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Reawakened Ancient Evil ?!

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So I picked up FFXIV with my friend a while ago, give or take about half a year. We played on Gilgamesh up until I left. Now that I've come back--to hopefully get more into the game--I've had to transfer to Balmung to play (because my friend transferred). I did some stuff and things here, but with the server transfer, I'm pretty much rethinking my entire character.


lmao im only iLvl 88 hello The only thing that's in stone so far is that my character is a Botanist, and named Samael Crowley because I can't change my name, never ever. SQUEENIX. I originally wanted to roleplay Samael as a Summoner, but some reading has shown me that Square Enix is pushing the 'special snowflake' lore onto classes like White Mage and Summoner, albeit Summoner being a little less mary sue-ish.


So I'm not going to really get into the meat of my character until I can talk with others about whether they prefer to bend the lore and avoid such mar sues, or if they avoid these classes entirely. Despite the whole prerequisite thing, I still do want to get into the scene of roleplay on Balmung.


You can find me in game on my one and only character, Samael Crowley. would you like to come pick some flowers xoxo

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Hello there, Samael, welcome back to FFXIV and welcome to Balmung! It's good to see people returning! :D


Some people are fine with bending lore, some think you should avoid the "forbidden" classes entirely, and some people are fine with straight up disregarding the lore or being Mary Sue's to play a straight up special snowflake White Mage or what-have-you. It's really just personal preference--what you want to RP, and the type of people with whom you'd rather RP. And sadly you could have changed your character's name when you transferred servers, but the chance is gone unless you want to pay to transfer away and back again. :(

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Regarding sekrit classes: It would make complete sense for your character to just keep it on the down low. It's a bit of a hot button topic around here, but I still feel if you were playing a White Mage, no one would need to know you're healing with succor compared to conjury. I doubt anyone would know the difference, to be quite honest.


Similarly, Summoner isn't forbidden. It'd be poor form to be walking around with an egi out at all times, but there's nothing wrong with having the ability to do it and just not flaunting it. Hell, you're drawing power from a Primal. It weighs more and is more dramatic if you only whip that sort of thing out in tense RP moments.

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Regarding sekrit classes: It would make complete sense for your character to just keep it on the down low. It's a bit of a hot button topic around here, but I still feel if you were playing a White Mage, no one would need to know you're healing with succor compared to conjury. I doubt anyone would know the difference, to be quite honest.


Similarly, Summoner isn't forbidden. It'd be poor form to be walking around with an egi out at all times, but there's nothing wrong with having the ability to do it and just not flaunting it. Hell, you're drawing power from a Primal. It weighs more and is more dramatic if you only whip that sort of thing out in tense RP moments.



I'd say, play as whatever you want to play, as long as it's possible to fit it into the lore one way or another. (So far as to say I'd accept someone playing the not-yet-available rogue/ninja class/job and even the not-sure-if-we'll-actually-get-it musketeer class.) There are a TON of RPers on the server, and finding some that match your style should be pretty easy. If you want to go to a more public event without risking someone freaking out you could be "breaking their lore", Warren brings up the best possible point: How would they know?


All in all, RP with what's fun for you! There are surely like-minded people.

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This is relevant as I made a long tumblr post about it a while back. 


Taken directly from LiveVoltage20's Tumblr post.


"Urg.... after a long and very hard weekend.

Mainly of RP and leveling my main in FFXIV, I finally unlocked all combat job classes currently out there and let me tell you, I can finally tell which classes are lore friendly to play as and which one’s arent and which ones are conditionally lore friendly to Role Play with.


Paladin and Bard

Have to be the two easiest to RP as. Paladin you just need to walk into Ul’dah and they practically give you a soulstone if you ask for military training.


Bard is basically and archer who fancy’s poetry and ballad’s. The only difficult part is rationalizing how a moogle gave you a stone but thats the only part you really have to get creative with.


Warrior and Dragoon

Warrior is pretty easy to be IF youre not originally from Eorzea. Otherwise, get really creative cause youre going to be a special snowflake if you dont.


As long as you’re an Elezen and from Coerthas, you can practically and easily RP as a Dragoon. Remember though that there are differences you need to keep in mind when RPing as a regular Dragoon, one of them is that you will most likely NOT have access to all of youre Dragoon powers save the regular jump and evasive jump. Anything outside of being an Elezen and not from Coerthas requires you to get creative or be a special snowflake.



Im kinda iffy on this one. They use chakra to help them fight, which is essentially having strong soul force and having faced numerous close encounters or visited ancient battlefields. If you get over that hurtle than youre pretty clear otherwise.


Black Mage and White Mage

By lore standards, both classes are pretty much special snowflake if character is from Eorzea, no exceptions. If they are from outside of Eorzea than you could rationalize it that way but you will need to get super creative.

Summoner and Scholar

Summoner lore wise is a bit difficult to rationalize both in and outside of Eorzea because its essentially a ‘lost’ allagan art. Get creative though and you can easily avoid special snowflake.


Scholar is the same as Summoner. Lost nemian art,etc, etc. Stones and ancient stuff are found every now and then so as long as youre a student of arcenimia then its pretty easy lore wise to be one.


In short, thats generally how the breakdown of classes Role Playing wise are lore friendly to play as. Cant wait till Ninja for 2.4 comes out so that way I can see how that class is ICly."



*scurry's off back into the AFKdom*

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Summoner is easier to rationalise than say White Mage. All it requires is the following: to have a soul crystal, to have defeated a primal, and to then defeat/subdue the essence of that primal. As was discussed in another thread, beating a primal doesn't always require the Echo, because not every primal tempers/drowns etc. And the soul crystals, although rare, are numerous, as shown in the summoner quest.

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My character is a Summoner (it is, in fact, her only "job," as opposed to "class"), and I have her only whip out the chicken nugget when her life is in danger AND it looks like no one will be around for it. She's already almost died without resorting to it once. I don't think there's a problem with wanting to RP as a job whose lore makes you out to be a special snowflake if you keep it on the down-low and don't try to make a claim of being the only adventurer with that job, like being a Dragoon versus being the Azure Dragoon.

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