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Looking for advice

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My wife and I are new to FF14, loving the game and looking for RP.  We were told to get on Balmung or Gilgamesh but our schedules do not seem to match the best times to get on lol.


We have decided to pay for server transfers to get a set of characters on the right server.   Now comes the hard part, which server is better for us?


we are both old school RP'ers (she started in Ultima Online, I started in Everquest), we both want a fun and active RP community (we are currently testing out character ideas and classes on various servers lol).  Where should we send out characters? Balmung or Gilgamesh.


Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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I can't speak to Gilgamesh, as I don't play there; but Balmung is alive and kicking with RP at pretty much any time of the day. You have a healthy population of both US and EU players, which really helps when you want to find people to play with regardless of the time of day.

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In addition the other players of Balmung seem to be aware they've had the "honor" of being chosen as the unofficial RP server. The vast majority either ignore it, or think its mildly interesting to watch.


There aren't many trolls and such.

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The comment above about Gilgamesh is mostly true, but there are many cross FC events a week, some taking place in open world settings. As for open world RP, hard to find, but that is mostly because we were bogged down by trolls.


A good group of people though. If you choose Gilgy be sure to send me a tell in game. I'll give you some decent linkshells to get you in the community :)

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Thank you all for your input, I will relay this to my wife and see what happens.  I might try the staying up late bit and try to get some characters in on one or both servers.


complete newbie question though, what is a linkshell?

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Thank you all for your input, I will relay this to my wife and see what happens.  I might try the staying up late bit and try to get some characters in on one or both servers.


complete newbie question though, what is a linkshell?


They're sort of like chat rooms, but they have a lore component, so they're used a lot in RP.

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If your schedule allows, the servers will be going down for the big 2.X -> 3.0 upgrade soon! You can probably get characters on within about 30 minutes to shutdown as people being mass logging-out. :)




They're sort of like chat rooms, but they have a lore component, so they're used a lot in RP.


Thanks Unnamed Mercenary for the advice, just got three characters each onto Balmung!  My wife is an altaholic but said it felt like a victory getting any characters onto the server lol.


Thanks Natalie for the information, definitely need to read up more on the game.

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Congrats on getting characters onto the server.


Now the hard part will be getting them actually logged in. (At least while 3.0 is super new and shiny). Unless SE has done some -really- amazing work with the 3.0 upgrade, you'll likely be getting some messages that "The World is Full" and possibly a waiting queue on your character to enter the game. This is to help out with server lag, overloaded maps, population. ...it shouldn't be too bad since SE is re-enabling AFK logouts, but don't get discouraged if you see it.


Now game-wise, don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have here, in PMs, or in other threads! Our schedules may not align, but I like to think everyone here is quite friendly and willing to help out where possible. There is an interpretive gradient on what some might call "lore adherence", but with the massive population of RPers, I can almost nearly guarantee there are people who will mostly agree with any style.

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We like to stay true to lore, though some times we will make plausible oddities, like a Charr raised by Norn (GW2). As for queue's we were at ArcheAge launch so I'm hoping its not that nightmaric lol. 


Where would be a good location to pick up on the Lore? personally I love reading about worlds and cultures, my wife has called me a recovering world-a-holic from all my table top RPG games I GM.


Another few question, how important is a Free Company here in FFXIV? and where do i find out information on them?


I will of course be reading these forums but any guidance to cut down the size of that task would be appreciated :D


I probably have many more question, i just do not know what to ask lol.

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I also prefer Balmung because that is where I RP.

However, RPC in general is tipped more towards Balmung.


Here's a great website to check out Gilgamesh if you wish:


Thanks, i bookmarked the site and if we get any on Gilgamesh we will check it out.  LOL I don't think Ive ever been on a game that feels like siege warfare just to get a character made on a specific server before.

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I also prefer Balmung because that is where I RP.

However, RPC in general is tipped more towards Balmung.


Here's a great website to check out Gilgamesh if you wish:


Thanks, i bookmarked the site and if we get any on Gilgamesh we will check it out.  LOL I don't think Ive ever been on a game that feels like siege warfare just to get a character made on a specific server before.



Yeah. You have to wait until the wee hours of the morning to get into either server. :C I dread trying to make my Au ra in a day or two.

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I also prefer Balmung because that is where I RP.

However, RPC in general is tipped more towards Balmung.


Here's a great website to check out Gilgamesh if you wish:


Thanks, i bookmarked the site and if we get any on Gilgamesh we will check it out.  LOL I don't think Ive ever been on a game that feels like siege warfare just to get a character made on a specific server before.



Yeah. You have to wait until the wee hours of the morning to get into either server. :C I dread trying to make my Au ra in a day or two.


I'm fantasia-ing/namechanging another of my characters for juuust this reason.

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I remember reading something about a race change potion/feature coming with the new expansion, we made a set of characters for using that.  is that still viable or do you have to roll characters from scratch with the new race?


You can race change into the new race, Au Ra, as long as you have Heavensward installed and registered to your account.

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I also prefer Balmung because that is where I RP.

However, RPC in general is tipped more towards Balmung.


Here's a great website to check out Gilgamesh if you wish:


Thanks, i bookmarked the site and if we get any on Gilgamesh we will check it out.  LOL I don't think Ive ever been on a game that feels like siege warfare just to get a character made on a specific server before.



Yeah. You have to wait until the wee hours of the morning to get into either server. :C I dread trying to make my Au ra in a day or two.


I'm fantasia-ing/namechanging another of my characters for juuust this reason.



lol wrote my question while you posted it seems lol,  my wife and I planned for that fantasia service/potion.  glad i didnt get it wrong lol.

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I remember reading something about a race change potion/feature coming with the new expansion, we made a set of characters for using that.  is that still viable or do you have to roll characters from scratch with the new race?


Fantasia. You can actually buy them now, but they've giving you a free one with Heavensward (or at least for the Collector's Edition). You're perfectly fine to create another a character and change it to the new race. It's actually what I'm doing with one of my own - I made him specifically to Fantasia him into an Au Ra come the expansion.

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