little vanity system to enjoy!" Now the "The base and projected items are of the same type." I am assuming means if the base item and projected item are for the head slot then they are glamourable". Considering nothing in this game is labeled plate, leather, cloth, I am assuming that is what it means.

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