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First things for your place

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I first moved away into a college dorm, so many of the essentials either were provided or simply came with it. IIRC the first things I bought for it were fucking textbooks.


If I was counting my first dorm, I can't remember though it'd either be textbooks (I was a med student major so it was all multivolumes) or this weird black and green rug from target.


My first apartment I had when I got married it was a blue loveseat lol


And now, living on my own, it's these pots and pans because after living the last two months off frozen goods I reeeeaaaallllyyyyy just want a bowl of spaghetti


A backpack of clothes and my lifesavings. Running away at 16 was awesome.


I envy you.  I would have done this, but I had no life savings :/


What did we get?  Hmm... Like most others, cooking utensils, dishes, silver (see: stainless steel) ware, and bedding.


It was only like $400. I was basically a sexy dutch hobo, hitchhiking down the east coast of Florida. I was lucky I didn't die, but it was an adventure though. Ended at eighteen when I walked into a recruitment office though. I'm just glad I had the where-with-all to accelerate and graduate high school early before I said "F*** IT!" and left.



Lol I was seven when I tried running away. My mom said all I put in my backpack was candy and underwear.

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When I first moved into an apartment with one of my good friends, the first thing we purchased was a couch.  We played a lot of video games...the lack of back support from sitting on the floor was getting to be a bit of an issue.


Then we bought a TV remote.  I lost the remote somehow and we had moved the couch right in front of the TV so we wouldn't have to keep getting up to change channels.  We almost considered buying a 5-disc DVD player so we wouldn't have to keep getting up to change discs........


Lazy. College. Life.

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Hmmm... When I moved in with the husband (then boyfriend) out of the dorms and into our first real apartment, the first thing we bought was this egg-crate stuff because we couldn't afford a bed (or an air mattress).  Most of the other stuff was hand-me-downs from his family or the stuff I'd managed to fit in a box and a suitcase when I uh...rather precipitously left home at 18 (mostly books, tbh >.>).

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One of the favorites?  TWIN RECLINERS!!


We just closed on our first home back in February (after living together for a good four years or so in an apartment).  We had a lot of purchases all at once, but one of my faves was this huge gorgeous L-shaped desk we have downstairs in the computer room.  We also got a really sweet pair of comfy recliners too and we were gonna fight about the TV so we got another big screen and mounted it to the wall down there.  If we want to cuddle and watch TV on the sofa we have upstairs.  If we want our space and to sprawl out and be comfy and watch TV we have the dual recliners in the basement (a.k.a. computer room a.k.a. "man cave").


It's kind of like this:




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Oh man. Going back.


When I was still living on base with my bf, the first thing we got was a bed set. Comforter, sheets, pillow cases, and two new pillows.


We had to leave it behind when we moved across the state though. :< Miscalculated how much we would have to ship, and it wouldn't fit in the car.


Also, protip. Don't travel cross country in a mustang. Trust me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My place came freshly furnished with new stuff, so I haven't really bought much at all, but if it hadn't it would have been a microwave. I am lazy about continuing to cook and have never had one before, this is an amazing invention that I am sure nobody knew about and I am not a decade behind everyone else.


I did buy a lot of pillows. Rolling around in pillows is just fantastic.

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  • 1 month later...

I miiiiight be trying to convince a certain someone so we could get a tiny Christmas tree. :3


I've not had a Christmas tree in 20 years and even then it was only an artificial one. I'm trying to figure out all the things for a little one. Where. How. What to do WITH A CAT.

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The only xmas tree I ever knew was a plastic one. I'd love to be able to experience the real thing with loved ones.


Awhile back I did a double date with the guy I was dating then and some friends. Went to a *cough* unowned bit of land, cut down a couple trees, strapped them down in the friends' pickup truck, took them home. . .except we didn't strap them both down equally well, and one slid out from under the straps. Turns out a small sitka spruce turns into kindling when it hits the road at 60-65 mph. Luckily no one was behind us, that could have been very bad.


Wound up getting another one later, and that time there were no mishaps.


LESSON BEING: make sure your tree is secure when you take it home! Very, very secure.

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If you allow your cat up on tables and whatnot, this idea might not work.


Typically have a small live tree for Christmas that is sold at the Grocery store, has its own stand and everything already screwed in. Put that up on a table and decorate it.


I guess it becomes a half tree at that point but with the small table with a nice table cloth underneath it's gives the feel of a full tree and you can jam tons of presents underneath.


Except all of my ribbons are always chewed up because the kitties get to them. Eh... better than the ornaments.

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What to do WITH A CAT.

Step 1: Find corner to put tree in


Step 2: sink one eye bolt into the floor in the corner, and then two more two to three feet out along the walls


Step 3: using clothesline or other thin-but-sturdy-cordage, string a line from midpoint-to-three-quarters-the-way-up on the tree to each eye bolt. Make sure the lines are taught.

If done correctly, this will prevent the tree from being tipped in any direction except further back into the corner


Step 4: Buy a baggie of jinglebells. String up jinglebells in small clusters, and liberally decorate with the clusters.

The jinglebells will help alert you to kitty trying to climb the tree. And they look festive.


Note: These four steps also work great for households with small children


Step 5: Avoid decorating tree with candy canes -- cats go crazy for candy canes the same way they do for catnip. Avoid real popcorn garlands, too.


Step 6: Cats also love tinsel... the same way they love used minty dental floss. To avoid sparkly cat-poo strings, skip tinsel strands and only use tinsel garlands.


If all else fails, there's something called 'bitter apple' that you can buy at a pet store that you can spray on the tree. It won't completely stop them from climbing on the tree, but it will discourage them from nibbling/stropping on it.


Also, get a tree that doesn't lose it's needles so easily. Balsam firs are the most common and cheapest tree sold in the US and they smell the best, but they shed needles like crazy. Go for a Fraiser or a spruce -- less fragrant, but less mess for kitty to track around the house.

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