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Establishing Childhood: Questions


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Hey all,


So I'm currently working on my first ever character on FF14, and I have some questions.


I read that the Highlander home city was Ala Mhigo, which fell to the Garleans in 1557.

ARR began in 1577, and I don't know what year it is now, but that means a man say age 32 could potentially have been a child when they were defeated.


What happens to the citizens of lands conquered by the Garleans? Is it just, "You fly our flag now. Here is your tax estimate." or are they forced into servitude of the Empire?


I'm trying to figure out at what point in his life Thoreaux would have left, and when he became a Limsa Lominsan.


Also, I just realized I made a mistake when selecting his patron deity in character creation. Do I have to reroll to change it? It should definitely be Althyk.

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I read that the Highlander home city was Ala Mhigo, which fell to the Garleans in 1557.

ARR began in 1577, and I don't know what year it is now, but that means a man say age 32 could potentially have been a child when they were defeated.

We just celebrated the second anniversary of the game, and since time is a odd concept when translating it from FFXIV to RL... (one day would be three eorzean weeks! D: ) I go by Real Life days (They have them listed as such on the calendar.) So currently it'd be the year 1579 if you used this way to thinking.



Also, I just realized I made a mistake when selecting his patron deity in character creation. Do I have to reroll to change it? It should definitely be Althyk.

You can use a Fantasia to change your patron.



Hope that helps some.

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There's plenty of folks playing displaced Ala Mhigans that were present for the fall. We haven't been given a large amount of concrete lore of just what happened after it fell (Now watch Sounsyy come in and prove me a lying liar who lies) but I imagine anyone who didn't run just became part of the conquered peoples. Ala Mhigo was in shambles politically when the Empire swept in, so it's pretty possible that there's plenty of people who didn't mind some stability in the exchange.


Ala Mhigans are a proud people, but I don't think they're entirely foolhardy. A superpower bringing you under its influence beats the hell out of an insane king who ordered an entire discipline murdered because insanity.

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Imagine it like conquest by the Romans.  A heavy dose of violence and terror.  Turning any of the local elites who will accept the now way and new rule.  Violence for the resistant elites.  Harsh discipline upon any troublemakers, but an eye toward maintaining order and productivity while assuring steady cultural domination through co-optiion of the upper classes.


A lower class Ala Mhigan who stays out of trouble will get by just fine, faced however with the possibility of forced service, or the opportunity he may find in the rest of the Empire.

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Hey all,


So I'm currently working on my first ever character on FF14, and I have some questions.


I read that the Highlander home city was Ala Mhigo, which fell to the Garleans in 1557.

ARR began in 1577, and I don't know what year it is now, but that means a man say age 32 could potentially have been a child when they were defeated.


What happens to the citizens of lands conquered by the Garleans? Is it just, "You fly our flag now. Here is your tax estimate." or are they forced into servitude of the Empire?


I'm trying to figure out at what point in his life Thoreaux would have left, and when he became a Limsa Lominsan.


Also, I just realized I made a mistake when selecting his patron deity in character creation. Do I have to reroll to change it? It should definitely be Althyk.

Hi there! The current year in game seems to still be 1577, since they're doing the time bubble thing (Big Bird will be 6...FOREVERRRR!), so it's still a '20 years ago' deal.


The conquered may be slaughtered for resisting or conscripted for service in the Empire-- as far as I've seen. I'm sure there's other possibilities.


If you pay your sub for a month, you get a Fantasia potion, which allows you to make cosmetic changes to your character (no name change), including the patron deity and birthday!

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I'll try to answer these to the best of my ability.


I read that the Highlander home city was Ala Mhigo, which fell to the Garleans in 1557.

ARR began in 1577, and I don't know what year it is now, but that means a man say age 32 could potentially have been a child when they were defeated.


First an foremost: Ala Mhigo is (and was) not 100% Highlanders. A number of important Miqo'te and Hellsguard Roegadyn NPCs are also Ala Mhigan. (Although highlanders were likely the majority).


Some discussion on the current year can be here here.


For a timeline of event (not comprehensive), this may be helpful too! http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_XIV/Timeline


...the current year is a little difficult because we play within a time bubble. Past events are all set in stone, but we could theoretically play FFXIV for 10 years and it'll still be the same year in the game, likely. Approximately, Ala Mhigo "fell" to Garlean rule about 20 years ago. Depending on what you classify as "old", if you wanted an Ala Mhigan character who likely remembers ala Mhigo, I would start with what age you wanted them at the fall, then add years to catch up to the modern day. ...this does open the possibility to playing a character 30-40+. Otherwise, the "I was born there" route could always work.



What happens to the citizens of lands conquered by the Garleans? Is it just, "You fly our flag now. Here is your tax estimate." or are they forced into servitude of the Empire?


It's sorta both? My take on the Garleans is that they seek to unify the world under their rule, "saving" it from Primals ("Eikons") and ending all war. ...except they might use war to accomplish that. Under Legatus Gaius van Baelsar, things looked pretty open-minded. We've also seen plenty Garleans fighting who are from colonized lands, although some have been peaceful too! (The Heavensturn event seemed to imply that Domans under Garlean rule had been allowed to travel for trade. It was only when the Domans attempted to rise up gainst their Garlean leaders that their land was razed and they fled to Eorzea.


I'm trying to figure out at what point in his life Thoreaux would have left, and when he became a Limsa Lominsan.


Also, I just realized I made a mistake when selecting his patron deity in character creation. Do I have to reroll to change it? It should definitely be Althyk.


I'd save the fantasia for later use. Selecting a patron in the character creator doesn't necesarily force your character into worshipping that member of the Twelve. (Hells, I play a Garlean character! He's got no time for that.) If you'd like your character to worship Althyk, RP it out! The deity picking only modifies a negligible elemental resistance that is otherwise useless in combat.

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Emphasizing what was said above: Guardian Deity does not equal Personal Belief.


Religion is pretty up in the air in XIV. The Twelve existed. The Twelve might not have existed. They could be actual gods. They could just be myths and legend. They watch over us. They've been dead for years. No one knows. So just because your Ala Mhigan warrior reveres Rhalgr the Destroyer, as would be expected, it's entirely possible that Nymeia the Spinner, if She exists, might favor you because She's got grand designs for your impact on the world regardless of what you happen to believe. Works in mysterious ways, or something.


In short: Don't sweat it, it really exists only for fluff. You get varying +/- 1-3 points in resistances that total in the hundreds meaning they have less-than-margin-of-RNG impact on you.

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Emphasizing what was said above: Guardian Deity does not equal Personal Belief.


Religion is pretty up in the air in XIV. The Twelve existed. The Twelve might not have existed. They could be actual gods. They could just be myths and legend. They watch over us. They've been dead for years. No one knows. So just because your Ala Mhigan warrior reveres Rhalgr the Destroyer, as would be expected, it's entirely possible that Nymeia the Spinner, if She exists, might favor you because She's got grand designs for your impact on the world regardless of what you happen to believe. Works in mysterious ways, or something.


In short: Don't sweat it, it really exists only for fluff. You get varying +/- 1-3 points in resistances that total in the hundreds meaning they have less-than-margin-of-RNG impact on you.

I hadn't thought of that...I like it! But currently he is favored by the goddess of the sun...which feels dumb. She only likes cats.

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As we find out in the books in the Great Gubal Library (and from other cutscenes, such as the Cape Westwind trial), the way a person in a conquered society becomes a citizen is primarily through military service. That's how the Garleans work. They conquer a nation, then they offer a choice: ignoble servitude as functionally slaves, or the chance to become a citizen in the greatest empire the world has known (so they claim; scholarly types would take issue with that :) ). So, the inhabitants of conquered lands go out and conquer for their masters, secure in the knowledge that success will result in their status being raised.


The Garleans are pretty close to Romans, conceptually, so if you think of conquered cities under Roman rule, you'll be pretty close. Citizens have rights; those who aren't citizens have the right to pay tribute, to scrape and bow, and to do as they're told. Aya's got the right of it from what we've seen in cutscenes.


As a side note, the Garleans actually traded fairly regularly with Ul'dah and Limsa Lominsa before they decided to try to conquer them. Sounsyy has some great lore references on that.

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Emphasizing what was said above: Guardian Deity does not equal Personal Belief.


Religion is pretty up in the air in XIV. The Twelve existed. The Twelve might not have existed. They could be actual gods. They could just be myths and legend. They watch over us. They've been dead for years. No one knows. So just because your Ala Mhigan warrior reveres Rhalgr the Destroyer, as would be expected, it's entirely possible that Nymeia the Spinner, if She exists, might favor you because She's got grand designs for your impact on the world regardless of what you happen to believe. Works in mysterious ways, or something.


In short: Don't sweat it, it really exists only for fluff. You get varying +/- 1-3 points in resistances that total in the hundreds meaning they have less-than-margin-of-RNG impact on you.

I hadn't thought of that...I like it! But currently he is favored by the goddess of the sun...which feels dumb. She only likes cats.


She watches out for cats. You could be turning down a harem that needs you, my friend.

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I will await this mythical Sounsyy


I am myth made manifest!


Hmm... guess I am a Primal...


Ahem, lore:



I read that the Highlander home city was Ala Mhigo, which fell to the Garleans in 1557.

ARR began in 1577, and I don't know what year it is now, but that means a man say age 32 could potentially have been a child when they were defeated.


Ala Mhigo fell to the Garleans in 1557 6AE, or twenty years ago. Because the storyline of FFXIV operates in a time bubble, even though two real years have passed, less than a year has passed in Eorzea, so technically Ala Mhigo still only fell 20 years ago.


Also, it is now the 1st Year of the Seventh Astral Era (technically again), five years after the Calamity. The Year 1577 does not technically exist, because the Year 1577 implies the 1,577th year of the Sixth Astral Era... which never happened because of the Calamity. While 1577 is an easy way to think about and calculate the total passage of time, in RP/IC that year does not exist.


I read that the Highlander home city was Ala Mhigo...


Franz touched on this a bit, but while Ala Mhigo was founded by Highlanders, it was also home to several minority races, including Miqo'te, Elezen, Roegadyn, and Lalafell. Essentially, circa 400 years ago, Gyr Abania was home to several warring tribes of peoples of many races. However, a Highlander King arose from the ashes of war and united the tribes together under his rule. Ala Mhigo has had a king ever since.


Tides of War - (Year 1000~1300)

For the next several hundred years, the city-states exhibit steady progress as they grow and gain power. When they seek to expand their claim on surrounding lands, however, new complications arise. Territorial feuds between neighbors lead to heightened tensions in the outlands. As bloody battles break out across the realm, the balance of power begins to shift. Rivers run with blood while coin flows from the hands of the ambitious into the pockets of mercenaries and sellswords. The warring tribes of Gyr Abania are at long last brought together by the Highlander Hyur, and join to form the city-state of Ala Mhigo.


More Ala Mhigan history can be found in the spoiler below:

Following the unification of Gyr Abania's tribal peoples, Ala Mhigo went on to become one of Eorzea's foremost military powers. Their lancer legions were famed nearly world-wide. Recent lore has also divulged that the Ala Mhigans had Griffin-mounted cavalry. Also during this time period, Ala Mhigo's king assimilated the religious Order of the Fists of Rhalgr into the city-state, granting them immense political and religious power within the nation.


Fantastical winged beasts native to the unscalable peaks of Abalathia's Spine' date=' griffins actually have a long history of serving as mounts. Indeed, before the city-state's fall, the Ala Mhigan army maintained a regiment of griffin-back soldiers who would harry opposing forces.[/quote']


Rise of the Fists of Rhalgr

The monks and the Fist of Rhalgr are interesting in the same way as any other organized relgion - a sad, pathetic, and humorous way. The brothers and sisters of the monkhood are those souls training in the service of Rhalgr, god of destruction among the Twelve. The Fist of Rhalgr is their order.


This barbaric cult traces its origins back several centuries to Ala Mhigo. The Fist teaches those foolish enough to listen that through rigorous training of the mind and body, and with constant invigoration and refinement, one can approach the sublimity of Rhalgr Himself. Such is their power of concentration that they are able to master the aether within their bodies and channel it in a manner that grants them immense destructive power. The monkhood insists on calling this internal essence "spiritual energy" or "life force" - but trust me when I say it is nothing other than aether.


Endowed with this brutish, unthinking gift for hitting things very hard, the entire cult has evolved into a sort of clergy with martial proclivities. This was no doubt a result of their main temple being located in Gyr Abania - a region plagued by warfare where knowing how to protect oneself is essential.


As the years passed, however, what began as a simple group of religious fanatics fighting to protect themselves grew into an ambitious organization of religious fanatics taking part in the region's power struggles. Those in power in Ala Mhigo grew wary of these war priests who proclaimed all their fights to be fought in the name of a god, and who employed deadly force without the slightest hesitation. And so, rather than make enemies of the monks, they decided instead to use them to their benefit.


Through affiliation with the Ala Mhigan royal family, the Fist of Rhalgr was incorporated into the nation's standing army. This not only granted the monks a great deal of power, but furnished them with all of the rights accorded protectors of the citizenry. And their political influence was still growing...



Tides of War - (Year 1000~1300)

For the next several hundred years, the city-states exhibit steady progress as they grow and gain power. When they seek to expand their claim on surrounding lands, however, new complications arise. Territorial feuds between neighbors lead to heightened tensions in the outlands. As bloody battles break out across the realm, the balance of power begins to shift. Rivers run with blood while coin flows from the hands of the ambitious into the pockets of mercenaries and sellswords. The warring tribes of Gyr Abania are at long last brought together by the Highlander Hyur, and join to form the city-state of Ala Mhigo.


Calm Before the Storm - (Year 1300~1500)

Weary of fighting, the people seek to mend bonds that had grown torn and frayed over the centuries. Aggressive tactics are abandoned for diplomacy, and inner city-state commerce is restored. As technology and culture are shared, the nations experience prosperity unseen since the Fifth Astral Era. The city-states of Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, Ul'dah, Ishgard, Ala Mhigo, and Sharlayan have matured, and now become the focal points of Eorzean civilization. Peace, for once, finally prevailed in the land.


However, the opening of these doors eventually lead to the closing of others. Fearing their livelihood will be lost or altered by the influx of new people and ideas, independent craftsmen and warriors alike begin banding together to preserve their trades. They form guilds not only to safeguard their knowledge, but to provide themselves with the wherewithal to form business partnerships which will help assure their financial stability.


Unfortunately, where man treads, peace is never long to last. In an attempt to expand their influence into the Black Shroud, Ala Mhigo exploits the realm's illusion of security and launches a series of large-scale campaigns into Tinolqa which will eventually lead into the onset of the Autumn War.


A New Threat - (Year 1500~1560)

What little magicks the Gridanians have perfected in the generations since their departure from Gelmorra are no match for the sheer martial might of the Ala Mhigan forces, and it appears the sylvan city-state will quickly fall to her invaders. However, in a move most unexpected, the city-states of Ishgard, Ul'dah, and Limsa Lominsa dispatch their armies to Gridania's aid, and just as quickly as the Autumn War began, so it was resolved. Borders are set and treaties are signed. City-states would remain independent, but the rise of one would not be tolerated. And once again peace settled over the realm.


Outside Aldenard, the flames of conquest were only beginning to rise. To the north, on the continent of Ilsabard, the Republic of Garlemald begins overwhelming nearby nations with their iron war machines, seizing their land and consuming their cultures. In the year 1552, the leader of the republic, Solus zos Galvus, declares Garlemald an empire and appoints himself emperor. The new imperial army, now swelling with the might of countless assimilated nations, methodically subjugates the eastern continent of Othard and the remaining lands of Ilsabard, welcoming those nations willing to bow to imperial rule, while erasing those which refuse the Garlean standard.


With two of the three great continents now under its control, the Garlean Empire sets its sights on Aldenard, and in the year 1557, sends the XIVth legion to conquer Ala Mhigo in the first step to bring Eorzea's people under imperial rule. The Garlean Empire renames the conquered city-state and the surrounding lands of Gyr Abania to the Ala Mhigan Territory.


Fall of the Fists of Rhalgr

I confess I find great joy in studying the demise of a religion - and even greater joy in recounting it!


The power of the Fist of Rhalgr grew unchecked in Ala Mhigo, and it was eventually named the state religion. After this, its influence over political, economic, and cultural spheres of life became even more considerable. Needless to say, this did not sit well with one and all. Among them was the last and most ugsome of Ala Mhigan royalty, the King of Ruin - Theodoric. The rise of the Fist meant a potential rival for power, and he would not suffer the monkhood to encroach on his prerogatives.


To counter their claims of religious righteousness, he simply conjured his own out of thin aether, proclaiming that the throne was his by divine right, given him by the word of Nymeia Herself - wife to Rhalgr. He then banned worship and likenesses of Rhalgr and all other gods, and demanded that the prayers and praises of Ala Mhigo be given to Nymeia and Her alone. In doing so, he sought to establish his own absolute, uncontested rule.


Naturally, the Fist and other worshipers of Rhalgr throughout the nation rose in protest, precisely as Theodoric had known they would. He used the uprisings as a pretext to imprison several high-ranking monks, whom he then tortured until they confessed their order's plans to topple his rule. In 1552 of the Sixth Astral Era, Theodoric led a vast army to the site of the monkhood's main temple and surrounded it. Monks, novices, and devotees, including the elders; refugees seeking shelter after the fires of war had turned their homes to ash; servants and peasants hired to do no more than till the fields - none were left alive. The monks fought heroically, but were hopelessly outnumbered. With the massacre of that day, nearly all of the monkhood perished.


The elders, the keepers of the tradition and its knowledge, resided within the temple grounds. It was thought that all versed in the ways of the chakra were lost... But then what of this Widargelt? Just who is he? Perhaps the end of the Fist was not the end of the monks, after all.


And the Fall of Ala Mhigo

As I likely explained if you have ever bothered to ask me about monks and the Fist of Rhalgr, the King of Ruin, Theodoric, was a ruthless despot and tyrant. It should come as no surprise, then, that he was the last king of Ala Mhigo. But the tale of his rise and fall is the stuff we historians live for!


Theodoric's lust for power was such that nothing less than absolute rule would appease him. To counter the political influence of the Fist of Rhalgr, he proclaimed his kingship to be the product of divine will - ordained by Nymeia Herself. What followed was a crusade which sought to exterminate the monks entirely. Yet it was the truly depraved acts of barbarism to come that would shake Ala Mhigan society to its very core. This ensuing era of terror was what earned Theodoric the title "King of Ruin."


After the massacre at the Fist's main temple, religious opposition to Theodoric nearly disappeared altogether. He then began purges of the Ala Mhigan royalty, seeing any and all potential pretenders to his throne dead and buried - regardless of house, loyalties, or standing. Beheadings were commonplae, carried out daily. Before long, it looked as though Theodoric would have no heads left to take. But he then turned his wrath upon any soul with a claim to the throne, no matter how remote. After that, it was to be the empowered nobles and wealthy merchants.


Fearing for their lives, they professed their innocence to the queen, pleading for her to stay her maniacal husband's hand. She attempted words to assuage his lust for power turned lust for blood, but he was deaf to her appeals. Finding no recourse, she conspired with a group of nobles to murder Theodoric. Yet before the regicide could take place, one among them betrayed their plot and for their treason, the king saw them all less a head.


This only served to compound Theodoric's paranoia and insanity. Distrustful of all, his purges now became little more than random executions, claiming lives of noble and beggar and all in between. It is not difficult to imagine what transpired next. The palace became a despicable gathering of sycophants and backstabbers, and the commonfolk scarce left their homes. Seeking heads on which to lay blame for worsening conditions, Theodoric turned the axe upon his most loyal followers. When the oppression became too much to ear, the people revolted and stormed the palace. The royal guard (Corpse Brigade) cast aside their vows and allowed the Ala Mhigans to pass.


A noble revolt? For the best, no? False! It was the absence of leadership and solidarity in the wake of this chaos that prompted Garlemald to attack! In the end, Theodoric was lucid enough to judge suicide preferable to death at the hands of an angry mob. He ended his own life, and with it, his reign of ruin and his own bloodline. Or so it was thought at the time! But Theodred, a nephew to the king, was hidden by his mother in a remote temple of the Fist of Rhalgr which had survived the purges, and thus he escaped his uncle's fury.



(I skipped the lore on The Autumn War, lemme know if you'd like to know more about that.)


This leads nicely into the next bit:




What happens to the citizens of lands conquered by the Garleans? Is it just, "You fly our flag now. Here is your tax estimate." or are they forced into servitude of the Empire?


This was discussed to some degree in this thread on Garlean Occupation. The consensus was that Garlean rule varies based upon the amount of resistance put up by the nation. Willfully obedient nations are left alone except there are Garlean soldiers on their street corners and they are no longer allowed to worship their native "false" deities. Nations that resist or choose to rebel are razed without leniency.


It was also recognized that Othard, a continent that's been under Garlean control for at least 25 years now, has continued to have open trade with Eorzea and in 1.0, there was even Assessors from Mealvaan's Gate in Limsa boarding Garlean trade ships.


I've been assigned to a small trading vessel hailing from Garlemald which is due to arrive in less than five bells. Until then' date=' I must review assessor logs pertaining to goods recently confiscated from imperial soil. We would not have any of their unauthorized technologies falling into the hands of unscrupulous individuals... and this city has more than its share of those.[/quote']


Greetings' date=' my lord/lady. I bring exotic goods from lands far to the east.[/quote']


Similar to Doma, Ala Mhigo initially put up little resistance to Garlean occupation as their nation was utterly shattered by the King of Ruin's madness. Some went so far as to welcome the Garleans. However, when those within the city began resisting complete assimilation, the Garleans slaughtered much of the populace, leading to a mass exodus from the city-state. What able-bodied remained joined the Ala Mhigan Resistance and attempted to wage war against the Garleans.


The Ala Mhigan refugees pleaded with Eorzea to lend them their aid, but the city-states refused and intended to shore up their own resources to defend against the inevitable invasion. (This later led to the birth of the "Adventurer" but that's another story.) When Sharlayan's attempts at a peace treaty failed, the city-state was abandoned and Ala Mhigo was left alone to liberate their homeland. After several failed attempts, Garlemald sought to secure their foothold in Eorzea by building a great wall around the city-state, preventing all access. In a last desperate attempt to scrape a small victory for Eorzea, the Ala Mhigan Resistance managed to slip several of its members into the city-state to act as spies. (This was actually what Minfilia's father died for.)


To the north, on the continent of Ilsabard, the Republic of Garlemald begins overwhelming nearby nations with their iron war machines, seizing their land and consuming their cultures. In the year 1552, the leader of the republic, Solus zos Galvus, declares Garlemald an empire and appoints himself emperor. The new imperial army, now swelling with the might of countless assimilated nations, methodically subjugates the eastern continent of Othard and the remaining lands of Ilsabard, welcoming those nations willing to bow to imperial rule, while erasing those which refuse the Garlean standard.


The rise of the Garlean Empire in the Year 1522 of the Sixth Astral Era led to significant changes in the structure of the Garlean society. This is most evident in the adoption of titles which serve to indicate an individual's place within the social hierarchy. The following information was compiled with the aid of informants within the empire and has yet to be verified:



Zos - The emperor

Yae - Member of the royal family in line of succession

Wir - Member of the royal family with no claim to the throne.



Van - Legatus (Commands a Legion)

Tol - Tribunus laticlavius or Tribunus militum (Commands a Cohor)

Sas - Tribunus angusticlavius or Praefectus castrorum (Commands Castrums)

Rem - Primus pilus or Pilus prior (Commands a Manipulus)

Quo - Primi ordines or Centurion (Commands a Centuriae)

Pyr - Optio, Tesserarius, or Decurion (???)

Oen - Duplicarius or Legionarius (Footsoldier?)



Nan - Chief engineer or engineer

Mal - Primus medicus or senior magitek technician

Lux - Chief medicus or magitek technician

Kir - Senior medicus or senior technician

Jen - Medicus or technician


Public Officials

Iyl - Dictator or Princeps senatus

Het - Consul, Praetor, Tribunus plebis, Aedilis, or Quaestor

Goe - Censor

Fae - Unknown

Eir - Unknown

Dus - Lictor


This hierarchy extends to the general populace as well, though it is far less complex. The majority of citizens bear the "Ban" title, and there is a smaller group which appears to be comprised of respected artisans who have adopted the "Cen" title.


The "Aan" title is bestowed upon the peoples of annexed territories and indicates that they lack even the most basic rights afforded to a citizen. However, many Garleans view this as an opportunity rather than a condemnation, as citizenship may be granted to those who have demonstrated exceptional skills, as well as those who have contributed twenty or more years of military service.




With the Resistance crushed and the newly dubbed "Ala Mhigan Territory" well fortified, the people of the fallen city-state were scattered to the far realms of Eorzea as refugees. Which brings us nicely to...


I'm trying to figure out at what point in his life Thoreaux would have left, and when he became a Limsa Lominsan.


Though now that there is proof they are from Garlemald' date=' there is no reason not to hunt them down and wipe them out before they can cause the same type of chaos Ala Mhigo fell victim to in years past. Memories of the atrocities committed by the Empire still haunt many in this city-state, for a large number of refugees fled to Limsa Lominsa after their nation fell.[/quote']


While Limsa Lominsa, a genuinely open melting pot of cultures, admitted the Ala Mhigans, many others were not so fortunate elsewhere. Many of those who sought refuge in neighboring Gridania were rejected:


Quarrymill was named for the waterwheels that served to process raw stone into building material. Over the years' date=' it has come to be a gathering place for hunters and trappers, owing to its location amidst elemental-sanctioned hunting grounds. Quarrymill is also a place of judgement. All outsiders who wish to dwell in the Twelveswood must present themselves here to have their worthiness weighed by the elementals. Those whose petition is denied cannot remain in the wood, nor can they receive of its bounty. Harsh though it may seem, this has been the way of it since time immemorial.[/quote']


I'm one of the fortunate few Ala Mhigans the elementals've permitted to stay in their wood. While I count my blessings' date=' it breaks my heart to see my compatriots without a place to go.[/quote']


And in Ul'dah, though the Ala Mhigans were permitted to stay, they were met with great discrimination and for a while were not even allowed employment. That is until an Ala Mhigan gladiator named J'moldva.


I ain't no Ala Mhigan. You should say as much yourself' date=' truth or no. Them Ala Mhigans been flockin' into the poor quarters, over there by the Quicksand. Turned the place into a bloody breedin' ground for maladies, they have.[/quote']



Also, I just realized I made a mistake when selecting his patron deity in character creation. Do I have to reroll to change it? It should definitely be Althyk.


Feel free to have your patron deity be whatever you'd like! Most of Eorzea is open to the worship of all Twelve, even if some locations and races may culturally prefer one above others. (Azeyma is famously worshiped by the Seekers of the Sun... but also Lalafell! Dating back to pre-Belah'dian times!) Ala Mhigans, prior to King Theodoric, were primarily believers in Rhalgr, until that was outlawed. Nymeia is another prominent deity in their history as was detailed above. But individuals may choose their own deity, such as Althyk if that best suits your character! There was similar discussion in the general lore thread.



Hope this all helps! ^^


/returns to the aether.

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I see. I see I see I see.


So~ let's see if this works:


Vyce's immediate family was in the earliest wave of refugees to leave Ala Mhigo. His parents were merchants (though they lost 95% of their assets) and knew Limsa Lominsa was their best hope to find sanctuary without eating dirt. They also knew the twelveswood had some sort of trial for entry, and that Ul'Dah was so populated and busy that the most likely outcome was the life of a pauper. In their greed, Vyce's parents purposefully misdirected some refugees away from Limsa in their travels so that they might raise their chances of reclaiming quality of life. Acquaintances and friends from trade took them in until they could get back on their feet, and over the years they did. At the unapologetic expense of others.


Eventually Vyce's father was found by retribution and beaten to death in the name of Rhalgr. His mother remarried a year later to ship captain, and has been sailing the seas with him since the kids left the nest. She, through means unknown, had managed to become an adept Astrologian, but never revealed who trained her. Not even to her kids. She acts as the ship's navigator. She did teach Thoreaux a little about divination.


Thoreaux apprenticed at the Arcanist Guild after his father's death (in case we haven't established the man was a dick, "No son of mine is going to wield anything but a blade. You're a Vyce. Act like it."), studied a little conjury and thaumaturgy, and eventually managed to be a scholar. At age thirty, he has heard there is a resurgence of Astrologians and is determined to become one. And profit.

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