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Let me steal stuff from you, friend.

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Yes, you heard me right.


I'm looking for poor unsuspecting souls that Rhian Solane can take things from. Ever since I transferred her over to Balmung, idling in the Quicksand and engaging in some tavern role-play wasn't enough for her. What good is a thief when she's busy playing pretend courier? I reaaaally want to explore this side of her. One can make their character an infamous thief, but not finding the opportunity playing it out the role isn't satisfying. (Unless that's just me..)


Anyway, her wikipage is still being worked on as I go along... but there's enough information there to get what kind of character she is. So what I'm looking for is possible contacts/employers, fellow thieves, and potential targets.


If not crime role-play, Rhian is also open to doing normal delivery jobs as well. Whatever brings in the coin! ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )ᕗ

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Hmm, I might throw Sae or Cylin at you if that's alright. Though I need to push Sae those final steps towards his airship ticket before he can really go anywhere - but his RP outfit should be locked away with the Gold Saucer update if I can convince a friend to play middle man for me. Enla... Enla both wouldn't necessarily care, and wouldn't be able to catch up or notice in most instances. So she's a poor option for this.

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What's your most convenient time for roleplay?

If our respective schedules are good, I could have you mug my character, Viral.


Err, it's super random but I find that my usual log-in times are around 9PM - 3AM CST. Which is super hard to work around with because you need to be a night owl. LOL Though, on days when I don't work and I'm actually home... the earliest would be 2PM!


Hmm, I might throw Sae or Cylin at you if that's alright. Though I need to push Sae those final steps towards his airship ticket before he can really go anywhere - but his RP outfit should be locked away with the Gold Saucer update if I can convince a friend to play middle man for me. Enla... Enla both wouldn't necessarily care, and wouldn't be able to catch up or notice in most instances. So she's a poor option for this.


Oooh, you should send me a PM and tell me more about your characters! We could work something out!


You can always steal from me, senpai. <3


Get out of my house.


You're welcome to steal from any of my characters =D

You can steal from any of my characters! Just be prepared for a potential ass whoopin' and/or lifelong grudge if it's Faye. o/



Well I guess it's finally time to actually do some role-play with you instead of loitering on the HoD lawn. ლ(=ↀωↀ=)ლ Does Mel and Shadiya have anything of value that Rhian could possibly take away from them? Books? Artifacts? Their underwea—

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What's your most convenient time for roleplay?

If our respective schedules are good, I could have you mug my character, Viral.


Err, it's super random but I find that my usual log-in times are around 9PM - 3AM CST. Which is super hard to work around with because you need to be a night owl. LOL Though, on days when I don't work and I'm actually home... the earliest would be 2PM!



That actually works pretty good for me right now, as I'm still looking for a job, I can afford to be up later. ^^

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You're welcome to steal from any of my characters =D

You can steal from any of my characters! Just be prepared for a potential ass whoopin' and/or lifelong grudge if it's Faye. o/



Well I guess it's finally time to actually do some role-play with you instead of loitering on the HoD lawn. ლ(=ↀωↀ=)ლ Does Mel and Shadiya have anything of value that Rhian could possibly take away from them? Books? Artifacts? Their underwea—


Weeeeeell, Mel and Shade are currently out of commission because Shade died and Mel is obsessed with her revival of reasons, but Mel generally has some important trinkets or something on his person when he's out in public. Shade hardly wears clothes, but I think she may have some things on her to facilitate RP :D If you're interested in them, we can move that story right along and maybe get something going!

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Feel free to attempt to pickpocket/mug Rotomoto! The (Self proclaimed) Legendary Hero of Eorzea will try to foil her attempts of stealing the belongings of the beautiful citizens of.. Their respective cities, fear him as he leaps towards the scene with his trained bunny ears of death. 



(What I'm getting at is batman needs a catwoman, I think it'll be fun for a rivalry of sorts if you're interested!)

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Tynos is usually out in the woods of grid near the float with a bag full of allagan trinkets and a very archeology look to him, while looking a bit out of place, Though he is a mage, he does not always dress as one. Might be an "easy" target from far away, but might resolve in some conflict! Feel free to send a /tell to me or send me a pm on here ^_^

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One of the manufactured "quotes" I made for Chachan on his wiki page states how easy of a mark he is for being robbed. He's a naive little goody two-shoes, after all. :lol:


Of course, he doesn't carry much beyond his gil pouch, some Yellow Drops, and some jerky for the most part... so the rewards for doing so might just be seeing be be really sad about it.

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Well now, isn't this just an interesting concept I'm surprised I don't see more of! I see you're already swamped with replies, and that it's got a good response and what not. But I'll just throw Eshy here into the mix. She owns her own little Apothecary shop. Potions and ingredients and what not all stationed within a building. If you're interested in a little B&E, let me know.

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Σ(・□・;)I wasn't expecting such a positive turn out! I see lots of potential contacts, tartgets, and rivalries going on in these responses! Annnnnd, I'm at work right now so I will be sending PMs and /tells through the rest I the week end into the next one!!


Super excited. I'm looking forward and hopefully will have time for all of you.

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Feel free to attempt to pickpocket/mug Rotomoto! The (Self proclaimed) Legendary Hero of Eorzea will try to foil her attempts of stealing the belongings of the beautiful citizens of.. Their respective cities, fear him as he leaps towards the scene with his trained bunny ears of death. 



(What I'm getting at is batman needs a catwoman, I think it'll be fun for a rivalry of sorts if you're interested!)


One of the manufactured "quotes" I made for Chachan on his wiki page states how easy of a mark he is for being robbed. He's a naive little goody two-shoes, after all. :lol:


Of course, he doesn't carry much beyond his gil pouch, some Yellow Drops, and some jerky for the most part... so the rewards for doing so might just be seeing be be really sad about it.


Seeing these two responses has actually given me a hilarious situation. 


It involves a poor unsuspecting Chachan getting robbed by a certain Rhian, who happens to get caught by a Rotomoto... who is conveniently nearby to witness everything. Except everything is a whole misunderstanding and Rhian accidentally mistook Chachan for someone else.


So cue in the whole "I'M NOT A CROOK!" act and BOOM! Shenanigans. Shenanigans everywhere.


Only if you two are interested. (=ↀωↀ=)✧

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So.... Rhian would have meant to have robbed another Lala and got Chachan instead? :?


ヽ(;▽;)ノ Yep! And she would be utterly disappointed upon seeing what Chachan carries on his person. (Then tries to return his belongings to him. Because jerky is no use to her unless she was hungry...)

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So.... Rhian would have meant to have robbed another Lala and got Chachan instead? :?


ヽ(;▽;)ノ Yep! And she would be utterly disappointed upon seeing what Chachan carries on his person. (Then tries to return his belongings to him. Because jerky is no use to her unless she was hungry...)


Pff, that definitely sounds like it'd be an interesting RP situation. Chachan might not even notice until afterwards, though if it took long enough for him to find out... Rhian would have quite the upset little Lala-dork on her hands.

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If you need a stage or another Lalafell to have actually meant to steal from, you could use Kage / his house if you'd like? Under the guise of "all lalafell just seem to look alike"


Kage's got quite a sizable house that I've been using ICly. (Medium Goblet Ward 6 Plot 41)

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Locke is actually a perfect target to steal from. <_< He never suspects anything bad to happen, trustworthy and optimistic to a fault as he is. It wouldn't be the first time something's been stolen from him, and it'd be cool to work something out with you!

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If you see my character Virara around, you can attempt this. Virara is pretty aware, so pickpocketing would probably fail. (Mostly because she did that herself a lot when she was younger.) However, she's pretty naive about Eorzean customs and could get conned into something rather easily, so if your character is a smooth talker or at least somewhat clever it's very doable.

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