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Looking for Scholars/Scholar RP

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Where are all the scholarly-minded characters hiding? Mercenaries and sex workers seem to be the most common out there. Am I not looking hard enough? I'm new so I don't know most of the good RP spots. Is there a place where the nerdy lore-geek RP'ers hang out? A library somewhere or some woodland gathering?


Please advice, thanks.

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You gave me a new idea, NERDY MERCENARY SEX WORKERS! :bouncy:


On a serious note, there's usually a good number of Scholar-ish type characters at the Quicksand, maybe you are just missing them?


Also there a few LS around that have to do with making discoveries, furthering science and other stuff. Just click the "Linkshell" tab at the top of the page and browse for them!

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You gave me a new idea, NERDY MERCENARY SEX WORKERS! :bouncy:


On a serious note, there's usually a good number of Scholar-ish type characters at the Quicksand, maybe you are just missing them?


Also there a few LS around that have to do with making discoveries, furthering science and other stuff. Just click the "Linkshell" tab at the top of the page and browse for them!

Sorry, already done. 


Also, I have a Scholarly type as well, so I'll look out for you and give you a poke!

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Seldi's an academic, but she's also a keep-to-herself type. However, she's also a courier, and so I can reasonably justify her being anywhere if anyone wants to meet for RP.


How might one recognize her as any kind of academic, you ask?


Well, how many people walk around with massive tomes hanging off their hips that aren't?

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I play a capital-S and lower-case s scholar in Gogonji... but he's the sort who seems knowledge as both a weapon and a commodity for sale. Not to mention he's usually rather difficult to work with. Still, if you can deal with his ego and presentation as "that teacher everyone hates"... he's open for interaction. :blush:

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*drops in*










Nira's expertise is with the school of Arcanima, and she studies the way the scholars of Nym used it as a means of battlefield support. Due to recent circumstances, she lost touch with most of her magical output, but the the knowledge is still there. Even as an arcanist, she has a vested interest in all forms of magic, ranging from Thaumaturgy and Astrologica, to even the most mundane stuff like using crystals to expediate one's craft work, or the workings and applications of glamour prisms. She also tutors others in how they use their own magical abilities, but she's only interested in helping those who have a will to reach out and put in the gods honest effort on their own. Currently, she's out in Idyllshire, but drifts between there and her home in the Lavender Beds of Gridania.

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Thank you all for stopping by and showing yourselves. I'll be certain to poke you guys in game for RP. Lady Rochester, are your character's research articles published at all, or usable/accessible IC in any way? They're amazingly useful.


My character Pious researches History, but I have alts who also research Magic.

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Two out of the three people who run MW are scholarly people and we do expeditions for the sake of SCIENCE!!!!


Ashe is one of those two people....

There are plenty of nerds ICly haha

Ashe studies Allag though >> So it's not really aether based. But his goal is to revive their technology for the sake of...well, that's a secret haha

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