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Looking for FC/Group of Roleplayers

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I´m a 30 year old Swede currently living in Ireland, with over 15 years of RP experience (I began, as so many others, with pen & paper and then transitioned over to MMO´s). Got a few characters, not all of them notable but interesting in their own way. 


As I due to personal reasons have not roleplayed in more months than I would wish, I am looking for either a FC or a group of roleplayers, open for a person as I. As I do not live in the US, my times are at the earlier part of the days and a bit later on weekends. 


Several years of experience with server wide festivals, RP events, guild-collaborations and more - I´ve always dedicated myself to the "communion" side of roleplaying. Hope to find a new home for myself, and for one/several of my characters. And make some new connections. 


Wish you all a pleasant evening, and I hope to see some replies -chuckles-

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Hello there, welcome to the RPC! :D Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested. We're mostly USA-based, but we do have some EU players or players from other timezones, so there are usually people online at any point in the day.

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Check out the [RP Linkskell & Free Company Lists for Balmung] for things that suit you.


Fell free to come join us in [Hugs & Cakes Link Shell] where there is a nice positive bunch of RPers.


Also my FC is opening its doors again. We are small and focused on player stories, so not sure it meets your expansive collaborating remit.

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Thank you everyone, I´ll make sure to contact you all and see how it fares out. I just want to point out that even though I am an idle helper and I´ve done a lot of things, doesnt mean I wont be equally happy playing a very small part. To me, the important part is the people within the "family" and that the RP brings forth smiles and feelings.

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