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New Blood


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Wanted to drop a line and say hello.  New to FFXIV, currently in trial status but will be picking up the game soon.  Danarx Xylon is my character on Balmung.  Still working on his background and history.  :D

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You should check out the Linkshell section here for love linkshells (chat channels) and feeecompanis (guilds). They can make a big difference in helping you get the most from the game.


It would also be great to get some ideas on the rp you like and your character.

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Thanks for the Welcome.


Danarx is Highlander Hyur.  From the basic lore I could find I figure his group of Highlanders settled South of Gridania near the mouth of a river on a bay.  Dan wanting more than just to settle a new land,once the settlement was established he moved on.  Seeking adventure, wanting to learn of this world.


Basic Idea for a starting character, but while I have played many FF games and I love the setting, each FF world is different.  So as I learn so my Character learns and so shall we grow.


RP styles, I am used to script style, I been playing RPG's forever mostly tabletop, but also on World of Warcraft, Star Wars:TOR, and Guild Wars 2.


I want RP that's story driven and can be flexible, personal RP and group RP are equally important.


I hope everyone understands my gibberish.   :lol:

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