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Ohai! New to FF!


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So the main reason I poked into the forum is I've been wanting to get FF14 for awhile, but everyone I know says the RP community has went downhill and I don't like to play MMOs without a good RP to distract me :'D So Im mainly here to peek my head in and see how things are before I waste my money.


As a roleplayer I'm generally someone who makes fun characters for myself and just throws them at others though I tend to be shy about doing walkups. I admit fully to being shipper trash, and I can not turn it off :'D. I've no idea what character I plan to make just yet, since I don't even know if I will be playing but probably a Tomboy drunk character.. I'm terrible, shush.


I'm also a total artwhore I will probably get character art made all the time when it is clear I am staying x3

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Hi! Welcome to the RPC!


If you're looking for a quick run through and just a small peek at the community, the RPC is for you! There's also a large tumblr group and a few other forums for specific servers.


You might enjoy perusing through the Linkshell Hall, Town Square and the wiki, to get an idea of what people use the RPC for. Do note that a significant portion of RPC users happen to be on the Balmung server, which is known for it's dense RP population and character creation locks. (We've got too many people there.) THe Gilgamesh server is usually second largest. Some users are here, others are elsewhere. From there, I usually see Jenova and Siren being the next to biggest communities, but a few of the others have some small groups too.


It's a little hard to judge a particular server wouldn't being on it, however.

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FFXIV roleplaying went downhill??

*looks at the hundreds of people rping*


Well everyone you know must be stupid:thumbsup:

But RP is very much alive and well In Balmung, and can be found in other servers.

What I think they meant was the community kind of went toxic. I've heard some things man :P

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There's typically a bit of a lull in activity if it's been a while since a major update, which I find tends to be true of a lot of MMO RP communities, but the All Saint's Wake event has been a real shot in the arm where general activity is concerned. A lot of events are happening on top of the usual weekly fare, at least on Balmung, and 3.1 is probably going to bring a ton of people back as well.


I haven't even hit 60 myself, so it's all new content to me right now. All the breaks to RP probably aren't helping.


As for what constitutes good RP, well, that's up to you. I've found a little niche on Balmung I'm pretty happy in. You probably could too, since tomboy drunks tend to be popular archetypes with others. :b

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FFXIV roleplaying went downhill??

*looks at the hundreds of people rping*


Well everyone you know must be stupid:thumbsup:

But RP is very much alive and well In Balmung, and can be found in other servers.

What I think they meant was the community kind of went toxic. I've heard some things man :P


Honestly it's one of the best communities I've found when it comes to RP. Now sure, you will always have you share of jerks but hey, have you played any over videogame lately?


I would say go ahead and give us a try!

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FFXIV roleplaying went downhill??

*looks at the hundreds of people rping*


Well everyone you know must be stupid:thumbsup:

But RP is very much alive and well In Balmung, and can be found in other servers.

What I think they meant was the community kind of went toxic. I've heard some things man :P


Every community does, to an extent. If you're judging from tumblr, though, I wouldn't.


But like any MMO, there are ERP spots that are probably best avoided. Some of the starting cities had population shifts when the expansion hit and people migrated to expansion-only maps. It's still a very populated RP server, in my experience.

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FFXIV roleplaying went downhill??

*looks at the hundreds of people rping*


Well everyone you know must be stupid:thumbsup:

But RP is very much alive and well In Balmung, and can be found in other servers.

What I think they meant was the community kind of went toxic. I've heard some things man :P


Honestly it's one of the best communities I've found when it comes to RP. Now sure, you will always have you share of jerks but hey, have you played any over videogame lately?


I would say go ahead and give us a try!

Yeah, but can't blame me for being cautious right? I don't wanna spend money, make a character, then have nothing to do RP wise because of Elitism or such :P


FFXIV roleplaying went downhill??

*looks at the hundreds of people rping*


Well everyone you know must be stupid:thumbsup:

But RP is very much alive and well In Balmung, and can be found in other servers.

What I think they meant was the community kind of went toxic. I've heard some things man :P


Every community does, to an extent. If you're judging from tumblr, though, I wouldn't.


But like any MMO, there are ERP spots that are probably best avoided. Some of the starting cities had population shifts when the expansion hit and people migrated to expansion-only maps. It's still a very populated RP server, in my experience.


Maybe I like the ERP SPO-.. *Shot*


I figured, unsure when I'll get the expansion yet either since I first want to make sure I'll even have RP to do when I do set up my stuff. *Stares at the Mogstation tab they have open*

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FFXIV roleplaying went downhill??

*looks at the hundreds of people rping*


Well everyone you know must be stupid:thumbsup:

But RP is very much alive and well In Balmung, and can be found in other servers.

What I think they meant was the community kind of went toxic. I've heard some things man :P


Every community does, to an extent. If you're judging from tumblr, though, I wouldn't.


there are ERP spots that are probably best avoided.

*ahemm*, Ummm where are these located?


You know, so I umm, know where to go, I mean not to go....

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Speaking of toxic communities word on the street is you should watch out for that Oli guy.


He's horrible, I heard he eats babies.


WoW did it first. WoW did everything first. Before there were even MMOs, there was WoW.


FFXIV roleplaying went downhill??

*looks at the hundreds of people rping*


Well everyone you know must be stupid:thumbsup:

But RP is very much alive and well In Balmung, and can be found in other servers.

What I think they meant was the community kind of went toxic. I've heard some things man :P


Honestly it's one of the best communities I've found when it comes to RP. Now sure, you will always have you share of jerks but hey, have you played any over videogame lately?


I would say go ahead and give us a try!


Yeah, but can't blame me for being cautious right? I don't wanna spend money, make a character, then have nothing to do RP wise because of Elitism or such :P


FFXIV roleplaying went downhill??

*looks at the hundreds of people rping*


Well everyone you know must be stupid:thumbsup:

But RP is very much alive and well In Balmung, and can be found in other servers.

What I think they meant was the community kind of went toxic. I've heard some things man :P


Every community does, to an extent. If you're judging from tumblr, though, I wouldn't.


But like any MMO, there are ERP spots that are probably best avoided. Some of the starting cities had population shifts when the expansion hit and people migrated to expansion-only maps. It's still a very populated RP server, in my experience.



Maybe I like the ERP SPO-.. *Shot*


I figured, unsure when I'll get the expansion yet either since I first want to make sure I'll even have RP to do when I do set up my stuff. *Stares at the Mogstation tab they have open*


If you haven't already, I'd recommend getting the trial of FFXIV first, to at least get a feel for the gameplay. No point in buying a and trying to level up in a game if the game itself isn't even fun to play for you. Square Enix has done a pretty good job in my opinion on the content. FFXIV is what's called a "theme park? MMO, where there will be more things to do than available time. You can however, choose to do whatever you want (once the Main Scenerio Quests are done).



Lucky for you, it's at the central hubs! You should both go to AND avoid the Quicksand! Unfortunately, I hear the ERPers disabled /say and /em because it fills their chatboxes with "serious RP spam".

FFXIV roleplaying went downhill??

*looks at the hundreds of people rping*


Well everyone you know must be stupid:thumbsup:

But RP is very much alive and well In Balmung, and can be found in other servers.

What I think they meant was the community kind of went toxic. I've heard some things man :P


Every community does, to an extent. If you're judging from tumblr, though, I wouldn't.


there are ERP spots that are probably best avoided.



*ahemm*, Ummm where are these located?


You know, so I umm, know where to go, I mean not to go....

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Fair warning if you do make a trial account, you probably won't be able to easily find an open window to create a character on Balmung. Gilgamesh is more likely to be open, but there's less open world and tavern RP than Balmung. You can always try making a character on whatever server sounds good and transfer later, but that's $18.


I've known more than a few people who hate hate HATE (yes they hate it that much) the game's global cooldown and refuse to ever play, so it pays to see if that sort of thing in and of itself is a turnoff to you.

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Fair warning if you do make a trial account, you probably won't be able to easily find an open window to create a character on Balmung. Gilgamesh is more likely to be open, but there's less open world and tavern RP than Balmung. You can always try making a character on whatever server sounds good and transfer later, but that's $18.


I've known more than a few people who hate hate HATE (yes they hate it that much) the game's global cooldown and refuse to ever play, so it pays to see if that sort of thing in and of itself is a turnoff to you.


Its global cooldown?

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Fair warning if you do make a trial account, you probably won't be able to easily find an open window to create a character on Balmung. Gilgamesh is more likely to be open, but there's less open world and tavern RP than Balmung. You can always try making a character on whatever server sounds good and transfer later, but that's $18.


I've known more than a few people who hate hate HATE (yes they hate it that much) the game's global cooldown and refuse to ever play, so it pays to see if that sort of thing in and of itself is a turnoff to you.


Its global cooldown?


Yes, it uses a global cooldown system for skills, with some off-GCD skills for each class.


Here's what some of the gameplay looks like using the controller controls.



You'll see that when one skill is used, a bunch of other ones refresh as well.

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Welcome.  Every community is toxic according to some people.  I came from GW2 which has it's own toxic RP element.  Just typical mmo fare.  Quick note though, there is no rush to get Heavensward.  To access anything in it, aside from the new race, you will have to get to level 50, beat the entire Realm Reborn main story, as well as all the main story patched in up until the expansion.  That...can take awhile.

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It's a roleplaying community, so there's going to be lots of extremes when it comes to "fitting in" with the world. Some people play The Heroes and some people play NPCs. Some people believe you can play anything you want regardless of feasibility and some people believe you should step lightly around the lore. Some people want to jump right in and invest themselves in the big stuff and some want to write quietly in the background of the world.


For the most part the drama's pretty low. There's cliques, because there's always cliques, and there's rumors and misconceptions and biases and all the normal human stuff, but there's also a big wide world full of roleplayers virtually around the clock. You'll hopefully be able to find some folks who share your values and philosophies when it comes to playing pretendy time and you'll have fun. Or, you won't, and you can just chalk your experiences up to bullies and conspiracies and be miserable. That's a lot less fun, though, in my experience.


If you wanted to workshop some characters or feel out some ideas, there's a board for that too, and so long as you speak what you mean (which means having an open mind about critiques instead of just wanting your head patted) a lot of folks are more than happy to give you the lay of the land.


If all else fails, attach to someone powerful politically and collect all the sweet, sweet RP Tax as it funnels through the system.

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If all else fails, attach to someone powerful politically and collect all the sweet, sweet RP Tax as it funnels through the system.

Is this option avaliable to everyone ;D.... *Crickets*

You must have a post count of 100 to apply, as well as a donation of 100,000 gil.

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