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Gently used Keeper in need of TLC

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So my beloved Vetiver recently split from her fiancee in a rather... tumultuous sort of way. On top of that, her friends are rather distant as of late leaving the otherwise confident and flirty Keeper at her lowest, full of loneliness and heartbreak.


I guess the tl;dr is: she really needs company of any sort at this point. Affection or adventure of variable outcomes... doesn't matter, so long as Vetiver has something to help null out that pain for a bit. She's a competent archer, an even better healer and a hell of a lover. Has some deep-seated emotional issues, of course, but it can only go up from here, right?


Her Wiki, though incomplete, has most of the important information down. If you're interested... well, you know what to do. ;3

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More than happy to get into Witchery shenanigans.


When shall we three.. oh wait we need a third, e can probably kidnap someone.. ok.. When will we three meet again?

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Rin probably isn't her thing for romance, but he'd certainly keep her busy for an evening if she doesn't get annoyed to the point where she walks away. lol


I'm trying to meet everyone I can for RP connections and he's meeting everyone he can for his own connections. If you ever find yourself bored look him up. :D

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