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new to RP where should I start? / new friends

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Hello! Im kind of shy because I dont know where to begin ><" 

So if you have any suggestions on where to begin that would be very helpful hehe


I would also LOVE to make new friends and get to know this community better you can also message me  through direct message on skype :)


Skype: jennie.nguyen11



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Welcome to the world of dreams


A good reference is [The Role-Play Handbook] a great resource and a good read to start with as well as going back to.


I am not sure if there is much RP on your server you may want to come on over to Balmung.


You can also get in on some of the forum RP that is going on here too.

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Welcome to the world of dreams


A good reference is [The Role-Play Handbook] a great resource and a good read to start with as well as going back to.


I am not sure if there is much RP on your server you may want to come on over to Balmung.


You can also get in on some of the forum RP that is going on here too.


I play on JP servers because they don't have Oceania servers, im just scared i might experience major lag if i play on NA servers or European ones

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Most people tend to come up with a general concept for there characters. A basic backstory, profession, and motivation are good places to start. There is a lot of resources here on the RPC in the "Character Workshop" section. You can also look at various characters on the Wiki to get an idea of where to begin with all that. Some people like to make elaborate and planned pasts and futures for their characters, others like to develop things as they go along. Whatever works best for you is the best option here. Either way, designing these things will help you decide on what your character is, and how they'll react with the various situations they come across.


The next step would be to go out in the game and find people who are RP friendly and... well... RP with them. Most of us will put some sort of notification that we're an RPer in our search info. If that's a bit much, you can attend events that people post up on the RPC as well. You can also do some RP on the forum in the IC tavern to get a feel for it all. Whatever way you begin to RP; the best way to learn is to do. You just have to pick up and start.


Your tag there says you're on Tonberry. I'm not sure if there's much of an RP community there, so you might have to do some digging to find folks. If you're capable of being on another server, Balmung and Gilgamesh are the major RP hubs. They're difficult to make a character on though.

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Welcome to the world of dreams


A good reference is [The Role-Play Handbook] a great resource and a good read to start with as well as going back to.


I am not sure if there is much RP on your server you may want to come on over to Balmung.


You can also get in on some of the forum RP that is going on here too.


I play on JP servers because they don't have Oceania servers, im just scared i might experience major lag if i play on NA servers or European ones


Give it a go, I play from UK to US (no EU servers yet). I do use WTFast for raids though. RP wise and casual it is fine without.


Someone may know if there is RP on your zones servers.

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I actually know a few people in the Oceana region who play on Balmung. (And some who even raid, somehow). There can be a little bit of lag, but nothing that'd ever impact RP. ...titan landslides however....that's another story.


Balmung is currently a little hard to get onto. Generally, only a few minutes just after a maintenance ends. ...and if it ends early, right then and there. The other servers are nearly as hard to get on, and you may have some luck with Gilgamesh. There are also a few other smaller RP communities on some of the other servers.


If you've got a character slot to spare, I'd recommend checking Balmung out, although characters transfers have been halted until the European Datacenters are up and running. In the meantime, there's quite a lot on the forums though!

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I would think lag would only be a problem if you wanted to invest a lot into pvp and pve. if you're worried about it for RP purposes I'm sure you could do just fine.


Also just a headsup, nothing comes up when I type in your Skype name.


oh ! sorry i got it the other way around haha i fixed it! thank you for pointing it out !!

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There are a lot of techniques on how to start RP.


Some people go the heavy-writing direction, where they might write out a whole character arc and even ask other players to play complementary characters.  Other people go the improv route, where they put together a blank (a character with a few certain mannerisms they definitely want) and then add on bits as they go until they get a working character.


The former is a great way to work if you have a group together already or if you want to do a lot of off-stage writing.  The latter is a great way to get into it if you can write on the fly and want to develop a niche to slide into.  Most people do a combination of both.


The best advice I can give is to not be afraid to experiment on your character and alter them as you go, especially at first.  That makes sure you aren't shoving a square peg into a round hole and wondering why you don't fit.

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