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Information Broker Seeks Fellow Miscreants, Clientel, and Employees

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The Mqio’te before you seems amused by your presence, granting you a cavalier smile that is offset by the pipe she’s holding between her teeth. She doesn’t speak at first, instead letting her eyes wander over every inch of your person, visibly coming to some sort of decision. Finally, she meets your gaze. “I heard someone new had been asking about me, though I have to admit that you tracked me down a little faster than I had expected. Color me impressed.” She takes a long drag of sickly sweet smoke before releasing it in a sigh. “So, sweet thing, what is it I can do for you? I can offer you work, if you’re willing to involve yourself in the darker nature of my business. Maybe you’re seeking something within my private stock. If that’s the case, I’d be more than happy to consider your order, if you’re willing to offer me a down payment. Or perhaps you’re looking for information, could that be it? I should warn you now, my reservoir of knowledge is rather expensive, although I’m sure you’ve heard that from whomever referred you to me. But, if you’re here now, that would imply that money is of no issue. That, or you’ve grossly underestimated how much I charge for conversation.” She takes a step closer, tilting her head to one side and letting out a breath of smoke through her nose. “And yet, it could still be something else I have not guessed. Enlighten me; what wish would you have me grant?”


About the character:

Luha Dalaan is a 27 year old information broker and smuggler who has spent her life biting and clawing to get where she is today. An ex-mercenary, she now spends her time operating a vast network of “friends”, as she calls them, who feed her information and both expensive and illicit goods. If an item exists, she can find it. If a secret is whispered, she will likely hear of it. She considers herself the very best at what she does, though whether or not that’s true is more a matter of opinion. While she takes her business very seriously and can be quick to resort to unsavory means to reach her ends, socially she’s a relatively laid back person who enjoys drinks with strangers, story-telling, and gambling. To most, she is extremely friendly and easy to get along with (most of the time). You can read more about her on her unfinished wiki page here!


About the player:

My name is Rachel and I am 22 cis female living in Texas. I’m on most days and I pretty much always down for some good old fashioned roleplaying. Fair warning, though, I’m finishing up my last few quests to get to Ishgard, so until I mention otherwise, please no spoilers! I’ve been playing MMOs since around middle school but this is the first one I’ve become really invested it. My RP experience is about ten years, though in-game, it’s only been for the past month or so. Still, I like to think I’ve really gotten the hang of it.


What I’m looking for:

Most of Luha’s contacts as of now are NPCs. I’m hoping to expand that by having her interact with mercenaries, smugglers, thieves, corrupted lawmen, and any other unsavory sorts. I’d also love to have her find some clients, people who need her to look up information or find them some rare and/or illegal goods.  What I’d really,really love though, would be for someone to work for her as a personal guard, whom she can bring along on hunts or to meetings. Her personal story is something I’d like to play through with someone, as well as playing through theirs, so if our characters can form a bond beyond business, that’d be fantastic.


How your baby might know my baby:

Luha grew up a street-rat in Limsa, so she could be a childhood friend to someone from a similar background. She ran with a ruthless mercenary band as a teenager, which brought her in contact with dozens of sell swords and employers. She’s well respected information broker and her name comes up in certain seedy circles. She also fought in Carteneau, so a few other soldier’s may recognize her. In a more vague sort of association, she spends a great deal of time in the Quicksand and Ul’dah’s back alleys, so she may have been spotted around there.


What curls my toes:

-Dark, gritty themes with totally inappropriate comic relief.

-Angsty romance.

-Angsty friendship.

-Just angst in general, really.

-Sibling-like bonds.

-Roll-based combat.

-Just being able to take a break and let our babies grab drinks or hit the beach.


What grinds my gears:

-Forcing relationships. If our characters don’t get along,leave it be.

-ERP without plot and please, please, please ask me about it first. This isn’t something I like to just have sprung on me out of the blue.

-Lack of communication.

-Puns. …No, I’m totally kidding, I love puns.


How to get started:


You can leave a comment here, or preferably, send me a tell in-game. That’s Luha Dalaan on Balmung. I hope to hear from you!

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Hey there! I can't think of any meaningful ways for our characters to know each other, but I'd be happy to role-play sometime if you'd be up for some random role-play. :)

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Sounds like our characters might just have a promising friendship ahead of them!


The wiki entry for I'rila is embarrassingly outdated (I really do need to get around to that at some point), so I'll summarize her current state of being as best as I can. She's an ex-shaman who has physically left her clan behind but still carries around some anger from living in such an insular community. Outwardly, she's sometimes upbeat, sometimes sarcastic, a little too imaginative, a little lacking in common sense, and rarely appears to take herself seriously.


Several possibilities come to mind as to how they might know one another. Rila's current job has her working primarily in a laboratory near Ul'dah, but over the last five years or so, she's had tons of little odd end jobs. Luha may have known her as a smuggler, and with her knowledge of alchemy and especially poisons, I imagine she would have also manufactured prohibited substances. Also, Rila hates people in positions of authority who are greedy or ignorant, and would likely have supported vigilante justice against government officials whom she believes are not acting in their people's best interests.


So, that's my spiel! Interested? Then contact me in game, or, even better, shoot me a PM with your skype username.


Hope to hear from you soon, and good luck with finding quality RP!

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Hey there! I can't think of any meaningful ways for our characters to know each other, but I'd be happy to role-play sometime if you'd be up for some random role-play. :)

Thanks! If I ever catch you online, I'll take you up on that.



My bounty hunter could use an information broker. He's due to execute his current one here soon-ish after learning they're in Garlemald's pocket.

Pfft, that's fantastic. I'd definitely be interested in working something out with a bounty hunter. Lucky for Luha, she doesn't carry any Garlean allegiance. 



Sounds like our characters might just have a promising friendship ahead of them!


The wiki entry for I'rila is embarrassingly outdated (I really do need to get around to that at some point), so I'll summarize her current state of being as best as I can. She's an ex-shaman who has physically left her clan behind but still carries around some anger from living in such an insular community. Outwardly, she's sometimes upbeat, sometimes sarcastic, a little too imaginative, a little lacking in common sense, and rarely appears to take herself seriously.


Several possibilities come to mind as to how they might know one another. Rila's current job has her working primarily in a laboratory near Ul'dah, but over the last five years or so, she's had tons of little odd end jobs. Luha may have known her as a smuggler, and with her knowledge of alchemy and especially poisons, I imagine she would have also manufactured prohibited substances. Also, Rila hates people in positions of authority who are greedy or ignorant, and would likely have supported vigilante justice against government officials whom she believes are not acting in their people's best interests.


So, that's my spiel! Interested? Then contact me in game, or, even better, shoot me a PM with your skype username.


Hope to hear from you soon, and good luck with finding quality RP!


I would definitely be interested! I like the idea of them knowing each other through the alchemy bit. I'll send you a PM in just a sec.

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Aerius is a pretty accomplished thief/spy who I like to imagine has made quite a name for himself in Ul'dah. I have links to his wiki in my signature if you want better details. I'm always looking for more seedy people for him to get involved with (connections are important), so I'm totally down if he sounds like someone Luha could work with!

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I should forewarn that my bounty hunter character is not one of my mains so I don't tend to spend a lot of time on him. It's usually best to poke me via the RPC chat or if you find one of my other characters in the game to let me know that you want to meet up with him. Alternatively, which literally just came to my mind, we could always set an RP appointment.

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Aerius is a pretty accomplished thief/spy who I like to imagine has made quite a name for himself in Ul'dah. I have links to his wiki in my signature if you want better details. I'm always looking for more seedy people for him to get involved with (connections are important), so I'm totally down if he sounds like someone Luha could work with!

He sounds lovely! I'd love to start something up with him when you get the chance.


I should forewarn that my bounty hunter character is not one of my mains so I don't tend to spend a lot of time on him. It's usually best to poke me via the RPC chat or if you find one of my other characters in the game to let me know that you want to meet up with him. Alternatively, which literally just came to my mind, we could always set an RP appointment.

An appointment would be great is that works better for you. Go ahead and shoot me a PM.

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I'm intrigued by what I've read. If you've any inclination I'd love to have Khyran meet your character. The link to his bio is in my signature, if you're interested in him at all. 


We have similar levels of RP experience and similar interests, I think.


As a sidenote, Khy spent a lot of time in Limsa in his youth, though he was born in Costa, he moved between the two cities often. Could be that he might have met her at some point? And if she's particularly keen on paying attention to gossip around Limsa and the Costa area-- she might have even heard of his criminal history and that he's wanted for "unspeakable crimes." Up to you!


I'll try to catch you in-game some time?

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Hey there! 

Luha sounds awesome, and is someone X'rhen has likely heard about whilst growing up in Limsa! He lives in Ul'dah right now, but before moving there he was a thief and did some information gathering/snooping himself. He wasn't exactly a big time crook and mainly works as a bartender of all things now, but I'd love him to revisit that old seedy life of his! Feel free to PM me here or send me a /tell in game at X'rhen Tia if you'd like our characters to meet up at some point! ^^

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I'd hesitate to call it full on angst, but I could always offer Gogonji as a possible past (or even new) client. He was gathering a lot of information for his (ultimately defeated) assault on Garlemald to re-ignite the war and allow for an opening that would let him sneak into the nation's capital and cause as much havoc from the top of the chain on down in return for the razing of his homeland. Not to mention there have been a couple items he's sought to obtain at various points (ceruleum, magitek components and base materials, and even soul crystals). They've all been nebulous NPCs, but it'd be neat to have some actual characters he might have interacted with.


I don't have a wiki for him (yet, been debating it!), but I've been working on a story thread about him on and off for months now over in the Town Square (Thaliak's Sisyphus) that hopefully gives a general idea of who he is and how he behaves. In the most general sense, he's an early 30s Doman Lalafell who's (supposed to be, I fumble here and there RP-wise |D;; ) intelligent, calculating, and ambitious. However he's also arrogant, egotistical, and more than a little paranoid. He see most people as unwashed fools at worst (and his default view on most people to begin with) and potentially useful tools at best, especially if they deal in his favorite thing - knowledge and information. Even then, though, he's likely to have two or three other sources that he uses to corroborate any information he is given to ensure its authenticity.


He's currently recovering and dealing with the fallout of his failed incite attempt, but he's managed to regain at least some degree of mobility. And his ego remains unphased (to the point that he described having no hesitations of killing a down-and-dirty Paladin that sought to use him). So, I could see him reconnecting with some of his contacts and possibly putting out feelers for new ones to be able to provide him whatever information and resources he needs.

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Marten could use a good info broker - he's been interfering with Monetarist business for a few weeks now, and he's looking to expand his vigilante enterprises. I'm actually setting up a linkshell with more or less that exact plot in mind - a volunteer vigilante militia (I read the first issue of We Are ROBIN a few days back - how great was that?).


So someone who could provide information on monetarist or bandit movement would be indispensable to the group, and Marten especially.

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Very nice!


Perhaps C'kayah can introduce you to Aya!  Though he seems to prefer to keep his friends to himself ;)

I saw Aya's wiki when I was browsing through a few when I first got onto to Balmung. She's adorable, by the way. If anything, I'm sure they could have met at the Quicksand sometime; Luha's there way too often.

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Very nice!


Perhaps C'kayah can introduce you to Aya!  Though he seems to prefer to keep his friends to himself ;)

I saw Aya's wiki when I was browsing through a few when I first got onto to Balmung. She's adorable, by the way. If anything, I'm sure they could have met at the Quicksand sometime; Luha's there way too often.

Awwwww, thanks! ^_^ I'm looking forward to it!

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