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Do you dabble in black magic?

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My alt does practice black magic but she's not one to make it known to most people due to the negative reception it tends to get. Plus, you may need to convince her that you can handle it and that you won't abuse it. Other than that, I'm really all for it. :P


Edit: For a moment, I thought you were looking for a teacher or something. Well either way, let's talk!

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My main (Ashe) is ICly a black mage for reasons...and has dealt with voidsent out of boredom, etc. etc. He also works with aether as a researcher/scholar (the kind that deals with knowledge, not drags around a fairy).

Soooo yeah...I'd be interested to know more.  I'll be on less this week 'cause surgery Friday but is it okay to discuss more via PM?

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Lost River is a 1.0 Black Mage (retconned to Roegadyn from Eelezen), so, if you need something to deal with the void and the like; she's the one to see. Not to summon the void mind you, but to deal with it and all things from the yawning abyss. Of course, the price of hiring her and finding out she is a Black Mage are two different things.

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Nebula is not keen on black side of magic, but if there is a need she does. As a witch she tends to walk down the middle. Anyhow if you want someone to help with a mess or help you save yourself she would suit that well. Or you may just get pointed at her because she is a witch.

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If it's dark arts in general that you're after, I've got an alt for that what deals in certain forms of necromancy. Lore-bending to a degree, but also lore-compliant in some ways.


If it's black magic specifically that you need, I'm afraid I can't help, and hope that you find someone who can amongst the many posters above me who've offered. :)

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Tynos is not open about his involvement with such things, but due to an irp event, The adders witnessed something akin to black magic or what they assumed was, He has a library on the edge of the beds at the heartwood house, where he helps manage. Feel free to have em pop up, It is mostly rumors, and might be a bit defensive but eh.. Feel free to stop by or leave me a message on here!

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To make things a little more clear and to narrow down my needs, my character has a split personality and one personality wishes to rid herself of the other. Obviously, I don't want to destroy my body in the process so I'm looking for someone who can try and assist. 

Whether the person is sincere or not in their attempts or even ability, I'll leave that to your discretion and play it out as it goes.

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To make things a little more clear and to narrow down my needs, my character has a split personality and one personality wishes to rid herself of the other. Obviously, I don't want to destroy my body in the process so I'm looking for someone who can try and assist. 

Whether the person is sincere or not in their attempts or even ability, I'll leave that to your discretion and play it out as it goes.

more then black magic I'd love to jsut do research on your character to understand how it came about and also if alchemy might be the best answer...

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Oliwat dabbles in it, and also knew someone else like that once. He might be helpful somehow.


I'd be pretty interested to meet up sometime! Hit me up whenever you would like to RP or even feel free to add me to your friend's list. ^_^



Can do! I'll keep an eye out!

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