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Would it be possible?

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Perhaps there is someone on Jenova who is looking for Roleplay as well? It's a bit lonely over here, but due to friends getting back into the game and it being their main server, I decided to transfer to it.


I'm still getting back into the game a bit, but without RP, it still seems a bit cold to me.

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hmmmm....you could always try to ask around. perhaps even pop onto the official forums? i'd advise against asking over shouts in game because possible trolling and all that. and i know it's a painful option; bit if you're not able to have any luck there...you can always try to level an alt and put it on balmung? i say painful because i see trying to raise one character to "proper game standards" difficult enough. but i know and have seen quite a few manage to do it with five or six! o__O;;; so it's possible but that's an effort if you can't get something started on jenova....and who knows, maybe your inquiries about it could give start to a new rp server if there isn't any there already :3


edit: dapper sig/avi btw, did you do the art for it? o3o

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I made a FemRoe alt for my second character this morning and was able to get in. I think the server was open to new characters till about 8:30am cst? I've heard that it's been open pretty consistently lately. I imagine when the new expansion comes out, it will be impossible to make a new character on Balmung once again.

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I made a FemRoe alt for my second character this morning and was able to get in. I think the server was open to new characters till about 8:30am cst? I've heard that it's been open pretty consistently lately. I imagine when the new expansion comes out, it will be impossible to make a new character on Balmung once again.


Yeah, my understanding is that Balmung has been open pretty regularly as of late. Just a matter of catching it. Early morning still seems to be the ticket.

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Honestly, leveling an Alt on Balmung would have been my first option, but the server has been locked to new characters for some time :( I guess I'll just have to poke around and hope I find something.


Register [here] and you get an email alert when the server opens and closes for character creation.


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The update sites only go by Square's Character Restriction post, which updates every 5 hours. Servers open and close outside of that 5 hour post. You're best bet is anywhere from 5am EST to 9am EST every weekday morning. Weekends are the worst time to try and get a character created as in most instances the server won't open at all.

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Perhaps there is someone on Jenova who is looking for Roleplay as well? It's a bit lonely over here, but due to friends getting back into the game and it being their main server, I decided to transfer to it.


I'm still getting back into the game a bit, but without RP, it still seems a bit cold to me.



Clive Gardner *points down at his signature* is my RP character on Jenova and I would be more than happy to RP with you. Just let me know when you'll be on. :)

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The update sites only go by Square's Character Restriction post, which updates every 5 hours. Servers open and close outside of that 5 hour post. You're best bet is anywhere from 5am EST to 9am EST every weekday morning. Weekends are the worst time to try and get a character created as in most instances the server won't open at all.


^Pretty much this, if you're trying for Balmung. For a while, the worst it got was like tuesday-thursday early morning. Recently, it's been more general morning EST, while all the PST people are sleeping.

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