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Introducing the "Favour" System!

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Retainer Venture


Quick Exploration: My Pants


Item's found: Snurble Tuft


8800 XP gained.


I don't even want to know why there was a snurble in your pants.


Heh, you'll understand when you're older. ;)

I got the reference joke but oh god I never want to think about this ever again. *tries to mind bleach*


(edit for clarification)

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This April Fool's Day joke implies that SE is capable of creating a character any person could actually enjoy.




Clearly you've never met papashan.





Oh Papashan... you can rescue me any day.

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This April Fool's Day joke implies that SE is capable of creating a character any person could actually enjoy.




Clearly you've never met papashan.

Oh shiiiit that is right. Papashan please take Kage now..

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I personally dislike Minfillia's character. I am fine with both Papalymo and Yda. Sometimes I dislike Y'shtola just because she's a little judgey but well that's natural.


I'd need to dress my retainer better if I wanted to romance her or my lalafell retainer. hrm.


Who needs to like her? I thought we were talking about something else...

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I'm personally against romancing major NPCs, but I'd like to have some close friends time with E-Sumi-Yan sooo much! Sitting together somewhere and talk, play chess, discuss.. he must know so many things!

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I don't get the love for Minfilia either, I assume it's because of her breast region.


Thancred I get because I have such a weakness for charming rogues with dumb ass smirks (Hello Flynn Rider <3) and I tend to lean toward white haired men in my Japanese fantasy games. So yeah, Thancred.


Also, Hildebrand.


Hildebrand forever.

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I don't get the love for Minfilia either, I assume it's because of her breast region.


It ain't the breasts.



It's the butt-window. Power Girl Effect, ho!




That said... terrible English VA, no personality, always pestering you long distance (why do I need to come back to the Waking Sands to discuss things with you when we have Bluetooth, girl?), and all that jazz.

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Even if this system became a reality, none of my characters would use it. It'd be so OOC it'd hurt my brain *laughs*.


As for my favourite... out of the main male characters, Papalymo is the one who got my attention because he seems smart. Thranced might be the only one I find physically attractive (he's a bishounen, after all), but I didn't feel anything whatsoever for his personality, so I'm not interested in him.


Oh! I liked the new Tia introduced in the CT quest. I think he's a very cute character.


Generally speaking, I can't say any of the FFXIV NPC has stolen my heart in the romantic sense. I guess my heart is too busy beating for RP characters, haha.

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