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Fallout 4 is almost upon us!

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I plan to go to bed early tonight. The game is due to arrive at some point tomorrow - so hopefully that'll be in the morning rather than the afternoon or evening. With nothing to distract me tomorrow and a good night's rest tonight I think I can count on playing it for most of the day. I've stocked up on healthy snacks and water too...so bar any unforeseen circumstances I'm good to go!

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So how do you plan on playing for the first time?


Do you plan on just making choices as you would if it was you in the game?

Do you come up with a character concept and RP the game out?

Do you maybe just jump in and wing everything as it comes up?


What character type are you leaning towards?

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So how do you plan on playing for the first time?


Do you plan on just making choices as you would if it was you in the game?

Do you come up with a character concept and RP the game out?

Do you maybe just jump in and wing everything as it comes up?


What character type are you leaning towards?

My first playthrought I'll probably be a saint. I played NV like, 8 times, but I never did a single Legion playthrought and that's a fact I am proud.



I'm kind of a puss to be a horrible person in vidya gaems. After my first playthroughts, I'll take more "immersive" playthroughts like I always do.

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I kept wanting to try out playing the bad guy in Fallout 3 & New Vegas but I never managed to bring myself to actually go through with it. I generally prefer playing the 'good guy' or a more morally grey character rather than the sort who just goes around doing really horrific things for the sake of doing really horrific things.

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So how do you plan on playing for the first time?


Do you plan on just making choices as you would if it was you in the game?

Do you come up with a character concept and RP the game out?

Do you maybe just jump in and wing everything as it comes up?


What character type are you leaning towards?


sidequests m8

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How do you all like it so far? I've yet to play it, real life keeps getting in the way!


It's pretty amazing so far. Everything I hoped for and more. Character creation is very in-depth though I went for the default look for my guy since I liked his look and it let me enter the game much quicker. I won't spoil anything, naturally, but the quests I've done so far have been great too.

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They cleaned up a lot of the issues I had with FO3 and NV.


Combat feels good, and there's actual enemy variety now. Yao Gaui aren't just bigger, reskinned molerats anymore and Deathclaws aren't just slightly altered Ghouls. Everything attacks you differently instead of just bee-lining at you.


The animation work is really great; human enemies and companions will use cover as if there were a cover system. Ferals will literally dive at you and crash into the ground in a roll, and Deathclaws zigzag or toss things. The AI still isn't perfect, but its leagues better.


The crafting is just amazing without being tedious or intimidating.


The new Special system is... very different, but not strictly bad, and a lot less frustrating. Its much easier to plan than before if you're into that sort of thing. Thanks to level restrictions, the game will stay balanced longer, at least until you get to 40-50 and you start capping Perks and Stats. 



Overall, I'm impressed. This feels like a much better leap than ES4 to Skyrim was.

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