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Celebration of The Trader

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[align=center]In Celebration of the Trader[/align]




[align=center]One and all is invited to come give thanks and hear inspirational words in regards to Nald'thal.


Nald'thal is the overseer of transactions and the underworld, and god of commerce. He commands the element of fire and is associated with the tenth moon of the Eorzean calendar. Nald'thal is the single manifestation of the deific twins Nald and Thal. He is most often depicted as a discerning merchant holding a balance. His symbol is the cowry, an ancient shell currency.




Event starts at Highbridge in Eastern Thanalan (21:21) on Sunday October 12th at 9:30PM Eastern EDT (-5 UTC).


There will be escort available for low levels to make it safety to the meet up point and the venue.


There is no dress code for this event; participants are encouraged to come in comfortable walking clothes and shoes.




Music and stories from some special guest speakers and bards will highlight the evening. After the presentation, everyone is encouraged to mingle, give prayers and thoughts, or partake in the smaller congregations. Entire main event is planned to last a hour with hosts staying around afterwards for free-form role play.




~While this is a pilgrimage in celebration of one of the Twelve, really would like to express the theme and environment of this event is to come together and have an inspiration evening for each other and on reflection. This night will not have strong overtones of worship and ceremony.~

















Post Ceremony Prayer Leaders




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People are quite welcome to observe anonymously...


I've gotten some PMs about guard work and the like, I'm definitely happy to have some help be it a small or large part. I will touch base with everyone and make a list of special guests and paid workers for the event tomorrow.


Outside of the main performance, if anyone is interested in priest work or mini things afterwards I'm happy to help support that by providing a little alcove area and promoting it. Just let me know your idea.

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I'm sorry lovely people in Europe and Asia, it is not friendly times. :blush:


I wanted to be as unimposing with a first event as possible. Monday/Tuesday are fairly PvE for a lot of people I know, Friday and Saturday are pretty popular with FC events typically.


With the people who responded to star in the event and their availability and my ideal days being Sunday and Wednesday based off of typical 'free days' for a short event, but with the convention the following weekend the time fell "best" into the late Sunday/early Monday spot.


If the event works out there are more of the Twelve to replicate the experience with new guests and a different time slot.


Still, big apologizes. I will do my best to get a good log and lots of pictures of the event!

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I'll definitely try to make it and I'll be happy to have Xydane on guard detail. :thumbsup:




I'll be touching base with everyone involved this weekend to coordinate!















Post Ceremony Prayer Leaders



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So excited at the response I've gotten from this idea.


A lot of people are getting involved and it should be a blast for the turnout.


For Pilgrims:

  • During the performance, pilgrims are asked to be silent in the public channels. Emotes with /em, /say, and /yell are asked to be held off until the main performance is over.
  • Animation and sound emotes are welcomed! Please just turn the text off on them during the performance.
  • In lieu of reacting in /em and /say, pilgrims are encouraged to form parties with their friends and groups to react to each other in /p - that should help with the text bloat and keep the reactions more personal and immersed with the main people pilgrims want to interact with.
  • Anyone willing to host a "during performance" party for those who come on their own please contact me so I can find you at the event start and get people together to interact and meet. If a group of friends has room in their party and wouldn't mind hosting a new addition, that would be wonderful too. We'll sort it out at the start of the event.
  • After the performance, everyone is welcome to use /em and /say and can change parties as wanted.

Also have some crowd interaction planned, so pilgrims are encouraged to watch for emote prompts!


There will be a playlist of music available for atmosphere to play in the background from YouTube.


~ I am still touching base with everyone involved for questions and hashing out little details to keep the event flowing. If I haven't found you and friend-ed you online yet I'm looking! (dumb search system) so if you spot me first, you win. :blush: ~

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Aww thank you.


I'm going to try to log and get lots of pictures of the whole thing so hopefully all of our European friends will forgive the time.


With the conferences, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and lots of other international holidays the time fit best for everyone hosting.


Will definitely change it up if the whole event works out so everyone has a time slot to go for at least one of them. :blush:


Still pilgrims are arriving in the cities heading towards Highbridge for tomorrow!

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Jancis, I think I may have to take a raincheck, unfortunately.  Ciel and her comrades ran into some trouble last night and she's not really in any condition to go wandering about just yet.  I was really looking forward to this too.  Hopefully I'll be able to make the next one if you do another similar event.

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Jancis, I think I may have to take a raincheck, unfortunately.  Ciel and her comrades ran into some trouble last night and she's not really in any condition to go wandering about just yet.  I was really looking forward to this too.  Hopefully I'll be able to make the next one if you do another similar event.




This is terrible news. So looking forward to your enlightenment and song for Nald'thal.


If she feels better, or coerces some people to carry her on a bed above their heads like the goddess she surely is, we can always fill her back in for a spot or to simply spectate.


Also - Cotton Robes are available in red, black, or white, for those who wish to participate discreetly.


Just throw me a whisper.

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Since my main is getting kick off of server (JP) I'm jumping on to Kestlona.  She should be at the event soon.  She'll probably lurk before what job might be open for a miner.



Well, I couldn't find anyone and it seem that the JP server I was on wasn't the only one have DC issue. Sorry I missed the event. Hope you guys had fun there anyway. Maybe next time.

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Sorry for awkwardly spinning in place in the middle of the event! I left to go get my tea from another room, and came back to that and it was....horrid.



The event was wonderful from what I saw though! Sorry about the spinning and having to leave early.



Seriously that was so embarrassing

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