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Newbie here!

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Greetings!As the title suggests, I've just recently purchased FF XIV, and though I'm not new to MMO's in general, I am new to this game. I'm also an experienced rper from different MMO's, but again, completely new here!  (I still need to do some of my own research on lore however)


My characters name is Anita Ath'aldy. I know for sure, that I do want to RP, but also be successful at raiding, as these are my two favorite aspects of any game. I'm very much in need of friends since I've made the change to this game alone. That said, I'm also open to rp ideas for my character, who is Miqo'te (seeker of the sun). I'm open to working with anyone who may wish to help me debut into the rp scene. 


Aside from RP, I'm very much open to any advice and tips for progression game play also (Though I'm still only a little level 10 right now) . 



As far as introducing myself... my name is Erica, I'm 26 years old and married. I have no children, but I do have two dogs that serve that role just as well! I'm also a huge fan of the Final Fantasy games, which is even more of a reason that I'm anxious to play this game! Aside from the rpg genre, I'm also a fan of fighting games. I've played in local competitions and though I've never actually won any, I have gotten pretty far in the line up! Let's see.. I'm also a pretty big Sailor Moon fanatic .-. 


Well, I could go on and on, but I think I'll cut it short. I hope to see some of you in game! :moogle:

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Welcome to the game, RP wise you should fit right in.. so lets get down to getting you connected...


Some will probably reply here with offers to RP... well worth following those up.


Random walk up RP is most places but the main melting pot is the Quicksand in Ul'dah city. And as you can expect it is all sorts.


More structured you have 8 x Linkshells (chat channels) you can join and 1 x Free Company (guild). There is a list on this forum ("Linkshells" at the top) that has listings and descriptions, find some that take you fancy and follow up.


Then there are Events posted here, great places to meet folks.


Also be active in the forum and you will see others looking for RP.


And there you are.. if you ant a nice positive linkshell, come and join Hugs & Cake.. link in my sig.

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Welcome to the game! Always good to see a fellow Moonie!


Nebbs covered most of the basics, anything else you can find on this site. It's a really nice tool. Consider visiting the wiki link!


*threw in her two cents*

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Thank you for all the responses! Got super busy today, so I'm just now checking in. One of my dogs is a papillon, and the other is a dachshund! So, small dogs! My poor papillon broke his leg a few weeks ago and is currently in a cast :/


After I brush up on some lore, I will def try my hand at some rp!

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After I brush up on some lore, I will def try my hand at some rp!


Welcome to the RPC and to Eorzea! If you have lore questions feel free to ask or post them up in a thread here! ^^ Will try to get those answered for you!

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