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Celebration of The Trader

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Look at all the amazing screenshots!






I cannot go on enough about how ecstatic I am on how much fun I had.



Also we achieved market sound! So many people came I was taking screenshots and realized it. Amazing!



The stories were incredible and in our own little "backstage" channels we were laughing and having a fantastic time with how all the stories were a little bit different but all hit to the same themes and to top it off it's all technically cannon because it's the impression and the feeling our character gets, very personal.



Garryson - Very manly I took it

Leanne - The verses so lovely I got it in a PM beforehand so I got to just girl-geek-out

Vaughn - Beautiful music and beautiful transition into the story time

Warren - A little light-heart and very animated

Xenedra - lovely story that pulled us in



The song and the music. I listened to that music all night (plus I was privvy to it early so it twas many a hour!) really set the theme and the mood and made the immersion all the more relaxing and gave it a warmth to go with the text.



Note to self: making everyone cheer out of no where does not work. :blush::roll:



All the guards looked fantastic and even though they were a stoic figure piece to most people, they had a secret job which blew my mind and made such a difference to the event in keeping it running smoothly and letting everyone else focus on their own reactions.



Coatleque - Huge help in speaking to linkshells on my behalf and helping people find their way to the event

Jaques - Greeting people, getting them in range to 'listen' and helping them feel welcome

Xydane - the tough, a little off-put guard that stared out the tunnel the whole time to make sure no baddies came (thank you so much for making it after I got lost in the sea of text)

Z'enath - Quiet guard keeping me level headed by reassuring me constantly "Yeah it's good"



Sigurd and Reinette finished off the evening with some personal prayer and discussion which really brought the night together. The timing with them worked out so well as people came up one at a time or prayed on their own in front of the statue. It was all off the cuff and the improv worked out so well.



I hope the party-chat emotes during the performance was a good method for everyone to still reply and talk to each other while getting a personal experience with the stories and songs.



A few people replied at the start for offering their party for any people who showed up a lone and wanted people to interact with. I know there was a one person I failed to reply to, so big apology from me. Everyone found a party that wanted one.



I have an MS Word document (at home - I'm at work) that's 46 pages long to go through and sort out the stories and discussions afterwards to post here for everyone who couldn't make it.



I got screenshots up through the performance and I got swept away by all the people afterwards. There were a few people I stopped talking to mid-discussion and I apologize. Hosting had a lot of whispers and whatnot so I did lose a bit and tried to keep everything touch-and-go. But big thank you to everyone for talking to me and I'm so sorry if I was a little overwhelmed to properly respond. :blush:



I'm at work right now, still giddy, so tonight I should have some of the screenshots and stories up then sort out everyone's personal prayers and discussions to share here. :thumbsup:

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This was a great event! This time, I was merely content to listen and partake, since my main is still working to establish himself in the community, but next time, next event, I'm all in with my own contributions!


My admiration and thanks to all those who showed that performance events CAN and DO work.

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I am still working on editing the events from Sunday for everyone. I had to touch base with a few people.


A lot of people are asking about the next one and one person outright demanded it. :surprise:


There's quite a bit of excitement to celebrate Nophica, the Matron so I will get on that in the future for November!


And my priority for it is to make it European-friendly.

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