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Investigative FC looking for jobs

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Okay, so I have posted my IC ad in the IC forum, but I still haven't gotten any hits, so I figure I'll post it here too.


My FC, Jutat De, is an investigative FC who will help find anything that needs to be found. Seriously, anything. RIght now, we've got a small job helping someone find his confidence. We're not picky.


We would love to have some cross FC RP, or even small storyline RP. If you are looking for something, PLEASE let us know. RIght now, RP is kinda in limbo, and we need some company story to get us going!


If you have any questions, feel free to ask away!

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To both Skeith and Raine:




First let me say thank you for showing interest in placing a job with Jutat De!  You happen to be in luck.  Tonight---that is Tuesday---is a scheduled roleplaying day for the company as a whole!  Whenever you have some free time, feel free to swing by icly! Or you can contact us via /tells if you happen to be in game at the time, so we can set something up!

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To both Skeith and Raine:




First let me say thank you for showing interest in placing a job with Jutat De!  You happen to be in luck.  Tonight---that is Tuesday---is a scheduled roleplaying day for the company as a whole!  Whenever you have some free time, feel free to swing by icly! Or you can contact us via /tells if you happen to be in game at the time, so we can set something up!


Unfortunately i have work tonight so i don't think i'll be able to make it, though i'll try to flag you down when i can.

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Sounds good.  You can always run into one of us in character or send a /tell.  Referrals are always  nice. :lol:


Actually, is your FC recruiting? Do you have a recruitment post with information and whatnot?


That we do. Feel free to look for us in the Linkshell hall!

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Sounds good.  You can always run into one of us in character or send a /tell.  Referrals are always  nice. :lol:


Actually, is your FC recruiting? Do you have a recruitment post with information and whatnot?


That we do. Feel free to look for us in the Linkshell hall!

And then we can talk about stuff.  Things.

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All of these sound fantastic, guys! Thank you all so much for your interest! :love::love:



If you ever want to swing by the FC house, we hold RP nights and are there every Tuesday starting at 9pm EST. Or you can always message myself, Tayn Zolin, or Lily Dawnsworn in game, and we can let you know if we're around and available for RPs!


I apologize in advance if I come off as being flaky. I've just got a lot of stuff going on IRLly with being preggers and whatnot, but I know that I would LOVE to meet each and every one of you!

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Yes! Please do!


He is kind of a bumbling doofus. Fair warning lol


We like all kinds. We try not to take ourselves too seriously as a whole. We like serious RP, but we also like to have a good time. A good mix of characters helps us to do that. :)

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