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House For Sell (BAL)

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Good news everyone, there's a house for sell on Balmung, the Goblet no less. The Red Wings are moving up in the world and are getting ready to upgrade a bit. As such we need to sell our beloved Sable Hall. Our asking price is 60mil for the relinquishment, a bit high sounding true, but with the lack of plots and this one's prime location it is fair given the market. We are open to negotiations.







As you can see, the plot sports an aetherite, a market board, and a bell all directly outside the gate. Its a great spot with nice neighbors, its served us well, and will make a great spot for a FC or as a personal house. With the talk of no new wards until at least 3.1, its a steal. You can come out and take a look if you like, Plot 27, 6 Ward, The Goblet. Feel free to reach out to me here or ingame.

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This is his ad to sell the house. He's allowed to price it how he wants. No need to shame him for it.


While he is most certainly allowed to price it as he pleases, it is not above critique when comparisons can be made and the initial pricing looks like it is taking advantage of others.

It is literally a 1200% mark up on a small lot, not even including the price of the lot itself.


It's not about guilting or shaming him, but rather advice to help everybody included in the transaction.


The community of the RPC should be able to say when something does not look right and warn others of a potentially bad deal.

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I'm not trying to shame him, I'm just saying it's a rather obscene number.


If smalls actually do go for that much... then wow. The gil sellers have been active.

My wife makes 20 million gil a week in sales. And not one gil seller involved. I think lobbing that out is a bit unfair.


My last post here because this is still HIS AD and doesn't need to be mashed up with a bunch of complaints. Send him a PM if you disagree. Anything now is a redundant.

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This is his ad to sell the house. He's allowed to price it how he wants. No need to shame him for it. If you disagree with the price, walk away from the ad, don't continue to tear him up or try and guilt him.....that line about cutting a break for fellow RP brethren....come on. That line itself was shameful.


While he is most certainly allowed to price it as he pleases, it is not above critique when comparisons can be made and the initial pricing looks like it is taking advantage of others.

It is literally a 1200% mark up on a small lot, not even including the price of the lot itself.


It's not about guilting or shaming him, but rather advice to help everybody included in the transaction.


The community of the RPC should be able to say when something does not look right and warn others of a potentially bad deal.


Right, there's nothing wrong with critique or offering advice. Laughing at the price and accusing him of selling to people who use RMT and not caring about his fellow RPer is neither advice nor critique. Something like this is:


"Hey, just so you know, the usual resale price is 40M for a Small. Perhaps lower your starting price a bit so that it's more accessible?"

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He's posted it in public view /shrug


I sold my medium house for 14 mil just to relinquish.


I sold an FC + small for 2mil.


I told Merri his small asking price was high when he posted his thread too, not going to stop me from posting how I think this price is high. 60/5 is 1200. I don't remember if the plot is considered a top grade plot either but...


60mil for a small.


I heard that was the asking price of a friend's large when they were considering sale.

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Right, there's nothing wrong with critique or offering advice. Laughing at the price and accusing him of selling to people who use RMT and not caring about his fellow RPer is neither advice nor critique. Something like this is:


"Hey, just so you know, the usual resale price is 40M for a Small. Perhaps lower your starting price a bit so that it's more accessible?"

This is really all that needs to be said here. He stated that the price is negotiable, and I assume all further comments and bargaining can be handled in Private Messages.


Mod Note: This post has been edited for context following pruning of other posts. - Melkire

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[Moderator Hardhat]


Locking this thread down until I can find the time to sift out all of the uncalled-for nonsense and get this back down to the "Hi, I'm selling a plot, is anyone interested?" thread it was intended as. I'll open it back up then.


[/Moderator Hardhat]

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[Moderator Hardhat]


Alright, I'm opening this back up.


If you've feedback for the topic creator, please keep it constructive. If you've no feedback nor interest, best to just move along.




[/Moderator Hardhat]

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This is his ad to sell the house. He's allowed to price it how he wants. No need to shame him for it. If you disagree with the price, walk away from the ad, don't continue to tear him up or try and guilt him.....that line about cutting a break for fellow RP brethren....come on. That line itself was shameful.


While he is most certainly allowed to price it as he pleases, it is not above critique when comparisons can be made and the initial pricing looks like it is taking advantage of others.

It is literally a 1200% mark up on a small lot, not even including the price of the lot itself.


It's not about guilting or shaming him, but rather advice to help everybody included in the transaction.


The community of the RPC should be able to say when something does not look right and warn others of a potentially bad deal.


Right, there's nothing wrong with critique or offering advice. Laughing at the price and accusing him of selling to people who use RMT and not caring about his fellow RPer is neither advice nor critique. Something like this is:


"Hey, just so you know, the usual resale price is 40M for a Small. Perhaps lower your starting price a bit so that it's more accessible?"


Do they go for that much? 40mil I mean.

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Do they go for that much? 40mil I mean.


No clue. Never bothered with housing, myself. My FC room is more than enough for me. :D


Kage posted earlier about being paid 14M to relinquish, though. I'm sure if you ask around, someone will likely know the housing numbers and what would be a safe number to start negotiations at.

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Do they go for that much? 40mil I mean.


No clue. Never bothered with housing, myself. My FC room is more than enough for me. :D


Kage posted earlier about being paid 14M to relinquish, though. I'm sure if you ask around, someone will likely know the housing numbers and what would be a safe number to start negotiations at.


That's the thing though. I did ask around and the number I was told over and over was 50-60 for the plot we are on. I also learned most housing exchanges are done quietly, very few of them are done publicly on forums and PF, so its not like a crafted item where I can check the market board or something to see the going rate.


I would ask around more but at this point I'm not sure asking anyone's advise publicly is a good idea with the current climate in the community.


I'll just leave the price I have up and the negotiation line with it. If someone wants it and offers me less then that but enough to get us over the hump its all good. I assumed it was the going price, and if not then people would be friendly and offer me better numbers, but that's what I get for assuming.

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Do they go for that much? 40mil I mean.


No clue. Never bothered with housing, myself. My FC room is more than enough for me. :D


Kage posted earlier about being paid 14M to relinquish, though. I'm sure if you ask around, someone will likely know the housing numbers and what would be a safe number to start negotiations at.


That's the thing though. I did ask around and the number I was told over and over was 50-60 for the plot we are on. I also learned most housing exchanges are done quietly, very few of them are done publicly on forums and PF, so its not like a crafted item where I can check the market board or something to see the going rate.


I would ask around more but at this point I'm not sure asking anyone's advise publicly is a good idea with the current climate in the community.


I'll just leave the price I have up and the negotiation line with it. If someone wants it and offers me less then that but enough to get us over the hump its all good. I assumed it was the going price, and if not then people would be friendly and offer me better numbers, but that's what I get for assuming.


The issue was that it was so outlandishly high, that it made it seemed you were using the RPC to take advantage of people who may not know what the market is like.


If that is not the case, then I apologize. As others have said, 15-25 Million is around the going rate, you maybe able to get 30 if you're lucky.

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Honestly, I'd just wait for the next batch of wards. SE said they are incoming, might be 3.1, might be sooner. That way you won't need the extra money from selling a small to buy a large (assuming you already have enough to buy a large plot and are planning to use these 60M to get someone to relinquish theirs).

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Do they go for that much? 40mil I mean.


No clue. Never bothered with housing, myself. My FC room is more than enough for me. :D


Kage posted earlier about being paid 14M to relinquish, though. I'm sure if you ask around, someone will likely know the housing numbers and what would be a safe number to start negotiations at.


That's the thing though. I did ask around and the number I was told over and over was 50-60 for the plot we are on. I also learned most housing exchanges are done quietly, very few of them are done publicly on forums and PF, so its not like a crafted item where I can check the market board or something to see the going rate.


I would ask around more but at this point I'm not sure asking anyone's advise publicly is a good idea with the current climate in the community.


I'll just leave the price I have up and the negotiation line with it. If someone wants it and offers me less then that but enough to get us over the hump its all good. I assumed it was the going price, and if not then people would be friendly and offer me better numbers, but that's what I get for assuming.


The issue was that it was so outlandishly high, that it made it seemed you were using the RPC to take advantage of people who may not know what the market is like.


If that is not the case, then I apologize. As others have said, 15-25 Million is around the going rate, you maybe able to get 30 if you're lucky.


I would think after 2 years people would assume the best in me, as I have done nothing but try to be nice to people and help where I can. I never take advantage of people, I could easily charge for the Balls, or ignore new players instead of crafting them free gear, but yeah like I said I should have known better. That said its fine, don't worry about it, and thanks for the better numbers.

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I would think after 2 years people would assume the best in me, as I have done nothing but try to be nice to people and help where I can. I never take advantage of people, I could easily charge for the Balls, or ignore new players instead of crafting them free gear, but yeah like I said I should have known better. That said its fine, don't worry about it, and thanks for the better numbers.


Somewhat unrelated but, how would you expect to pull that off? You can't really charge people to roleplay in a public area. Holding the event at a locked venue is the only reasonable way to do this without complaints. Your property, your rules and all that.

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I would think after 2 years people would assume the best in me, as I have done nothing but try to be nice to people and help where I can. I never take advantage of people, I could easily charge for the Balls, or ignore new players instead of crafting them free gear, but yeah like I said I should have known better. That said its fine, don't worry about it, and thanks for the better numbers.


Somewhat unrelated but, how would you expect to pull that off? You can't really charge people to roleplay in a public area. Holding the event at a locked venue is the only reasonable way to do this without complaints. Your property, your rules and all that.


It was an example and for-instance. The point being without splitting hairs is this constant mistrust I and others get no matter what they do to try and make it a better place. I'm not fussing at you, I get your point, its just that this is exhausting sometimes.

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