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Hello, friends. :o


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Gosh, an old bbBoard. This takes me waaaaaay back to ye olde early 2000's internet.



Ignore my reminiscence. Hi, I'm Starling. Just signed up. Let's go down the list here...



--MMORPG background

Extensive. My first MMO was vanilla WoW, and I've played a lot of sci-fi MMO's since that got old, particularly EVE Online (curse it's name).

I've only just started playing FFXIV, and it's even my first Final Fantasy game, so it's a very fresh experience that takes me back to some of the few JRPG's I did play as a lil brat with a PS2.



--RP experience

Most of my history with roleplaying is outside of MMOs, through tabletop games, tumblr, and through a certain chat-based roleplaying site which I shall tactfully fail to name here. I've written extensive character histories, developed relationships, watched my characters grow and change and, occasionally, die.



--Character ideas/info

I've already got some basic characterization and personal history hammered out for my very first PC, Pelhi. She's an Ul'dahn Miqo'te who came up very poor in a very wealthy city. She's young, headstrong, and determined to prove that she's worth something.



--How did you learn about the coalition?

Google, simple as that. You're the first result for "ffxiv rp free company", did you know that?



--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

I enjoy the mechanical spell-slinging dungeon-crawling gear-grabbing aspect of the game, so I won't be spending all of my time in bustling taverns. But I love to tell a story. I especially adore stories about the small folk, about craftspeople and laborers, what goes on in the world outside and inbetween the grand heroics. It really makes a world feel real, you know? And that involves some heavy roleplaying, I suppose, yeah.

Just don't think of me as a stick in the mud or nothin'. ;p



--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I'm quite open about it. But basically, my name's Kay, I live in Portland, Oregon (that's the west coast of the US, a bit south of Seattle, for you folks far away). I'm in my early 20's, I'm a helluva hacker, and I want to write stories that stand on their own someday.



Nice to meet you all.

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Welcome young one :)  


I too was a vanilla wow player, and I remember sitting in Brill for the first time thinking this was a huge game... boy did the world get much bigger fast!


Well this is a lovely place to RP, the Linkshell hall will tempt you with Linkshells (chat channels) and Free companies (guilds) .. find some that you think you like and poke the leaders.


Other than that just ask, the forums will reply.. sometimes it will make sense :)

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Welcome to the RPC. FFXIV was actually my first experience RPing in an MMO. I'm sure you'll be able to fit in quickly!


If there're questions on lore or if you'd like someone to chat with/do gameplay things, please reach out! (To me as well!) We're all here to help out and make a good community.

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