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[Balmung] Eccentric Hyur Male Seeking Friends

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OOC, my name is Aeo, and I'm a super-heavy RPer. I'm brand new to FFXIV but not to RP. I've played various MMOs for about 10 years, RPing heavily in all of them- but FFXIV, I joined the week before Heavensward dropped. This has come as both a blessing and a curse. In the time that there hasn't been any RP going on due to the newness of the content, I've solidified my character, brushed up on lore, and played around with the game's mechanics and did a few quests.


But my real passion is, and will always be RP. I'm the type of person that is PVE-curious, but as soon as someone asks for RP or I see somebody IC walking around, I immediately drop from my OOC questing-mode to IC-mode to interact. I LOVE telling stories, making plots, and throwing my character at other people's plots. But everything is a bit intimidating and it's difficult to find random RP when I feel really shy around this strange new game. So I hoped someone here might be interested in him.


His name is Khyran Oisin. His (very WIP) profile is here. Here's a drawing of him I did:




He's an oddball, and he wants needs a friend. Or several. He's got a lot of secrets, but he seems to have a good heart.  Maybe.


One of those secrets that could be a plot hook for someone? He's a traveling healer of a very specific kind: he finds people who are suffering and desperate, and offers to take their worst memories and turn them into materia, to be physically stored away elsewhere and no longer a burden on the mind. Don't worry- he keeps them very, very safe.


 He's only recently making himself tentatively known, because his craft is understandably frowned upon by some, and considered a taboo to others. But maybe your character might have caught wind of his abilities? Need a memory taken away?


Or maybe you've got a beef with him? A bounty hunter, maybe? His face has also been on a few wanted posters around Costa del Sol about 4 or 5 years ago, and although the search for him has somewhat faded, opportunistic bounty hunters might be able to catch a whiff of him. Khyran Oisin is rumored to be a very, very notorious and depraved criminal, but the rumors don't agree on what, exactly, his crime was. Plus, he's kind of hard to miss- a one-eyed, skeletal little man who is often seen hanging around slums.


Let me know if you'd like to plot with him! I play FFXIV weekdays after 5 EST, and weekends whenever. I can also give my skype to those who want to contact me quickly.



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I'm not sure I have any characters who would necessarily be drawn to Khyran, or have heard rumors about him, but it sounds like an interesting character idea and I love the artwork. I'm always around looking for walk-up RP, so if you see me running by, don't be afraid to strike up a conversation! I'm rarely doing anything too important to drop it and RP for a bit.

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Hello there, welcome! :) I like the artwork! I'd be glad to role-play sometime. I have a few different characters; I'm sure he could find a friend (or rival!?) among at least one of them.

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Oooh, I like that idea of materia being used like that!


That said, I have no idea how my character would be capable of bumping into yours, unless he is up in Ishgard currently.


As well how common knowledge would his materia business would be? Not that I can see my character making use of it, but I would think she would love to pry into it if given the chance.


In any case, drop me a message, or a pm ingame if you are up for some roleplay, I am sure we can figure something out! (worst case scenario, I can drag Virella out of Ishgard for a day if you cannot reach the place OOCly yet, or your character has no interest in going there!)

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Though our RP levels are different, perhaps we could meet up in came once and a while!

Suzume Nakamura. Please feel free to add me when I'm online if you'd fancy.


I'm unsure if my young Au Ra would have a reason to meet up with your lovely fellow, but she does tend to follow people who catch her eye. With his distinct appears (least to me), I'm sure she'd follow him around a bit out of curiosity.

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Wow, I'm happy to get so many responses.


@Faye Sure! I'd love to write. I'm not sure which character you're on the most, but feel free to add Khyran Oisin to your friends and then we can correspond from there? Should be easier to arrange RP that way, or my skype is aeolian.mode :B


@Virella Thank you, as well! Already contacted you, as you're probably aware :P


@Lorie Hey, Khy likes to meet all types. I'm up for writing whenever you like, I'll try to add you, but if I can't catch you online you can add my skype.

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If you ever find yourself in Ul'dah, you can likely find me (granted I am still there that day). Maariya miiight be a little conflicted about his craft, but she gives everyone a fair judgement! 


And you're more likely to catch her when is not performing her duties, so she would be wearing normal clothes and be far more lenient and approachable.

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Ooh! A fellow researcher! My character will happily interact with yours, as she feels deep appreciation for other researchers, especially in the aetherial/scientific field.  


She has plenty of skeletons in the closet too, so she might be interested in his help.. Maybe. :P

Awesome job in your wiki, by the way. Here's my wiki, if you're interested. Though it might be outdated in some areas.


She keeps a research log I occasionally update, so if you'd like, we can RP so she can expand on that topic. :D

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While I'm still hammering the details of War Siren out (yay for weird Hellsguard naming conventions. also see the FFXIV blog post if you want to see where I'm at with her.) I'll be up to RPing soon, and random walk ups are awesome. So feel free to friend me. I'm usually on after 8pm est mon-thurs (later on Friday) and whenever on weekends.

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Ember would be happy just to be his friend. That's what she does and the avatar/forum title is very reminiscent of what she is like in game. (Avatar is more of a spirit animal than what she actually looks like though. :P haha) I have a link to my wiki in my signature. Currently away from the game but would love to meet up when I get back.

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I'll be attempting to add everyone to my friends' list if I catch you online, otherwise feel free to poke me if you see me or add me on Skype. I'm excited to plot with people, and I want to meet everyone :D


I updated his wiki profile with more information, as well.

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Hello! My character is also a traveling healer who offers services out of good nature, but it's also rooted in lots of selfishness and self-interest. He's a doctor that has combined alchemy and plant pharmacology with magic as a back up for severe wounds. On top of that, magically, he's got a few tricks up his sleeve regarding that field of study and what he has done with it. 


Nick would enjoy having more healer contacts, and I'm on EST time as well! Normally, I get home at around 8 EST on a late day. If you're interested, feel free to message me here or in game!

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John had a run in with him and Suzume last night.  Sorry I wasn't able to get any farther RP done with you guys but with another line of storm moving in, thought better of it and got out of game.  Going to be on Kest for a couple of hours and do something with her and then switch back over to John.


Really interested to have the both of them actually take about memories.  John is just now starting to view 'Dreaming' as a gift instead of a curse.  He still trying to find a way to use it with his own healing abilities but he still has risk since he can get 'lost' in the memories he's 'seeing' himself.  He would probably see risk with what Khyran is doing and want to know how the Doctor keeps the whole memory of a person from falling apart.

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