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Friends of Momodi OOC


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Sadly I had to kick some people to make room last night, but I have no idea who they were. If I kicked you, don't be mad! Just let me know 'Hey I still exist' and I'll re invite you.

Just don't kick Aya!  Unless you don't want the Quick Sand to appreciate its own Appreciation Society ^_^

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  • 4 weeks later...



There is a new Official Policy of No Grumping in the LS. Users will receive a stern* talking to for their first violation. But multiple incidents of OGR* will lead to a one month kick from the LS.


Plz no grumps






*Stern talking to may involve finger wagging

*Overly Grumpy Ranting

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I figured I'd drop a post up in here and thank you guys for bringing me into the LS. It's fun to talk with folks and I hope I wasn't too over the top. :blush:


We are still recovering.


Thanks Chacha.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi! I'd love an invite ( Jhu'lie Sorrel ). ^_^ I hope none of you mind a huuuuge geek joining your LS.


They let me join, so you should be fine.


It was more like when you open a door and a cat squeezes through really quick before you can grab it.

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