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The Ishgard Road

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Hello everyone this thread is to let fellow players who are going to be heading into ishgard, might be dealing with ishgard and or just want to establish a few things in the region in general that I will be trying to regularly patrol Coerthas as well as other regions and I am welcome to rp that people want to conduct so that they can start getting some gears moving for heavensward.


Things to Note:


-During the work week my times of availability will usually be from 6pm Eastern Time to Midnight give or take and during the weekends depending on whats happening I can be on for a fair portion of time. (http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ please use this if you are on a different timezone than me but still wanna try to work something out im game for it)


-I am up for combat rp but no deaths will be allowed (unless you are a masochist xD)


-As mentioned I will be in other regions conducting patrols however when not in coerthas my character will be ic incognito and unless your character is


A). An Inquisitor

B). An Ishgard Noble

C). An Ishgard Knight

D). Ishgardian in general


My character willl not reveal themselves right away and they may not even after the rp is over.


-Worry not! You have multiple avenues to work with to rp with me anyway and still get some of the plot going with your character that will take them on the road to Ishgard. Some options are


A). Information on cultists/heretics

B). Information on dragons

C). You could be in distress and call for help

D). You could attack me


Those are just some of the many options we have to work with and I am all for figuring stuff out so that the rp can go down smoothly.


-Obviously I am not your only option nor will I be the best option for people but this is just to let people know that an option is there if they are having a hard time trying figure out a way to get wrapped up in Ishgard.


So please do make sure you check out the character wiki first in my signature, that should give you a good idea on whether I am your cup of tea or not. I do hope this will help some people so you can either contact me here via pm or in game, looking forward to the rp. You all have a good one now.


Update 05/02/15: Here is my usual route through coerthas.




Black Line=I often travel along that path

Red Line=Use Chocobo to get between the 2 points cause of mobs

Blue Line=While not regularly those are paths I may take

Yellow Line=Paths I rarely travel but will sometimes deviate to them or if you want to rp in one of those areas let me know and I can accommodate it.

Steel Vigil= Note if you want to RP in this location it will have to be in a combat scenario (i.e you fighting the dravanian, need help, need an escort to the twelve stone nearby) since I will be actively fighting them should I be up there.

X areas are obviously locations I will not traverse because it at least in my opinion will not make all that much sense however if you want to rp in those locations we can figure something out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Giving this a bump since the expac is closing in, im still patrolling around although i did get slightly side tracked getting the paragon gown but that all done now so if you are looking for some rp up in coerthas just drop me a message


PS: On a side note when I am off duty ill often either be frequenting the tavern at the observatorium or the barracks at whitebrim.

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In the fc we will be sending a exploratory dispatch for the Flames to give members a reason ic to go and fight if they like. Personally, Erik has been an ic priest of Halone, but it was an unofficially ordination. So he will go to the Holy See to make it official. Also secret plot of vengance on an asshole... but more on that later.

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